Newest grandchild

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Sep 28, 2002
This is my oldest daughter Kim's newborn. Her name is Summer. She appears to not be of the Kendig (wife's maiden name) Allan clan persuasion. She has hair at birth. Time will tell, I guess.

Beautiful !

I have five grandchildren myself...3 boys and 2 girls.
2003 Ford Focus SE (2.3L) / 87K
M1 5w20EP / M1 EP filter / OCI: 1 year or 10K
Congrats GA man! Definately a BITOGER in the making.

Beautiful grandaughter.

Me too, I am up to 5 and holding.

4 boys and one girl. 16, 15, 7, 2, 1. (The girl is 7). All are lots of fun.

As someone has said, if I knew grandkids were going to be so much fun, I would have had them first.
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Thanks, gentlemen

I've hardly gotten a chance to hold her. I got some time at the hospital and on one visit. Joyce visits them almost every day. It's close enough to her normal commute that she catches them on one end or the other. She won't be denied. It's some "daughter of my daughter" "creation from my creation" maternal thing (we wouldn't understand

Anyway, Jesse and Kim were really showing the stress from the whole thing, so I've been giving them room. Jesse will be called back to work soon and Kimmie will be alone during the day . I can then drop in and help out or tend to Summer while she does other stuff.

I also found out today that my future 5th grandchild is a boy. I'm uncertain of the due date. My son will have 2 boys and 2 girls. B-G-G-B ..hmm..symmetry and balance.
Congratulations Gary, and the whole family.

Given some of the issues on the way through, this is a wonderful result.
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Congratulations Gary, and the whole family.

Given some of the issues on the way through, this is a wonderful result.

Yes, it's been a difficult and painful path to this happy beginning. Kim was about 7 months on light duty ..weekly exams .. hoping the cerclage was going to hold.

Kimmie has managed all of this pretty well throughout. I'd term her stress as "relief fatigue". She's never been one to feel sorry for herself. She somehow always manages to fill so much of her life with good/fun/joyous stuff that the down sides are drowned out by the volume.

Jesse, otoh, is in uncharted territory and feeling emotions that are new to him. Mr. Hammer & Torch is walking on egg shells and the throttling is difficult for him. The pressure is exiting at right angles.. If you see what I mean. I don't know if I communicated that well. "Stressfully happy" works I suppose.
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