Is this oil T-shirt racist?

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Everyone has had free will and freedom of movement for 150+ years. It's not relevant how my ancestors got here; if things aren't right for me I can get up and move or change jobs/ housing/ religion/ education/ worldview.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Everyone has had free will and freedom of movement for 150+ years. It's not relevant how my ancestors got here; if things aren't right for me I can get up and move or change jobs/ housing/ religion/ education/ worldview.

Times a dozen.

Get over it and move on. Life happens in front of us, not behind...
Originally Posted By: A_Harman
Yes. Gato Negro is Spanish for Black Cat.
There is nothing racist about it.


Also, if someone did complain( wouldn't surprise me the way people are these days - looking for problems where non exist )ask them if they speak spanish? If not tell them to look it up as negro means the color black not a race description.

Gato Negro is black cat as said. It is also pronounced N-A-G-R-O not N-E-E-G-R-O.
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