Looking for advice on running ethernet cable up in a wall

Mar 10, 2013
I have my router on the first floor. I am using a powerline adapter to get ethernet to my desktop in the room right above but it kind of sucks. I want to install an ethernet cable from the first to second floor. The issue is its an exterior wall. I tried to run fishtape down the wall but i run into some time of obstruction. There is insulation in the wall so i cant really see down it. I dont know what my next move should be.
The obstruction is probably the sole plate of the 2nd floor. Almost never, unless the house is really old and constructed with "balloon framing", will you be able to fish from the 2nd floor down to the 1st.

When I've done it in the past I've had to cut holes in drywall in closets (where a drywall patch is hidden) to drill holes to run the cable. Sometimes I've been able to find a chase for a return air duct that goes between floors and used that, and went into the attic and then down into the room where I wanted the coax or ethernet outlet.
I had my builder install a plastic conduit pipe from the basement to the attic. To run my lines from the first floor to second floor, I go down from the first floor to the basement, then up the basement to the attic, and then down the wall to the second floor. That was 20 years ago. I'd stick with wireless internet today.

My desktop in wired and my laptop is wireless and I don't notice any differences in speed. Can you throw in a wireless ethernet card into your desktop?
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I have seen a demo of a tool where you can attach a piece of metal to the cable, push it in the wall cavity and then use a magnet on the room side of the sheetrock to move the cable up the wall.

Looked clever in demo. Real world might be different.
I have my router on the first floor. I am using a powerline adapter to get ethernet to my desktop in the room right above but it kind of sucks. I want to install an ethernet cable from the first to second floor. The issue is its an exterior wall. I tried to run fishtape down the wall but i run into some time of obstruction. There is insulation in the wall so i cant really see down it. I dont know what my next move should be.
You dont say the age of your home but insulation in a wall is rough. Also what type of home.
Where is your router on the main floor?
1. Is it near a closet? You can run a wire up in the corner of a closet if its a cape style home and punch through the closet ceiling into the attic, run across the attic to the wall you need it at.

2. You dont say what type of exterior siding you have but if its vinyl siding that isnt brittle from the sun, you can push through the outside wall peel up a strip of siding (easy stuff, ask a siding guy if unsure) run it under the siding to a corner of the outside wall, tuck it under the corner molding, up to the second floor, then under the siding to the second floor room. Using your fist, the siding snaps back into place.
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Do you have forced air heating? You can run CAT 6 plenum cable through your cold-air returns to your basement. Then getting from your first floor to your basement would be a lot easier.
Thanks for the suggestions. I ended up buying some moca adapters im going to test out.