Is this oil T-shirt racist?

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I had someone say that my New Zealand All Blacks jersey was racist. I just had to proved their ignorance in front of a number of people and they never said anything again.
Originally Posted By: NightRiderQ45
Originally Posted By: bradepb
It would probably be safer than a Paula Deen t-shirt though

LOL! Fat southern trash she is. I can't believe she said those things about races across the board. Let me take that back, she is from the South so it's not farfetched...since she is blaming her "upbringing" being raised there the reason why. [censored]!

OP, shirt isn't racist lol. It's Spanish for black cat lol. I hate everything has to be about black/white/brown/red/'s a shame!

You sure like to spout insults relating to body condition and geographical origin, yet you close your post with saying you hate the fact the people make "everything about black/white/brown/red/yellow....". There was no reason to attack Miss Deen except to show your own bias against mildly overweight folks from the south. By all accounts by those that really know her, she's a very kind woman. She's apologized and now paid for it with her career ruined by hypocrites. Yet folks such as yourself still want to pile on the attack! Seems to me you ought to do some self examination my friend.
Originally Posted By: Trav
Some fruitcakes are offended by anything just wear it. I had people complain to the town about my lawn jockey.

Oh no you di-int say "fruitcakes"!!

*Two snaps and a twirl*
Not at all. My 5 year old knows Negro means black in spanish and can read that. But then again does the general population know that?

I like the shirt and have been someone who was "pc" more than the average person before it was prevalent.
You guys do realize you are reacting to a non-event right? To my knowledge no one has complained about the shirt, or the Gato Negro brand of wine.

And you claim others are touchy. Sheesh.
I'm not sure I understand any of the "don't wear it here or there" responses.

1. It's Spanish

2. Since when has negro been a derrogatory word? It's no longer PC, probably because it sounds too similar when mumbled, but so does Negra Modelo. I've never heard any one take offense to those who order this specific lager.

3. No intiendas Espanol? Google
With today's PC, gutless political world...I would frame it, and hang it in my GearHead Man Cave. Too many ignorant people out that DON'T speak Spanish and would only see "NEGRO".
Black color spray paint usually says "Negro" on it as another terminology for the color.Havent seen any lawsuits against Krylon,PlastiCote....etc
Discount Drug Mart! Familiar with those go to them all the time when visiting family in Northeast Ohio (Lorain County). Anyway it's not my kind of shirt anyway, so I wouldn't wear it. It's not really racist, but it's not the kidn of thing I'd wear in a city. You never know what gang you might accidentally offend.
Look guys, in some neighborhoods you can be shot for wearing the wrong color t-shirt. That logo reminds me a little of an old group called Black Panthers and if the wrong people only noticed the picture and the word Negro.
Originally Posted By: andrewg
Originally Posted By: NightRiderQ45
Originally Posted By: bradepb
It would probably be safer than a Paula Deen t-shirt though

LOL! Fat southern trash she is. I can't believe she said those things about races across the board. Let me take that back, she is from the South so it's not farfetched...since she is blaming her "upbringing" being raised there the reason why. [censored]!

OP, shirt isn't racist lol. It's Spanish for black cat lol. I hate everything has to be about black/white/brown/red/'s a shame!

You sure like to spout insults relating to body condition and geographical origin, yet you close your post with saying you hate the fact the people make "everything about black/white/brown/red/yellow....". There was no reason to attack Miss Deen except to show your own bias against mildly overweight folks from the south. By all accounts by those that really know her, she's a very kind woman. She's apologized and now paid for it with her career ruined by hypocrites. Yet folks such as yourself still want to pile on the attack! Seems to me you ought to do some self examination my friend.

Originally Posted By: andrewg
Originally Posted By: NightRiderQ45
Originally Posted By: bradepb
It would probably be safer than a Paula Deen t-shirt though

LOL! Fat southern trash she is. I can't believe she said those things about races across the board. Let me take that back, she is from the South so it's not farfetched...since she is blaming her "upbringing" being raised there the reason why. [censored]!

OP, shirt isn't racist lol. It's Spanish for black cat lol. I hate everything has to be about black/white/brown/red/'s a shame!

You sure like to spout insults relating to body condition and geographical origin, yet you close your post with saying you hate the fact the people make "everything about black/white/brown/red/yellow....". There was no reason to attack Miss Deen except to show your own bias against mildly overweight folks from the south. By all accounts by those that really know her, she's a very kind woman. She's apologized and now paid for it with her career ruined by hypocrites. Yet folks such as yourself still want to pile on the attack! Seems to me you ought to do some self examination my friend.
I'm born and raised in the South (Alabama to be exact) so I'm not talking bad about my home or being biased because I have a lot of great friends in all races and size back home, BUT I do realize there was/still is a lot of hate there.

Who are the hypocrites? She said out of her own mouth that "her Southern upbringing" is why she used racist terms, which is why I called her southern trash. She stated that her friends/family and husband constantly tell racist jokes using the "N" word and she isn't offended by what they said. She stated that she wanted a traditional Southern wedding with little N words servers, but was afraid to have it due to the media. Maybe that's being a nice lady to you, but that's trash to me. If you think this kind of behavior/thought process is OK, then you really need to do some self examination my friend. The only thing that I apologize for using is the term fat, I didn't have to say that, I was speaking from disgust. I don't care what you say, anyone who is a racist or use racist terms about different races is TRASH to me! She isn't sorry for what she said, she is sorry for being caught and messing up her OWN CAREER. I don't feel sorry for her one bit. My mother called me to break the news to me because she is a big fan of the show. I thought it was a lie until I read the statements she quoted. Afterwards, I was disgusted.

And I still stand behind my black/white...statement based on the origin of this thread. The OP posted a nice looking shirt, but is kind of afraid to wear it because some idiot may think it's racist.
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