Musk Says Tesla ‘Dug Our Own Grave’ With The Cybertruck

I saw some photos yesterday of the Cybertruck with a couple of dozen dents in the left side doors from bullet impacts. Elon says he unloaded a magazine from a Tommy gun at it.The .45 ACP rounds didn't penetrate. Of course many other calibers and bullet types would. What was the purpose of the test ?

Oh, to prove Elon is whack. But at least he has a sense of humor. He's also known for being rather dramatic in his statements so I wouldn't take his quote about digging their own graves with much seriousness.

They will sell the Cybertrucks as fast as they can make them and they will be profitable. What does it matter what the owners pay for them or their reasons for wanting one ? Tesla is in the business of selling vehicles (and other products and services) making a profit and being financially responsible towards their shareholders. Hopefully the shareholders will see anything from a reasonable return on their investments up to astronomical returns on their investments. But if some people feel better about themselves by trash talking Tesla owners, have a good time.
Elon was joking about the bullet dents. When he said "dug our own grave" he was being serious about the complexities of the build. Look at the delays!
The Cybertruck is not even delivered yet; its success or failure is yet to to be determined and has a ton of hurdles to cross. What is the use of this vehicle? Target customers? It seems like more of a lifestyle vehicle than a work truck. Who knows?
I believe it will be reliable, like the 3/Y cars, but time will tell regarding viability and profitability. It won't be profitable in 18 months; that would be a miracle.
It might be good for a family, for limited truck use, but certainly not at $100K. Building something this different (strange) is a huge risk, and an expensive one at that.
W.W made the Aztek cool!
FERN green for the win please. IMO I thought the Aztek was practicle and reliable ( If you had a vision of the AMC gremlin pop into your mind well sure. I owed a 1972). Sure can scoot, however not self driving as walter found out in one eposide, when he ended up face to face with a semi. Sort... of... like the Tesla C.T. I would imagine with todays techno adaptable spaghetti boxes at anything north of... well 3 mph so it appears. Even if we pretend that aspect is perfect, they will sell a few but loose money in the end. Ugly, perhaps "Im" in the practicality arena (although that remains to be seen, right).
I saw some photos yesterday of the Cybertruck with a couple of dozen dents in the left side doors from bullet impacts. Elon says he unloaded a magazine from a Tommy gun at it.The .45 ACP rounds didn't penetrate. Of course many other calibers and bullet types would. What was the purpose of the test ?

Oh, to prove Elon is whack. But at least he has a sense of humor. He's also known for being rather dramatic in his statements so I wouldn't take his quote about digging their own graves with much seriousness.

They will sell the Cybertrucks as fast as they can make them and they will be profitable. What does it matter what the owners pay for them or their reasons for wanting one ? Tesla is in the business of selling vehicles (and other products and services) making a profit and being financially responsible towards their shareholders. Hopefully the shareholders will see anything from a reasonable return on their investments up to astronomical returns on their investments. But if some people feel better about themselves by trash talking Tesla owners, have a good time.
If someone really wanted to pierce the door .45 armour piercing rounds or AK-47 rounds would do it. What about the windows that he claimed would be "bulletproof "? Must did state in the Q3 earnings call that a few would be built in 2024 but mass production won't hit till the end of 2025. So really 2026? Anyone want to bet how long it will take for one to show up on Copart? It took exactly a week for the first Lamborghini Urus to end up on Copart. Apparently rich people can't drive.
If someone really wanted to pierce the door .45 armour piercing rounds or AK-47 rounds would do it. What about the windows that he claimed would be "bulletproof "? Must did state in the Q3 earnings call that a few would be built in 2024 but mass production won't hit till the end of 2025. So really 2026? Anyone want to bet how long it will take for one to show up on Copart? It took exactly a week for the first Lamborghini Urus to end up on Copart. Apparently rich people can't drive.
True, but in the spirit of antiquated ICE technology I'd like to take my 1943 Winchester Garand and some FMJ Ball ammo and fire a few rounds at it. The smart money is on the 80 year old rifle/bullet combo punches holes right through it. ;)
Well then the only people that will buy it are the existing Tesla owners who want to feed their superiority complexes. They drive a "superior" car or truck because they are smarter, wealthier, and more virtuous than you.
Do you have ANY proof of this?

I reflect on other posts:
1) Machine gunning a product which may include bulletproof glass sounds like a cheap shot news/publicity stunt.
2) Is it possible this thing was designed to be a serve as a 'flagship' for small business fleets of regular vehicles?
3) Anybody have any real data on how many "show-offs" there are who'd buy this thing?
4) Given the failures of extreme EVs (Ford's questionable Lightening + GM's money losing car, both mentioned above); do people think a new assembly plant wouldn't be designed to drop this thing in a heartbeat if necessary- and assemble more normal vehicles?
5) If $100 deposits are real, refunding a slew of them is no big deal.
6) I wouldn't be surprised if these things were never built.
Ugly is an unpardonable sin in any product that is essentially a luxury. But even ugliness aside, what capability does the thing offer that makes it a compelling value in any way? Can it two especially heavy? Have extra long range? Is it amazing off-road or something? No?

Well then the only people that will buy it are the existing Tesla owners who want to feed their superiority complexes. They drive a "superior" car or truck because they are smarter, wealthier, and more virtuous than you.
It is clear that a lot of people feel this way about Tesla owners, and I am sure there are plenty of Tesla owners who fit your description.
You can make the same case about people who own Corvettes, Porsches, BMWs, Caddys, MBZ, you name it. Of course everyone needs a BroDozer and/or a shiny $100K F-150 for Costco runs, right?

All good.
Elon was joking about the bullet dents. When he said "dug our own grave" he was being serious about the complexities of the build. Look at the delays!
The Cybertruck is not even delivered yet; its success or failure is yet to to be determined and has a ton of hurdles to cross. What is the use of this vehicle? Target customers? It seems like more of a lifestyle vehicle than a work truck. Who knows?
I believe it will be reliable, like the 3/Y cars, but time will tell regarding viability and profitability. It won't be profitable in 18 months; that would be a miracle.
It might be good for a family, for limited truck use, but certainly not at $100K. Building something this different (strange) is a huge risk, and an expensive one at that.
Nope, he wasn't joking. Counted the bullet dents in the door 50, which is what a Thompson Drum holds.
And to think someone is out there paying a $2000 tax stamp to carry a full auto Thompson to the next liquor store is the real joke.
As others have said Get real Elon. See how that door holds up to a 9mm or a .223 or an AK then you'd be saying something.
Do you have ANY proof of this?

I reflect on other posts:
1) Machine gunning a product which may include bulletproof glass sounds like a cheap shot news/publicity stunt.
2) Is it possible this thing was designed to be a serve as a 'flagship' for small business fleets of regular vehicles?
3) Anybody have any real data on how many "show-offs" there are who'd buy this thing?
4) Given the failures of extreme EVs (Ford's questionable Lightening + GM's money losing car, both mentioned above); do people think a new assembly plant wouldn't be designed to drop this thing in a heartbeat if necessary- and assemble more normal vehicles?
5) If $100 deposits are real, refunding a slew of them is no big deal.
6) I wouldn't be surprised if these things were never built.
The wonders of social media, there is no bulletproof glass in a Tesla
This thing has been considerably delayed, like most Tesla models, but it will arrive.
Who'll buy it?
People with the hitting power to pay cash or get financing on a $100K vehicle who like the unique and outrageous look.
Not my cup of tea, but there are many who will have it high on their lists.
No way on this earth I'd part with that kind of coin for any car, but there are many who would and will.
I'd feel like a complete idiot driving that thing around.
I don't know what you mean


LOL. Not even close. The Cybertruck won't make or break Tesla. The low cost model priced under the Model 3 and autonomous driving might.

Why is this news? Every Tesla comes 5 years late well above the so called base price. Nothing new.

As for Elon says a lot of things that literally mean nothing and either never happen or come 10 years late.

The thing that might sink Tesla is the same thing that might sink homes and the overall auto market.

All signs say there is about $300b bad repro debt in the auto market despite the majority of it being owed by 6 figure individuals with exceptional credit.
Go figure the real deadbeats are the 1% exceptional credit crowd who have been loosing work.
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