I retired back in May. It's been GLORIOUS, despite some serious health and financial setbacks. Highly recommend! American men average age at death=73.
UBS= terrible. Yes I've made money with them, about 4%/yr. They sold a bunch of my stock without informing me. Excuse=my agent was on sick leave. Result=huge taxes and penalties (about $200K worth). As I had other windfall income that year that I could have delayed.
Ameriprise (used to be American Express investments) = Utterly unconscionable. Burn-y Mad-eoff awful. Used them for my IRA. Put in the max every year for my entire career. I have $35K in there now after their mismanagement.
PNC= Fair. I put money in 3 CD's with them, at a decent rate. Went back to check on my CD's and move funds around and found out they did not put some of my funds in the CD as requested and instead left it in savings. Ugh. I had only one small CD. The MM account had near zero interest. Moved my money out.
Vystar credit union= superb. No nonsense. They did exactly what I asked for, when I asked for it, and I got the expected results.
Solomon Citi, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney or what ever they call themselves now. I don't do business with them anymore. Too big to be helpful