According to oil and bike manufacturers their motocycle oils have superior wear protection, engine cleanliness, high-temperature stability, lower volatility/lower oil consumption and often better anti-corrosion performance. For a.m. reasons it is not recommend to use passenger car oils in bikes.
OK, most likely it's true. Then why would not we use a good motorcycle oil for 4-stroke engines in a car engines ? Think we may disregard an impact on catalytic converters for the following reasons:
1). lower volatility, if it's so, should offset a higher phosphorous level;
2). higher phosphorous does not yet mean this will damage the converter faster because the process of its giving off depends more on additive chemistry;
3). gas is not perfect everywhere too and it may content so many impurities that they can kill converter earlier then phosphorous.
Where the truth ?
OK, most likely it's true. Then why would not we use a good motorcycle oil for 4-stroke engines in a car engines ? Think we may disregard an impact on catalytic converters for the following reasons:
1). lower volatility, if it's so, should offset a higher phosphorous level;
2). higher phosphorous does not yet mean this will damage the converter faster because the process of its giving off depends more on additive chemistry;
3). gas is not perfect everywhere too and it may content so many impurities that they can kill converter earlier then phosphorous.
Where the truth ?