Mobil 1 (5W30) compared to Red Line (5W30)

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Apr 23, 2003
The Bay Area
Hi, everyone!

Is Red Line worth the extra three dollars over Mobil 1 in this viscocity (5W30)? What benifits would I have running Red Line over Mobil 1 at 5,000 mile intervals?

Just need some justification for running Red Line in a 2003 Mustang premium GT.
The Redline 5w-30 will have the film strength of another brand's xw-40. I believe the Mobil 1 10w-30 mixed with some M1 15w-50 would be much better than M1 5w-30 since cost is an issue.

Another option would be GC 0w-30 since its a heavy 30 weight and could easily do 5,000 miles.

If you used some lubecontrol with the Redline, you could extend the drain interval past 5,000 miles.

[ April 02, 2004, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: John in the ATL ]
IMO, Amsoil and M1 are better extended drain oils. I look to RL for for very "hard" driving conditions. I havn't seen anything yet that suggests RL is better at longer drains then Amsoil/M1.
To me, no. I have been running M1 5w30 in Toyota Landcruisers, Corvette Z06 for app total of 660k miles.I also have been running Mobil Delvac One aka Mobil One truck and suv formula. In addition, I have been doing app 15,000 mile oil and filter change intervals.

I personally would have no qualms in running Redline, M1, Mobil Delvac One or Amsoil. The reason I have been running Mobil One is it is cheaper per quart than Redline or Amsoil and is available almost anywhere and goes on sale!
All great responses, thanks!
mf--RL 5W-30 is slightly thicker (10.6 v. 10) than M1 5W-30) at 100°C., but more importantly IMO, its HT/HS viscosity is 23% higher (3.8 v. 3.1).

Use RL; I just switched from M1.

Originally posted by Patman:
Redline's tech data shows it's viscosity at 10.6 at 100c, but in reality I believe it's closer to 11.5

I totally agree with Patman! First, the RL 5W-30 had consistently 5lbs. more oil pressure when hot than any other oil I had in the Vortec 5.3 and second the UOA on this oil in the 5>3 showed a SUS Visc. @ 210F of 62 . ...after 3000 miles in the engine
If you want more viscosity with higher hths, mix em' You can mix 3 quarts of M1 5W-30 and 2 quarts of M1 15W-50 and have one killer oil a lot cheaper than redline.
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