Mobil ow40,10w30HM or EP which cleans best!?

Aug 8, 2005
stamford, CT
As title says...which one would clean best,or rather has the most ester or AN ? I've read quite a bit here on 0W40 cleaning. Read Mobil HM synthetic said just like the EP back bottle,cleans up sludge in one tank. Any truth too that ,the HM synthetic?
Cleaning sludge is different than cleaning varnish or deposits. However if one of those grades contains a good amount of AN, then it's likely it can clean well with high solvency. No one can really answer this question but if I had to guess I'd say the 0w40.

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As title says...which one would clean best,or rather has the most ester or AN ? I've read quite a bit here on 0W40 cleaning. Read Mobil HM synthetic said just like the EP back bottle,cleans up sludge in one tank. Any truth too that ,the HM synthetic?
Nobody knows.

Per the website and PDS dated today, M1 HM 10w30 does not state that it will clean, but it will prevent "...prevent deposits and sludge buildup - keeping critical engine parts clean.." and M1 0w40 states "Provided exceptional cleaning power for your engine".
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As title says...which one would clean best,or rather has the most ester or AN ? I've read quite a bit here on 0W40 cleaning. Read Mobil HM synthetic said just like the EP back bottle,cleans up sludge in one tank. Any truth too that ,the HM synthetic?
What problem do you have exactly? Sludge, varnish, or what? How bad is it and where in the engine?
Neither will clean much at all. See this post:

Post in thread 'Filter pictures HPL 0W30 6,000 miles, 2002 Volvo XC70'

200,000 miles of oil like that* made exactly zero difference. Zero cleaning was done. These are all great oils, and the car still has its original turbo with nearly 300,000 miles, but they don’t clean.

If you want an oil that cleans, that has PAO and AN, then there is one good answer.

*Castrol 0W40, Mobil 1 0W40, and Pennzoil Ultra Platinum Euro 0W30.
The new triple action formula has done something to reduce consumption in my altima. It always had about a quart go missing after 3000 miles whether it was m1 annual protection or the old formula m1 EP or valvolin advanced synthetic. But after 3, 3500 mile OCIs with triple action m1 EP i saw consumption slowly decrease to 1/4 of a quart after 4500 miles on the 4th OCI. Who know what it was doing but im not complaining
So,how many here would choose Mobil 0w40 or extended performance 10w30, for cleaning an engine?
Since they don’t clean, I’m going to go with “zero”.

They will do a good job keeping it clean and they will do a good job lubricating the engine, but neither will do any actual removal of existing deposits.
Has Mobil1 changed there formula in their 0W40 FS?

Was watching a video from SPEEDiagnostics, and in the comment section someone mentioned a change in formula, in which he replies...they haven’t noticed much difference in the batches they’ve tested. I guess what I’m wondering is...have they dropped their percentage of esters and PAO? Like they did in the 0W20 EP?
Has Mobil1 changed there formula in their 0W40 FS?

Was watching a video from SPEEDiagnostics, and in the comment section someone mentioned a change in formula, in which he replies...they haven’t noticed much difference in the batches they’ve tested. I guess what I’m wondering is...have they dropped their percentage of esters and PAO? Like they did in the 0W20 EP?
Yes. Entire Mobil 1 line has changed around 06/22 to their next gen. 0w40 FS is still PAO/GTL but not SP (Mg/Ca).


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Since they don’t clean, I’m going to go with “zero”.

They will do a good job keeping it clean and they will do a good job lubricating the engine, but neither will do any actual removal of existing deposits.
So for existing deposits, Mobil extended performance? Redline or amsoil SS perhaps?
You may be better off using something like Rislone before your next change(s) if you have a sludge problem. Valvoline also makes a restore product that has mucho ester and pao that I hear cleans extremely well. Maybe clog your galleys with coke well.
So for existing deposits, Mobil extended performance? Redline or amsoil SS perhaps?
I am a fan of cleaning slowly, meaning with the oil itself and not solvents that can liberate too much junk at once and cause problems in an engine that is otherwise OK.

My experience with my wife’s V70XC, in the thread I linked above, as well as with several other cars, shows me that an oil with ANs and PAO will start cleaning the deposits left untouched by the excellent oils you listed. I have no experience with Redline, but others suggest it works. You need slightly polar base stocks.

You can tell from my signature which one I’ve chosen.