Keep that Fram OCOD out off my engine

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Originally Posted By: DoubleWasp
Those cardboard end caps are a lot more durable than another manufacturers filter media.

yeah, yeah, yeah...

You know what else is more durable than filter media? Metal...
Originally Posted By: jk_636
Originally Posted By: DoubleWasp
Those cardboard end caps are a lot more durable than another manufacturers filter media.

yeah, yeah, yeah...

You know what else is more durable than filter media? Metal...

As in metal wire backed media?

Metal end caps are really awesome when what's between them stays in place.
What a waste of a post, also before spouting off your opinion you should get the facts. There is nothing wrong with Fram oil filters, please don't be misguided by the OP.
Originally Posted By: gregk24
What a waste of a post, also before spouting off your opinion you should get the facts. There is nothing wrong with Fram oil filters, please don't be misguided by the OP.

Originally Posted By: jk_636
The only Fram worth a darn is the ultra. What makes it the flagship filter? Oh yes, I remember, the media and METAL end caps. It is no coincedence that their top model has metal end caps.

And there are many other quality filters that are not "expensive" and dont happen to be made by Fram...

Such as?
Originally Posted By: jk_636
Cardboard and glue belongs in arts and crafts for school children, not oil filters!!

Need to educate yourself on just how many oil filters in the world don't have metal end caps. If done right, there is really nothing wrong with using a material beside metal for end caps.
Originally Posted By: CKN
Another wasted keep someones post count up.

The irony.....
Originally Posted By: KCJeep
Did you know the Nissan Titan has a horrid reliability record?


Not to mention GM had the guberment bailout.
Originally Posted By: jk_636
The only Fram worth a darn is the ultra. What makes it the flagship filter? Oh yes, I remember, the media and METAL end caps. It is no coincedence that their top model has metal end caps.

Do you even know why the FRAM Ultra has metal end caps? It is not for the reason that you may think it is. It is to provide support for the wire backing that holds the media, not to provide a "higher quality" end cap over fiber.
You may get the award for using the most emoticons in a single post.

However, you do run the risk of being waterboarded until you see the "orange" light.

It's not Cambodia 1975, but the Khmer Rouge would be proud of the re-education techniques used by the FRAM lovin' boys on this site.

*Footnote: FRAM fan boy rule #4 - always use a smiley emoticon after you type something caustic.
Originally Posted By: SilverC6
You may get the award for using the most emoticons in a single post.

However, you do run the risk of being waterboarded until you see the "orange" light.

It's not Cambodia 1975, but the Khmer Rouge would be proud of the re-education techniques used by the FRAM lovin' boys on this site

*Footnote: FRAM fan boy rule #4 - always use a smiley emoticon after you type something caustic.

This is the quote of the day. It is funny because it is true.

It is ok to be a horses...well you long as you put a smiley face behind it.

Wait a do you know the Frampires rules...?
and yet another reason this subforum should not be taken seriously. appreciate the validation.
Originally Posted By: jk_636
Originally Posted By: SilverC6
You may get the award for using the most emoticons in a single post.

However, you do run the risk of being waterboarded until you see the "orange" light.

It's not Cambodia 1975, but the Khmer Rouge would be proud of the re-education techniques used by the FRAM lovin' boys on this site

*Footnote: FRAM fan boy rule #4 - always use a smiley emoticon after you type something caustic.

This is the quote of the day. It is funny because it is true.

It is ok to be a horses...well you long as you put a smiley face behind it.

Wait a do you know the Frampires rules...?

He has a [censored] load of Fram filters. Dont let him fool you.
This type of thread only makes the credible folks like Overkill, Doug, Garak, Trav, Molakule, etc. want to stop posting and participating in this forum. Total garbage thread.
Originally Posted By: Uregina09
This type of thread only makes the credible folks like Overkill, Doug, Garak, Trav, Molakule, etc. want to stop posting and participating in this forum. Total garbage thread.

The fact that you even take this thread seriously is funny enough. Perhaps you should find somewhere else to be grumpy...

We sure don't want to upset the more "esteemed" colleagues among us eh?
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