John F Kerry's hissy fit.

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Nov 16, 2002
My in-law's neighbor's brother is a pilot and was flying Kerry somewhere she said he is NOT a nice person at all. She said he threw a fit because his soup was too cold and he had everyone shut the plane down until it was right. I was over my in-laws last weekend and they told me this. They said she can't stand Kerry. Can anyone? The guy really is a jack*** .
This guy Kerry may have started out from a poor background but he has been now living in luxury for a considerable number of years. His current wife has something like 500 million bucks. He has as much in common with ordinary people as some kind of royalty in some countries.

Bush is a rich man also but is much more a man of the people. Kerry has no clue to what conditions are like for the ordinary people. He is an elitist.
That is true. I am sure glad that the guy you are talking about never became president. I found out what sort of guy he was in that incident. The average man would have went to prison. But if you are a big shot Senator with a lot of connections you are above the law, I guess. I wonder what these big shots would have to do to get into any serious trouble.
Well my sister's best friend's boyfriend said the Ferris is giving his eyes to medical science.

Guess I'll have to ask my in-law's neighbor's brother how to vote.

He has as much in common with ordinary people as some kind of royalty in some countries.

Bush is a rich man also but is much more a man of the people. Kerry has no clue to what conditions are like for the ordinary people. He is an elitist.

Mystic hit my point dead on. He is now a spoiled little rich boy that unfortunately isn't grounded like the rest of most Americans.

Bush is a drugstore cowboy. He also is a rich prick but I do believe he is much more down to earth then Kerry.

Let's keep the personal attacks on politicians where they belong: On Teddy Kennedy!

Another piece of work...he and Al Gore need to chill a bit. They are really making fools of themselves.

[ June 05, 2004, 01:12 PM: Message edited by: buster ]
So who likes cold soup? Like his anti war activity, I would be willing to tolerate it in a president that wasn't owned by so many special interests and I could trust to deal with terrorism. I also do not like anecdotal, unproven allegations. I have lots better reasons to vote against him.

George Bush has disappointed other conservatives and I. Still, we should at least have a country left after 4 more years of him.

So who likes cold soup?

I'm not a fan of Bush, as most on here would probably note, but little things do suggest something about one's character. Kerry is weak and the Dems know it. If he picks a good VP, that could turn things around for him. The guy has just gone back and forth too many times to be trusted IMO. I think people feel Bush is more like them, while Kerry and his Gulfstream are living the life of Riley.

[ June 05, 2004, 01:17 PM: Message edited by: buster ]
For those who don't know who John Kerry is.This is John Kerrys life

And at least if George Bush is a rich Frat boy as the liberals call him, he at least doesn't flaunt it in everyones face. Last time I saw him driving a vehicle it was a white Ford F250 Pick-up at the ranch. He even gave Putan a ride around the spread in it. Any of you ever look at how small Crawford Texas is? I'll tell you it is 8 blocks by 9 blocks. Or to put it in miles it is 1/2 mile by 6/10ths of a mile. That right guys it is huge town where all the rich folks hang out.

I heard a while back the reason the Media in Washington DC are so unhappy with him is because he takes his job very serious. When he says he is going to do something he does it. Even Bill Clinton complemented GW Bush on this fact Thursday at a function he was speaking at promoting his new book. You see there was a major party every month when the Clintons were in the White House so lots of oppertunities to hob nob with the rich and powerful. Well that stopped the day after GW was sworn into office. Washington has become boring to the rich and famous liberals that is one of the reasons they hate him so much.
The other one that drives the liberals crazy is Bush doesn't lie.

[ June 05, 2004, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: ALS ]
ALS, good post. I agree. Thanks for the link. Too funny....
Let me add this link to the Social Capital of the U.S. Crawford Texas. Please don't pee yourself laughing at the pictures of Downtown Crawford. Those rich folk have done a wonderful job disguising the town as the Palm Beach of Texas. The town is so big that they have 705 full time residents. Got to love that they have a picture of the towns water tower. Has to be a spot to visit when visiting Crawford

Crawford TX Home of the Rich
No offense to Texans (I'm married to one btw) but not only is Texas twice as large as most states, it's also twice as ugly. Not a scenic state thats for sure.
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