I've given up !

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Originally Posted By: crinkles
I had always wanted to get a .22 , maybe a 223, just to have fun with, shoot targets at the farm etc. I've given up though, as a result of the laws in my country. If i were going to have fun I want to do it on my terms, not the draconian laws I am subject to. so i have resigned myself to not having a rifle. It's sad, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. I guess they achieved what they want, to have an honest and law abiding citizen give in...

What about an air rifle, or airsoft gun.
I don't normally have much to say to people that live in foreign countries concerning their laws; but Crikey Mate!!! I mean
'Imitation Firearms Permit'
'Sport/Target Shooting Genuine
'Recreational Hunting/Vermin
Control Genuine Reason',
'Primary Production Genuine
'Vetebrate Pest Animal Control
Genuine Reason',
'Business or Employment Security
Industry Genuine Reason',
'Business or Employment
Commercial Fishing',
'Business Other Genuine Reason',
'Rural Occupation Genuine Reason',
'Animal Welfare Genuine Reason',
'Firearms Collection Genuine

Where is the "reason" in this? You guys VOTED for this?!?!
Nope, as a nation, we voted Conservative during that period.

Port Arthur "happened", and the Govt wheeled out 1000 pages of legislation in around a week, and steamrollered it through, threatening to remove State health funding if they didn't comply.
threatening to remove State health funding if they didn't comply.
What the government gives, it can take away. Seems the health of people was rather secondary to implementing policy.

Thanks for the history lesson.
My goodness, I recently spent 10 minutes at the local PD filling out papers & an instant background check then went and purchased my Glock 17 the same day!
IMO, if the penalties weren't so severe, this is a case where a good healthy dose of civil disobedience would be the moral and just course of action.

But it's easy standing on the outside telling someone else to put their neck and freedom into the breach against the juggernaut of wrong headed bureaucrats. I feel for you guys having to deal with these infringements on a basic human right.
$10k and/or 2 years for owning a bullet proof vest (they are a prohibited weapon)

There has been a whole lot of civil disobedience, with only 10% of the SKS/AKs that came into the country ever being accounted for in the buy back...apparently the semi-auto .22s, and the mini 14s had a much higher recovery rate.

If that tells you anything.
Every time I come across a thread like this all I can do is wonder. It's sad, really sad that there are dictatorships on this planet that won't let someone defend themselves against the scum of the world. What's worse is that the dictatorships that are doing it are worse than the average criminal.

I certainly hope it doesn't happen here. At least not while I'm alive because I won't be alive for very long. Fortunately, our government knows that is the attitude for most of the people in this country.
Is there a recall or referendum procedure in your country? Or maybe the shooting clubs can pool some money and back candidates for office that would introduce repeal legislation? Just thinking out loud.
it is sad what happened down there. That nation and the U.S.A. share a lot with the idea of wilderness and that blazing the frontier/terrain sort of heritage. Sad to see that so many people sold out their freedoms for what they thought would be a little safety.

I remember seeing footage of a confiscated BEAUTIFUL Browning/FN Auto 5 getting chopped into scrap and cried.
Originally Posted By: 2cool
Is there a recall or referendum procedure in your country? Or maybe the shooting clubs can pool some money and back candidates for office that would introduce repeal legislation? Just thinking out loud.

There are referendums from time to time, but the Govt gets to pose the questions, not us...last one was on us becoming a republic (which nearly everyone wants), the referendum question that they put forward was "do you want a republic, which has the elected Government appointing the president ?"

We do have a shooters' party in the senate, and they are getting reasonably powerful, particularly when one of the spokespersons for the Coallition for Gun Control let slip that they wouldn't try to ban the "bloodsport" of fishing until they'd banned all the gun related blood sports....a lot more people saw the writing on the wall.
Originally Posted By: Robenstein
I remember seeing footage of a confiscated BEAUTIFUL Browning/FN Auto 5 getting chopped into scrap and cried.

There was a lot of that.

Recently a bloke named Ron Hayes wanted to donate his handgun collection of 1300 handguns (including year by year lugers, and some truly historic military stuff...plus specials) to his state museum...they told him (literally) that he may as well put them in a container and push them into the ocean. War memorial wouldn't touch them.

He donated them to our local museum (Lithgow Small Arms Factory Museum), who had a 14,000 bill to transfer registration, and had to de-activate every single one of them.
Originally Posted By: Shannow
$10k and/or 2 years for owning a bullet proof vest (they are a prohibited weapon)

There has been a whole lot of civil disobedience, with only 10% of the SKS/AKs that came into the country ever being accounted for in the buy back...apparently the semi-auto .22s, and the mini 14s had a much higher recovery rate.

If that tells you anything.

Tells me my long held respect for the people down under has been well placed. A 90% failure rate at collecting "assault" weapons...I love it! That amounts to a lot of people thumbing their nose at this unjust law...I like to think I would do the same...hopefully I'll never face the same choice.
It's really sad to read of such restrictions. I hope it works out well for you crinkles.

Here in Florida, the state recently passed a law whereby the local governments CANNOT pass more restrictive gun laws. That means I can legally discharge a firearm on my property, noise issues aside. Obviously, I cannot annoy my neighbors by blazing away at 1 AM.

However, I own 2 acres and there is 3000 acres directly behind my house, with a large berm as a backstop. Plenty safe.

So, off I go to take advantage of my freedom...
The restrictions down there are way worse than up here. We also have about a 80% non-compliance rate with the firearms registry that was introduced in 2003.
Yeah I read that the canadian govt plans on possibly scrapping the long gun registry because it costs too much and is a failure.
Originally Posted By: Robenstein
Yeah I read that the canadian govt plans on possibly scrapping the long gun registry because it costs too much and is a failure.
Yes, I am hoping so, along with all the other parts that go along with it! It was doomed to fail before it started, as we all know criminals don't care about registries or any other laws.
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