How social are you?

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Feb 26, 2013
Illinois, USA
I guess I'm doing a social no no by rating myself against the public. I check my email as often as BITOG. That's a good start
But I do go out to eat every few weeks, and walk around Downtown Naperville, or North Chicago, meet new people, and for a few hours loose myself in a good conversation, only to part a goodbye, and never see the individual again. Some were influential, some taught life lessons that could not be dreamed of. Some were just a portrait into the backdrop, pausing a moment, to share their time with me, as I did with them, to discuss previous memories and experiences that shaped us as a person. I posted this on Facebook, and a girl called me a creep for it, but why? She notes I don't have a normal social life, and rudely pointed out I have no friends???? Unfortunately the world moved on to a glitzy and shimmering world of media, technology, the loss of tradition, and the foundation of creating bonding experiences with the tinsel of loud music, booze, and a head ache the next morning, only remembering the previous night was the best night to be had. It's a modern social event. The last time I hung out with anyone I knew of personally was in August. Am I lost in a modern trend world? Am I lacking? And how social are you?
Originally Posted By: Andy636
I consider 95% of the population to be a waste of oxygen...what does that make me?

Probably in the 95% when viewed from the other 5%...
I am not much for a crowd at any time, just generally disgusted with the general public.

We have a small circle of friends and do not go out much. My wife and I prefer each other and simply hang out in our yard and enjoy the dog and pony show!
I started a thread about this a couple years back. It's simple for me:

The older I get the less social I am. People actually tire me out, I mean interacting with with people all day makes me physically and mentally tired. Nothing a little run or hard walk won't cure.

There are tons of good people out there. Don't let the losers in charge spoil it for you. And certainly don't let some punk chick on Spacebuttt dictate your life. Wow. Think about it. A girl on the interweb has that influence on you? Dump that media immediately.
My Dad used to do the same thing. He's not really able to leave the house now due to health reasons, (he's 94 and has a list of health problems), but he used to go to McDonalds every morning, have coffee, and strike up conversations with total strangers. He enjoyed it and met a bunch of interesting people.

While I don't head to McDonalds every morning like Pop used to do, I do try to be friendly and chat with strangers, for example when I'm in line at the grocery store. What I discovered is there are two kinds of people. Those who are looking for a conversation and some human interaction and those who want to be left alone. Some I'm sure think I'm creepy. That's there problem.
Electronic social media? Not at all. This forum is about as electronically social as I get. Perhaps I'm old fashioned, but if I interact with others I want it to be face to face.

As far as in person, my wife and I are very social. We have dinner with friends (either here or at their house) once or twice a week. We go dancing at least a couple times a month with people we know, and with our various business ventures we're often meeting new people. I go have coffee with friends a couple times a week, and we have our winery employees and families out to the house two or three times a year. We do quite a bit of volunteer work with our therapy dogs; usually 4-6 times a month.

I'm not fond of large crowds, but smaller gatherings are a lot of fun.

Originally Posted By: 79sunrunner
and a girl called me a creep for it, but why? She notes I don't have a normal social life,

Didn't you have a refrigerator full of motor oil? And didn't you actually pour motor oil over breakfast cereal and post pictures?

Perhaps there's a correlation.
Living in the Northeast means I find it odd when someone tries to talk to me while standing in line. We just don't do that.

I have a few friends, don't get to "hang out" much; that part of life went past once out of high school and college. Maybe when I retire I'll have time to do that sort of thing. Too busy with anything to bother with "killing time." We get together when there is a reason to do so, and leave when the reason is done.

I don't mistake time online or time spent on email as being "social." I spend hours a day doing both, and it's easier than dealing with people, but it's not the same.
I enjoy the company of others. While I'm not the life of the party, I do enjoy people. And, crowds don't bother me.

I've been to most countries in the world and people are the same all over. With the very same wants, needs, hopes and desires. I just do my best to avoid the bad apples.
We routinely get together with family and friends. We have a decent circle of a number of folks that we have befriended one way or another that we get together with regularly. Generally, the closer they are, the more we do together. Generally it means sharing a meal at each other's house or out, but is also a variety of other outings, playtime for the kids, or even vacation.

I've always been one to not be really outgoing or a conversation starter in a group - just dont feel I'm good at it, or its somewhat awkward. But that was the case long before social media or any other kind of interweb forums or anything. That said, happy discuss near anything once drawn into the conversation, which is why web forums are pretty appealing.

Striking up conversations randomly can be seen as odd depending upon the venue and the topics discussed. Not having any lasting friendships means that the conversational folks are probably just playing the part and are a bit unsure of how to deal, I'd recommend you take part in some more organized social functions where you can build long lasting friendships. Don't need a lot.
Not common place for people to strike up conversations in a line here, but i say go for it. We are all human, and are social beings in one way or another. As i grow older, most time spent with a few good friends but its always interesting to occasionally talk to someone new. Sometimes the interaction with work colleagues and customers gets tiring and makes me want to just stay in and relax and try not to be that social.
Originally Posted By: Silverado12
I keep to myself also. So I guess I'm unsociable (not to confused with antisocial, as in personality disorder) lol.


I am not antisocial either. I just am not interested in going to parties, you couldn't pay me to go to a bar/club, the latest fads like social media hold zero interest for me, nor have I the slightest interest in being a part of groups and such. I am very close with my family and then I have a few close friends and that is all I need or want. I know people who feel they must have 200 friends and be doing something with someone all the time. Just not my thing. I also agree with others who say in general that the general public is a waste of oxygen. Very few people that I meet these days that I would pee on if they were on fire to put it out.
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Im pretty certain I have Social Anxiety Disorder. Everything Ive read about it fits...really, really well. Certain types of social interactions have made me physically ill; panic attack symptoms.
So, except for work and necessary shopping I dont really go out. I dont really interact much with people at work either..well, I mean I do it all the time for work related stuff, but, I don't have conversations with anyone just socially unless they initate.
I'm social with a select group of people consisting of friends and co-workers. My best friends are extremely intelligent people who can challenge me and it makes for solid discourse across a broad range of subjects. And these are the same people who I'll go ATV'ing or shooting with. Engaging conversation can happen any time and whatever we do, be it watching a movie, blowing up some hard drives, 4-wheeling for hours...etc, we enjoy ourselves.

That being said, I don't suffer fools, so the list of whom I would call "friend" is relatively short. However, these are people I trust and respect, which I think are the best type of people to have in your life.
Originally Posted By: Pablo
The older I get the less social I am. People actually tire me out, I mean interacting with with people all day makes me physically and mentally tired.

LOL. My feelings on the subject as well.
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