neighbor vandalized my floodlight, my options?

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Originally Posted By: BRZED
What's the latest news?

There is an update today!

So I planted two small arbor vitae trees by the fence a few weeks ago. I have been watering them everyday. they were cheap. anyway, today, my neighbor had landscaper guys install 6 to 7 arbor vitae trees. they have to be 8-10 feet tall. The fence is six feet. He must have spent at least $1500 in trees and labor/delivery. I guess he was not happy with my 45 watt halogen bulbs! Here's his response. new 8-10 foot trees!


landscaping guy putting the trees in!


as a reminder, this is what it looked like before the trees he put in. I guess my fix wasn't good enough.

Seeing the latest pictures and how close you neighbor's window is, I honestly think your light is/was pretty darned ignorant.

could you not have had moon-ray type ground lighting?
I have to say the trees are one of the few good ideas involved in this fiasco. Should give both of you some extra separation.
Originally Posted By: joaks
I have to say the trees are one of the few good ideas involved in this fiasco. Should give both of you some extra separation.

Just wait until the handsaws come out in the AM.
I have to say I like those trees. I would never spend that much money on trees. I got to say my first post in this thread was on 4/11 when he vandalized my floodlights. Here we are on 5/16 and he put trees in. 5 weeks later and he is still worked up over my floodlights and had these huge arbor vitae trees put in. Nope, he never spoke to me about it either.
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Originally Posted By: expat
Seeing the latest pictures and how close you neighbor's window is, I honestly think your light is/was pretty darned ignorant.

could you not have had moon-ray type ground lighting?

I was going to upgrade to LED floodlights later this year before this whole fiasco started. With his huge trees, I can proceed later this year.
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Originally Posted By: Cutehumor
Originally Posted By: expat
Seeing the latest pictures and how close you neighbor's window is, I honestly think your light is/was pretty darned ignorant.

could you not have had moon-ray type ground lighting?

I was going to upgrade to LED floodlights later this year before this whole fiasco started. With his huge trees, I can proceed later this year.

Why not just shut them off for a while? Then he'll think he put those trees up for nothing.
Originally Posted By: whip
To me, it looks like he's still bothered by the lights.

My guess is that although the lights are now less bright and aimed lower without shining into his window, the neighbor is still bothered by seeing the light bulbs themselves. Besides, fights like this do not end even if the cause of the fight has been eliminated. The situation has progressed beyond reason and has developed its own dynamic, which I believe to be unstoppable.
Having read most of the posts, I feel the neighbor tampering w/the flood lights on your property is totally wrong. However, seeing where your floodlights shine and the location of his big windows, I can easily see why he was/is upset. Honestly, this seems like a really nice upper-class neighborhood, is the need for this kind of lighting necessary? Lock the gate., install a "Dual Bright" flood light, one that's dimmly lite and then when motion is detected...full brightness. Too bad it reached this stage when a little communication (and easy solution) could have avoided these bad feelings.
Originally Posted By: sparky123
Having read most of the posts, I feel the neighbor tampering w/the flood lights on your property is totally wrong. However, seeing where your floodlights shine and the location of his big windows, I can easily see why he was/is upset. Honestly, this seems like a really nice upper-class neighborhood, is the need for this kind of lighting necessary? Lock the gate., install a "Dual Bright" flood light, one that's dimmly lite and then when motion is detected...full brightness. Too bad it reached this stage when a little communication (and easy solution) could have avoided these bad feelings.

The idiot refused to simply come over and explain his issues with cutehumor and instead decided to commit destruction of property, vandalism, and trespassing, on numerous occasions, cutehumor should do NOTHING to contact or engage this psycho I definitely believe that doing so could result in escalation of the issues. The ball was left in the criminal neighbor's court and he choses to let it sit there. If he wants to spend big money on trees to block the light let him. I wouldn't say ONE word to that idiot, I also wouldn't look at him or send any social signals (glaring looks, ect) that could be interpreted as a threat, disengagement is the best bet here.
It is possible that the trees blocking the light will at least reduce his own irritation.
Originally Posted By: Wolf359

Why not just shut them off for a while? Then he'll think he put those trees up for nothing.

Ohh thats devious! i like it! If you cut them off for a month it would frost his flakes!
Better yet, swap them out with motion sensor units.
They would then be off most of the time, and even more upsetting.

Had the neighbor chatted with the OP, they might have come to that option right from the start.

Originally Posted By: Bladecutter
Better yet, swap them out with motion sensor units.
They would then be off most of the time, and even more upsetting.

Had the neighbor chatted with the OP, they might have come to that option right from the start.


sorry, I'm not putting up motion sensor for one side. if he asked, I would have said no motion detector. I've already used lower wattage and re-aimed them.
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