Vietnam tycoon Truong My Lan sentenced to death in $12.5bn fraud case

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I read about this too. Two things came to mind.

First, as huge as the amount is, capital punishment seems pretty extreme. I can't help but wonder, if you kept her and her co-conspirators alive, wouldn't there be some way to make them work in compensating the victims, and making restitution? Not only for the victims, but to society? I'm not suggesting freedom. They all need to be locked up. For a very, very, very long time. But if they are clever enough to commit this crime, they should be clever enough to right the wrong.

That leads me to the second thing that I noticed. There is no mention in the article about the whereabouts of the $12.5 billion, and if the thousands of victims will be getting any of their money back.
You need to look at it in the context that they probably figured if caught they could simply buy there way out. If put in jail they could likely buy there early release or escape. The punishment is a warning to others currently doing the same thing.
Their land, their law. Some countries on earth would say our "self defense" law is wrong and people could kill anyone they don't like then claim self defense and be acquitted. Some could say people who caused the Exxon Valdez or the people who caused Deepwater Horizon was never sentence to death is unfair as well.

She knew the risk, she knew how to play it, she just buttered the wrong guy or a guy who lost the power to protect her, and she didn't butter other guys who could have helped her. That's usually how corruption goes and that's the risk to get those billions in new money.
As Paul Harvey would say" The rest of the story".

My speculation is the real story is her husband. It is very common for Chinese men to give a gift to the parents of a Vietnamese woman, and marry the Vietnamese woman. This marriage now allows the foreigner the ability to conduct business in Vietnam. More likely than not is no love or companionship in the marriage, just a financial transaction.
Billionaires don't marry for love, they are always financial empire alliances.
I read about this too. Two things came to mind.

First, as huge as the amount is, capital punishment seems pretty extreme. I can't help but wonder, if you kept her and her co-conspirators alive, wouldn't there be some way to make them work in compensating the victims, and making restitution? Not only for the victims, but to society? I'm not suggesting freedom. They all need to be locked up. For a very, very, very long time. But if they are clever enough to commit this crime, they should be clever enough to right the wrong.

That leads me to the second thing that I noticed. There is no mention in the article about the whereabouts of the $12.5 billion, and if the thousands of victims will be getting any of their money back.
In dictatorship or communist countries, they just use financial crimes to get rid of political rivals legally. Don't read too much into it.
Anyone know what form of capital punishment she will most likely receive?
Its not certain she will receive it.
Her niece? got 17 years.. there is abit more info out there than that one article.
Giant banking and loan fraud.
Vietnam is cracking down on massive corruption in the country. It’s so prevalent that people in rural areas have to bribe to get into see doctors.
As far as the OP, the corruption scandal, she was involved with involved many people into the top levels of the Vietnamese government.
Many prison terms were handed out including many life sentences so at face value it seems like she’s getting what she deserves as they struggle to control what is taking place.

I almost admire it, I wonder when we will clean our own house? Yet we ignore it and actually vote them into office!
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