Mysterious planet-sized object spotted by Mercury!

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Originally Posted By: 91344George
Originally Posted By: PandaBear

You read too much science fiction and watched too much TV but not enough textbook. There are lots of speculation but not yet a theory proven that you can 1) travel faster than speed of light, and 2) go back in time.


The fact is that even our best experts and theorists on quantum physics ADMIT that they still know very little and that certain rules we now have may be invalid...

For your information there are likely other objects that can travel FASTER than light.


Add this fact together that odds are with all those planets , galaxies, starts and the fact that we have discoved planets that have very similar environments to our own and you have to believe that there IS intelligent life elsewhere in our universe, not to mention other universes that may like beyond black holes. Other dimensions anyone?

George: Are you George Noory, host of Coast-to-Coast AM...??
Originally Posted By: Shannow
TP itcher...sounds a tad disfortunate as well

Explain please...
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
My theory is that we finally have found Nibiru, and the Annunaki are coming in 2012 like the Mayans predicted. This is why the book of Enoch is not in the bible.


That was good, Drew99GT!
Did you people forget you need to sling shot around the sun in order to gain enough velocity to travel thru time? This was clearly proven in Star Trek IV and clearly what this is, DUH!
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