Motorcraft 5W30

Aug 10, 2020
Golden Meadow, LA
2 cases of this oil, SN rated, had been sitting on the shelf at work forever. Manager let me have both cases for $45.16, $1.88 a quart. Was that a good deal?

After SN came SN Plus
After SN Plus came SP
I'm guessing your haul might be five+ years old.

How long will it take you to burn through those two cases?
I wouldn't worry about the oil being 5 years old....I've used oil much older than that and had excellent UOAs.
And yes that's a good deal on a very good oil IMO.

Exactly… Some items have an expiration date and I’m like ahhhh… Who gives a number2 about that in this case ?

Eggs.. Milk, meats, mayonnaise, salad dressings, produce… Ok. Definitely needed there. Motor oil that has been refined to a group 2 and or group 3… Yeah who gives a hoot.
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