Looking for a New Oil Filter

I meant to ask if Premium Guard makes Pentium. I mistyped. The abbrev and acronyms gets confusing.

This is the company below who makes the majority of the oil filters for Premium Guard and the other brands listed on this web page afaik and you will notice there is no Pentius listed when you scroll down. They have a factory in Vietnam and also China. https://afifilter.com.vn/san-pham-cong-ty/
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I think when autostores say 20 microns (or less) they're trying to mislead us with excessive optimism. When they say 25 they're being honest and realistic. When they say 30 they're being honest and conservative. IMO
They shouldn't be claiming better than it is based on an ISO 4548-12 test. They could claim a little worse that it really is (like Fram did with the OG Ultra example pointed out above) just to ensure no competitors are going to call them out for false claims.

99%@30 microns is excellent, IMO. It's a lot finer than Baldwin's 99%@40 microns, or whatever Wix is (which is larger than 40). The AC Delco Ultraguard Gold UPF47R claims 98% @ 30 microns. So I think 98% or 99% @ 30 microns sets the bar for excellence.
99% @ 30u is average ... OK for 5K OCIs. The Big 3 automakers came up with USCAR-36 spec that defines minimum oil filter performance specs, and USCAR-36 states a minimum of 95% @30u.

I think 40 is better than average. I think average is around 45-47 IMO. So I'm happy with anything 40 or less. Overjoyed with 30 or 25.
99% @ 45-47u is on the most least efficient side of the oil filter efficiency scale.
They shouldn't be claiming better than it is based on an ISO 4548-12 test. They could claim a little worse that it really is (like Fram did with the OG Ultra example pointed out above) just to ensure no competitors are going to call them out for false claims.

99% @ 30u is average ... OK for 5K OCIs. The Big 3 automakers came up with USCAR-36 spec that defines minimum oil filter performance specs, and USCAR-36 states a minimum of 95% @30u.

99% @ 45-47u is on the most least efficient side of the oil filter efficiency scale.

I didn't mean average for a filter. I meant average for people. At least for those who are not BITOG members. Cause most people I know use Wix.

Wix (in its heyday and even now) was/is most peoples go to filter, at least in my local area. Therefore, the filtration efficiency of Wix is what most people (who aren't at BITOG) were/are getting.

I estimate Wix always was and still is filtering around 99% @ 45-47 microns.
Wix has always been on the least efficient side, but using Wix was (and still is) the norm in my local area.

Wix 51036 claims 50% @ 21 microns and has never has listed a figure for 99% because they don't want us to know. Baldwin claims 50%@18 and 99%@40. Whatever micron size Wix filters at 99%, it's >40 microns. Likely 45-47 microns. Since most local people I know use (or used) Wix for decades, that means their 99% filtration was/is >40 microns. Likely 45-47 microns.

So less than ideal filtration was and still is common, but I don't know of anyone's cars being damaged by that. At least not in short term.

Getting a filter with 99% @ 30 microns would be a huge improvement and better than most (non BITOG members) people who I know are getting. In fact getting 99%@30 would be a huge improvement for me because I've been using Baldwin (which filters better than Wix, but not good enough).

My bottom line point is that most of the public does not have good filtration, but they have good enough filtration to muddle through, oblivious. Thanks to this thread and BITOG I will have better filtation in future.
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Yes, but Wix (in its heyday and even now) was/is most peoples go to filter, at least in my local area. Therefore whatever filtration efficiency Wix has is what most people (who aren't at BITOG) were/are getting.
And I'd bet the mass majority of those people don't really understand oil filter efficiency (like the efficiency vs particle size graph shown earlier), or even what a micron is. They are buying because of brand name reputation. And when the product changes for the worse, it takes a very long time to form a new different reputation. And oil filters change alot! ... hence, Whack-a-Mole in motion.

I estimate Wix always was and still is filtering around 99% @ 45-47 microns.
Wix has always been on the least efficient side.
Who know really since they don't show beta ratio (efficiency) info on many of their filters any more. Years ago, they were showing 95% @ 20u for most of their automotive Wix filters. The NAPA Golds were the same, only made with the NAPA label back then.

So less than ideal filtration was and still is common, but I don't know of anyone's cars being damaged by that. At least not in short term.
Low efficiency oil filters aren't going to really damage or blow-up someone's engine due to the efficiency. Over the long run however, keeping the oil cleaner than not may keep the engine mechanically healthier. And the OCI does matter to what filter efficiency being used can effect. For example, it wouldn't be ideal to use a low efficiency oil filter for a very long OCI. Engine wear is proportional to the oil cleanliness times how many times it's pumped through the engine. And with low efficiency filters, the oil cleanliness gets worse as the OCI lengthens compared to a high efficiency filter.
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And I'd bet the mass majority of those people don't really understand oil filter efficiency (like the efficiency vs particle size graph shown earlier), or even what a micron is. They are buying because of brand name reputation. And when the product changes for the worse, it takes a very long time to form a new different reputation. And oil filters change alot! ... hence, Whack-a-Mole in motion.
Most people don't have a clue, and many don't want to know.
Who know really since they don't show beta ratio (efficiency) info on many of their filters any more. Years ago, they were showing 95% @ 20u for most of their automotive Wix filters. The NAPA Golds were the same, only made with the NAPA label back then.
Both of the Wix filters I used for my Jeep 4L and Buick 3.8L always said 21 nominal and did not provide any other filtration info. It was already like that 15-20 years ago. I did used to check Wix website back then.

I've never seen (at any time) Wix saying 99% @ 20u for any filters my Buick or Jeeps used. If Wix used to claim 99%@20u on some filters, that's news to me. It must have been some sizes of filters not used by my cars.
Low efficiency oil filters aren't going to really damage or blow-up someone's engine due to the efficiency. Over the long run however, keeping the oil cleaner than not may keep the engine mechanically healthier. And the OCI does matter to what filter efficiency being used can effect. For example, it wouldn't be ideal to use a low efficiency oil filter for a very long OCI. Engine wear is proportional to the oil cleanliness times how many times it's pumped through the engine. And with low efficiency filters, the oil cleanliness gets worse as the OCI lengthens compared to a high efficiency filter.
That makes sense.
Pre M+H Wix were 95%@20-99%@30 which was considered good at the time. The Wix XP has always been the rock catcher. Seems to be an axe to grind here against Wix. There was a reason dealers and shops stocked Wix. None of this even matters now.
This is the company below who makes the majority of the oil filters for Premium Guard and the other brands listed on this web page afaik and you will notice there is no Pentius listed when you scroll down. They have a factory in Vietnam and also China. https://afifilter.com.vn/san-pham-cong-ty/
I see. So Vietnam Advanced Filtration Inc (VAFI) makes all those brands of filters, including Premium Guard.

So maybe Pentius is a different animal? I'll have to look at the Pentius thread tomorrow.
Pre M+H Wix were 95%@20-99%@30 which was considered good at the time. The Wix XP has always been the rock catcher. Seems to be an axe to grind here against Wix. There was a reason dealers and shops stocked Wix. None of this even matters now.
I've never seen (at any time) Wix saying 99% @ 20u for any filters my Buick or Jeeps used. If Wix used to claim 99%@20u on some filters, that's news to me. It must have been some sizes of filters not used by my cars.

The only filtration claim Wix ever made for the 2 filters my Jeep 4L and Buick 3.8L used was 21 nonimal, which is 50%@21u. Wix still claims nominal 21u for those filters.
I've never seen (at any time) Wix saying 99% @ 20u for any filters my Buick or Jeeps used. If Wix used to claim 99%@20u on some filters, that's news to me. It must have been some sizes of filters not used by my cars.

The only filtration claim Wix ever made for the 2 filters my Jeep 4L and Buick 3.8L used was 21 nonimal, which is 50%@21u. Wix still claims
nominal 21u for those filters.
This was pre M+H
That's back when Wix showed that 95% @ 20 beta ratio info on their website for most of their filters, as I mentioned above. M+H must have been changing the filter media over time after they took control ... due to product line consolidation.
Would 95%@20u be approx equiv to 99%@30u ?