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Because if you were ten years older the treatment may not be as extensive. They may not worry about the issue as much....if you get my drift.
But best of luck on your treatment.
So much good info for those who put down Medicare Advantage Plans-excellent info.
It occurred to me, my evaluation was so complete up at Duke University Cancer Clinic of which was all paid for by my Advantage C plan for 3 doctors to consult with my wife and I plus a hospital charge.
My cost was $10 per doctor co-pay and $10 for hospital (I guess because that is where the meeting was and use of the facilities) $40 to talk to 3 top professionals, looking into their backgrounds, many research grants, one of them also a professor ect. You reminded me of something, they also discussed treatment options because I was right at "that age" to go either way. However that was in regard to surgery or radiation. The therapy the same, it still bothers me but the good news is the new PSMA scan didnt pick up any spread that is about as good as you can get. A scan is not absolute but it certainly helps!
Anyway, I thought of your post this morning as the details of another bill came in for the month of Dec (remember as of now I am no longer in an Advantage Plan for 2025 but in Medigap N for this year with also Part D Drug. Both N and D are private insurance that picks up what Medicare A and B doesnt pay.
So the 2024 year Advantage C approved PSMA PET SCAN cost me another $10 *LOL* AS I mentioned before I love Advantage C plans and after this year I may or may be back in one I say almost certain but one thing bothers me if I go back into one you are stuck with ever increasing out of pocket limits and that bothers me. TO switch back to Medigap it isnt guaranteed that they take you unless that plan gets cancelled. Some states like NY I believe require no conditions to get back into Medigap so if this concerns someone you should check your state, there are a few with this rule.
This was my Pet Scan bill for Dec, only the pet scan bill The doctors consultation and hospital use were maybe up to $800 and my cost was $40
Ok, so now, this month Jan 2025 is the first time since turning 65 I have elected Medigap. Just to show the system works and works well, when I signed up for the Part D drug plan, all I did was look at prices online and on Medicare Website which I have an account. I Clicked to join that private drug plan part D on the government website, simple as that, done.. I still dont understand why but my cost is $0 so here I now am, as a cancer patient and clicked on the Medigap website and I have coverage.
Before I did, I checked the plan website to make sure the drug was covered, bottom line is if medicare says it's an approved drug I believe it had to be there and it was.
SO for the heck of since I was just checked to make sure it was approved the doctors didnt think so and I knew before them I simply put in what the cost would be if obtained at CVS even though now that it is prescribed its actually coming from the Medical Facility Speciality Pharmacy and I think the cost is higher then what I am going to show you.
Also it is sold only 30 days at a time which I didnt know, meaning an order has to go in every 30 days from the medical center. SO the pricing here is 90 day supply, not 30. CVS would have charged $7,512 for the first 90 days and then another $7,512 for the next 90 days. I believe but forget the specialty pharmacy at the hospital charges $3000 to $4000 a month and jsut like CVS I am only responsible for a one time out of pocket limit of $2000 for 6 months of a drug that will cost more than the $15,024 listed here.