Mysterious planet-sized object spotted by Mercury!

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Those are pretty big ejections of whatever is in that flare/wind. Looks to me that what we have is a reflection of the energy off of the surface.








Wow, look at all those spaceships!!!

Seems that if you bombard a mass with a ton of energy, some reflects back with higher intensity, there is a conversion of various energy forms into photons. They are concentrated in that reflective spot. Is light a wave or a particle?

Now, Im sure that there is a lot that we know, that we do not know... if you catch my drift.

But this isnt one of those situations, IMO.
Originally Posted By: 91344George
Of course to us it looks like fantasy, but theoretically time travel is possible according to even OUR own understanding of physics at this time.

You read too much science fiction and watched too much TV but not enough textbook. There are lots of speculation but not yet a theory proven that you can 1) travel faster than speed of light, and 2) go back in time.

Try to do it, and you will for sure win the Nobel Price and becomes the next Einstein.
Been mucking around with an accelerating universe theory, and have come up with some conceptual ideas that don't involve the universe being infinite, yet somehow contained inside a finite construct.

Mobius universe can have the universe accelerating away from a big bang, and simultaneously drawn into the next big crunch, to repeat itself again.

Being that it's a folded "infinite" structure in a compact package, places far away along the linear progression can be close together , seperated by a membrane, or a small "vertical" distance of space/time.

I wish I had the math to be able to expand, but a mobius construct is easier to imagine than an expansive, limitless infinity. (and where is it expanding to ?, and what is in the space that it's expanding into ?)
There is a new theory regarding black holes. That each black hole contains infact, an entire universe. That means our own universe is inside a black hole. And that each black hole in our own universe is ANOTHER universe. I don't know the math, but apparently there is some pretty compelling evidence to it. Interesting theory, if nothing else.
Originally Posted By: PandaBear

You read too much science fiction and watched too much TV but not enough textbook. There are lots of speculation but not yet a theory proven that you can 1) travel faster than speed of light, and 2) go back in time.


The fact is that even our best experts and theorists on quantum physics ADMIT that they still know very little and that certain rules we now have may be invalid...

For your information there are likely other objects that can travel FASTER than light.


Add this fact together that odds are with all those planets , galaxies, starts and the fact that we have discoved planets that have very similar environments to our own and you have to believe that there IS intelligent life elsewhere in our universe, not to mention other universes that may like beyond black holes. Other dimensions anyone?
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Originally Posted By: Nick R
There is a new theory regarding black holes. That each black hole contains infact, an entire universe. That means our own universe is inside a black hole. And that each black hole in our own universe is ANOTHER universe. I don't know the math, but apparently there is some pretty compelling evidence to it. Interesting theory, if nothing else.

Here is an interesting program about the theory that there are infinite number of universes in the cosmos:

Watch "Fabric: Universe or Multiverse?"
Originally Posted By: 91344George


The fact is that even our best experts and theorists on quantum physics ADMIT that they still know very little and that certain rules we now have may be invalid...

There is a difference between what is proven and what is not explainable. Sure they cannot explain what is going on 100%, but you cannot draw conclusion that your theory is right just because others couldn't explain their view.

It is like explain some religious theory just because of some law of physics cannot yet be explained. While it may work in a religious organization, it is not "proven" in science term.

Not saying that what you said is impossible, but not convinced that what you say is possible either.
A second experiment at the European facility that reported subatomic particles zooming faster than the speed of light -- stunning the world of physics -- has reached the same result, scientists said late Thursday.

The "positive outcome of the [second] test makes us more confident in the result," said Fernando Ferroni, president of the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics, in a statement released late Thursday. Ferroni is one of 160 physicists involved in the international collaboration known as OPERA (Oscillation Project with Emulsion Tracking Apparatus) that performed the experiment.
Its clearly a Romulan mothership. The Romulans are the ones with the cloaking device, any Trek geek knows that. Oh well. I'd rather go up against Romulans than the Borg.
Originally Posted By: CivicFan
Here is an interesting program about the theory that there are infinite number of universes in the cosmos:

Watch "Fabric: Universe or Multiverse?"

I've watched that, excellent description but the same problem: they are speculating because they couldn't explain why the universe expansion is accelerating, and then blame it on the possibility of multi-verse and an alternate universe pulling gravity in a different way.

It is possible, but not explained in detail or math on why, and how. Some scientists interviewed also express the concern that it may be something they can never measure or proof.
Originally Posted By: PandaBear

It is possible, but not explained in detail or math on why, and how. Some scientists interviewed also express the concern that it may be something they can never measure or proof.

Unfortunately as you demonstrate, humanity lacks humility enough to admit that our math and science is very very limited in its understanding of not only our universe but even things right here on Earth!

I don't say that it can be "proven", I say REALIZING OUR LIMITED understandings of physics, things we can't conceive of as being REALITY are likely.

The fact that neutrinos have been proven to travel faster than light shows how uncertain our understanding of physics is, especially quantum physics.

I'd tend to give Nicola Tesla more credit than Einstein of course.
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Originally Posted By: 91344George
Unfortunately as you demonstrate, humanity lacks humility enough to admit that our math and science is very very limited in its understanding of not only our universe but even things right here on Earth!

The problem that I have with most of the people who promote alternative science or alternative math is that they have zero grounding in regular science or math in the first place. They tend to claim Einstein was wrong, yet cannot balance a simple chemical equation nor have a clue how to do basic integral calculus.
I'm intrigued with alternate science, can balance a chemical equation, a 210 tonne turbine, and do calculus...forgotten how to derive E=MC^2, but it's been some year since tested on it.

Newton's physics are perfectly valid for the world that you and I typically live, where V is many many times smaller than C. As speeds approach integer fractions of C, Newton's physics is hopelessly wrong, but adding relativistic effects doesn't make cars safer, or buildings more robust.

I am sure that as we learn, Einstein's work will be a valid part of physics, in the range that it works best at.

And nope, I don't subscribe to any theory mobeous universe is the only way I can reconcile expanding accelerating in a volume that is self containing.
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