Malaysia Airlines 777 loses contact...not found

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Originally Posted By: ryansride2017
After 10 days, I don't think the debris field would be tucked so close to the plane.

Excellent point.
Originally Posted By: ryansride2017
After 10 days, I don't think the debris field would be tucked so close to the plane.

Yep, unless the time and date material are incorrect. Which I tend to doubt.

This whole thing smells, and what intrigues me is that the mass media seems to be in on it somehow, just like they were with 9/11

I wonder also if the event helps to distract from some other event that the powers that be have up their sleeve?
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You're gonna trot that BEE ESS out again? Thoroughly debunked dude; they knew building 7 was going down at that point and had alerted the media. It's all out there in the public record but you just want to believe so much that others control you. What a waste of free time.
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Conspiracy theorists love to say the mass media is in on it, but can't say what it is they are in on!

There are so many news outlets that would love to break some huge scandal or cover up that it would come out. But you have to evidence in order for a reputable news agency to do such.
Ok, back on subject................

The Hard Left was preprogrammed, and happened right after one of the pilots said "all right, good night".

Looking like the pilot(s) did it.

What about the planes computer system being hacked, it can be done.

Lots of experts are saying that this was a highly professional job most likely.

Who would have that knowledge?
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Originally Posted By: antiqueshell
This whole thing smells, and what intrigues me is that the mass media seems to be in on it somehow, just like they were with 9/11

Please -- step away from the keyboard and do something productive with your time.
If the plane crashed, why there is no ELT locator activated? Can they too be disabled from the flight deck? If not, then it means that the plane has landed. It is also obvious that if it has landed, until authorities take the possession of it, we will NOT be told. I know this sounds extremely far fetched and bordering on lunacy but there is no better competing theory explaining the missing plane.

The big assumption is that the plane has 4 independent ELT ( I read that in one of the pilot blog) and they can NOT disabled from inside the plane (I am guessing). If they were tampered with on the ground before the flight took off, then the assumption fails.
It's my understanding that the ELT locator is a very faint signal, and since the potential flight path is huge it's making it pretty much unusable in this scenario.
Originally Posted By: antiqueshell

What about the planes computer system being hacked, it can be done.

Lots of experts are saying that this was a highly professional job most likely.

Who would have that knowledge?

The airplane computer system doesn't run windows or another OS that would allow code rewrites. Honeywell owns the code, it's not public. Not a hacker area of expertise.

Further, the only interface with the computers is the data loader in the cockpit. It uses floppies. No wifi, no internet that allows external access.

The people saying that stuff don't know much about airplanes. Easier than breaking into the cockpit to then use floppies would be breaking into the cockpit and just flying the airplane. No hacking. No crazy theories. Program the computers the way that the pilots do: manual inputs to the FMC via the touchpad on the CDU.

Hacked? No...
Originally Posted By: friendly_jacek
Do they work at the depth of up to 8 km (Indian Ocean)?

Yes. Work and survive, just like AF 447. But radio is attenuated by that much water, so while it may be broadcasting, if it's deep, it won't be received...
Originally Posted By: antiqueshell

What do you call a military (the US military) that has murdered tens of millions of innocent civilians in the Middle East, Latin America, and Asia? Are they any less sinister, radical, underhanded, or destructive?

Again, where is the proof? You claim it, but instead of backing it up, you move on to long debunked 9/11 crackpot conspiracy theories.
Originally Posted By: Trajan
Originally Posted By: antiqueshell

What do you call a military (the US military) that has murdered tens of millions of innocent civilians in the Middle East, Latin America, and Asia? Are they any less sinister, radical, underhanded, or destructive?

Again, where is the proof? You claim it, but instead of backing it up, you move on to long debunked 9/11 crackpot conspiracy theories.

There will be none. He is just pushing his religion to make a buck off of some poor soul whom is gullible enough to believe him. After the "outing" the nWo the spewing of his rhetoric of keeping a certain population "pure" will commence again.
Originally Posted By: antiqueshell
Originally Posted By: Pablo
Originally Posted By: antiqueshell

What do you call a military (the US military) that has murdered tens of millions of innocent civilians in the Middle East, Latin America, and Asia?

What I find interesting is that nobody thinks of the Israelis as terrorists, yet back in the 1920s and 1930s......
Murdering and killing tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians.

Tens of millions?

Please cite 3 credible sources for this view of history you have concocted. In both cases.

Then I want to find out how you got brainwashed. Please give a little synopsis of your personal education.

The US gov't and the US mass media would most certainly be your "credible" sources no doubt. LOL crackmeup crzy

With such an anti-military opinion you are a logical replacement for Chuck Hagel.
I hope this scenario is not the case.........

The passengers were killed immediately.
That's why it went up to 45,000 feet.

The cabin was depressurized when the captain said 'good night' and turned out the lights. All on board lost consciousness and when he brought it up to 45,000 feet, they all died within minutes.

That is why their cellphones continued to ring in their pockets and purses when relatives called. They were all dead. There would be no resistance nor counterattack.

They wanted that plane - that was the prize.

They have it as it did not go into the water, but flew for 7 hours. It is now in Pakistan being fitted for its final mission.
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