Manhattan Health Insurance


$200 Site Donor 2023
May 5, 2018
I hope this doesn't go where I think it will. Correction..I know it will 😆
Seriously I talked to an insurance agent yesterday for new health insurance. His first name "Chance" gave me pause..

He sends me a PDF file and calls later. I didn't like the insurance at all.

This is what I don't get or believe. He tells me you get 10 prescriptions per year paid for. Now the limit is $75 a prescription. He says you upload the receipt to the phone and they mail you a check. Okay no big deal. I said I only take two and I get them at Walmart for $10 for 3 months each.
He said then you will get reimbursed $75 for each. I said they're $10. each. He said yes but we pay $75 for each.

Then he went on to tell my his buddy got procedures done and negotiated cash discounts and he made $1200 off of a colonoscopy and $100 on each office visit and so on.
True or not I bailed...
Anybody have this health plan? I don't like hustling for cash discounts. My dentist only gives you 3% off for cash.
I hope this doesn't go where I think it will. Correction..I know it will 😆
Seriously I talked to an insurance agent yesterday for new health insurance. His first name "Chance" gave me pause..

He sends me a PDF file and calls later. I didn't like the insurance at all.

This is what I don't get or believe. He tells me you get 10 prescriptions per year paid for. Now the limit is $75 a prescription. He says you upload the receipt to the phone and they mail you a check. Okay no big deal. I said I only take two and I get them at Walmart for $10 for 3 months each.
He said then you will get reimbursed $75 for each. I said they're $10. each. He said yes but we pay $75 for each.

Then he went on to tell my his buddy got procedures done and negotiated cash discounts and he made $1200 off of a colonoscopy and $100 on each office visit and so on.
True or not I bailed...
Anybody have this health plan? I don't like hustling for cash discounts. My dentist only gives you 3% off for cash.
This isn't called Sidecar Health, is it? My company went with them, Sidecar still owes me $13K from last year...
I doubt it has anything to do with New York or any other place with strict anti-fraud laws.
My buddy is smart and he works for a financial co with great bennies, free gourmet lunch, unlimited sick, 6 weeks off day 1, etc etc. but the health care blows like it does for many.

He’s smart and even though he has 3 kids and a wife, and is about 50, he does a HSA!!

He told me (and I believe him) that with the high deductible and max out of pocket and the high payroll deduction as with the PPO offered, he’s better off with a HSA even if he has something happen. Again my belief is the employer wants employees on HSAs and has structured the plans as such, esp with the payroll deduction.

My way? Assume the worst. How much is a hip replacement? It pays to know how much a $42,000 procedure would cost under each plan. It could happen.

Well, the other side is he haggles with providers and has to check the price ahead of time. For example, when I had my employer’s PPO I was in for a rude awakening when I did my ultrasounds in a hospital. He said don’t do that they’re expensive (yeah but walk right in not a 2-4 week wait on a weekend).

I do believe it’s come down to getting treated is like buying a car 😂
I hope this doesn't go where I think it will. Correction..I know it will 😆
Seriously I talked to an insurance agent yesterday for new health insurance. His first name "Chance" gave me pause..

He sends me a PDF file and calls later. I didn't like the insurance at all.

This is what I don't get or believe. He tells me you get 10 prescriptions per year paid for. Now the limit is $75 a prescription. He says you upload the receipt to the phone and they mail you a check. Okay no big deal. I said I only take two and I get them at Walmart for $10 for 3 months each.
He said then you will get reimbursed $75 for each. I said they're $10. each. He said yes but we pay $75 for each.

Then he went on to tell my his buddy got procedures done and negotiated cash discounts and he made $1200 off of a colonoscopy and $100 on each office visit and so on.
True or not I bailed...
Anybody have this health plan? I don't like hustling for cash discounts. My dentist only gives you 3% off for cash.
My brother in laws union allowed up to six additional family members to be added for life insurance no cost and some kind of basic insurance. I told the guy send me information and I'll look into it. No call, no information sent. I decided that I didn't need it, and Honestly the fewer times my personal information is obtained the better. I'm assuming your guy might be on commission? This guy became down right rude when I told him no thanks n
He told me (and I believe him) that with the high deductible and max out of pocket and the high payroll deduction as with the PPO offered, he’s better off with a HSA even if he has something happen. Again my belief is the employer wants employees on HSAs and has structured the plans as such, esp with the payroll deduction.
I do the HSA at my company - assuming everything in network:
Individual deductible: $1600
Individual OOP Max: $3,600
Family deductible: $3,200
Family OOP Max: $7,200

Company HSA contribution between $0 and $1,100 for individual; $0 and $2,200 for family depending on income.

PPO Option:
Individual deductible: $600
Individual OOP Max: $2,500
Family deductible: $1,200
Family OOP Max: $3,800

Monthly Premiums: Self/Self & Spouse/Self & Kid(s)/Family
HSA: $71/$157/$127/$226
PPO: $158/$350/$282/$502

Upfront cost savings of $3,300 for family coverage + company HSA contribution + ability to save in HSA makes me willing to roll the dice. I know some are terrible (as is some PPO coverage).