How does lubeguard instant shudder fix work?

Nov 11, 2024
Replaced old fluid on chevrolet malibu max 2004 v6 lt 3.5L engine with valvolene maxlife universal dexron 6 fluid.
LOTS of jerking and slipping on 0-3 gears. Also moving from park to reverse to drive is loud noise and clonking and jerking.
I put 2oz of lubeguard instant shudder in and it almost completely fixed it! Still not super smooth, but most of the symtomps went away, much less jerking and clonking when switching from park to reverse and drive.

What's going on here? How is this product "fixing" the issue? I'm asking so I can try an recreate or strengthen the fixing. Does lubeguard make the fluid thinner, thicker? more frictiony? What's that even mean?

What I know:
178k miles, unknown or original dexron 3 fluid (which is thicker than dexron 6?)
not completely burnt, but dark red, not that many metal particles
changed filter, but not filter o ring gasket (wouldnt come out), clean up pan with carb cleaner and wiped it down.
it was sluggish before the transmission fluid change (why I changed it) it is still sluggish
made and still makes whining noise when working hard going up hills or hitting on accelerator and pushing it

the clonking seemed to come from front of car.
Sluggish performance is unlikely to be due to old ATF. Is your CEL on?
No, I had a 0401 EGR related code before but I put some lacquer thinner in there and it went away. I know the EGR valve has been replaced before. It makes a whining noise from the front of the car when you push accelerator or go up a hill or make it do any work really.
Hi thank you for the reply. I misunderstand your reply. Do you mean to recommend me a different product to use? If so, which one? The platinum one? I am aware of the lubeguard red product, that's why I posted a question about it so I can learn about it and why it works. For example, can we fill the whole transmission with the stuff or 1 quart? What would be the advantage? What does it do to dexron 6 fluid? Does it make a thicker? If that's the case I could just switch to dexron 3 which is a thicker fluid anyways.
Replaced old fluid on chevrolet malibu max 2004 v6 lt 3.5L engine with valvolene maxlife universal dexron 6 fluid.
LOTS of jerking and slipping on 0-3 gears. Also moving from park to reverse to drive is loud noise and clonking and jerking.
I'm no help on your question about LG but are you saying these symptoms started once the ML was used? Or they were there before and the ML did nothing to change them?

I understand later you say the transmission was "sluggish" before AND after the fluid change, but I'm unclear about the "jerking, slipping, and clonking"
I'm no help on your question about LG but are you saying these symptoms started once the ML was used? Or they were there before and the ML did nothing to change them?

I understand later you say the transmission was "sluggish" before AND after the fluid change, but I'm unclear about the "jerking, slipping, and clonking"
Yea I poured in the ML, turned on the car let it idle, tried shifting through the gears and that's when the violent clonking began. I let it idle a lot more, kept trying to shift through gears and let it sit in that gear for a while. I tried to reverse quickly and drive around the parking lot, clonking never went away. Then I added the LB, and clonking almost dimished when shifting the shifter and you still feel it shifting into gears while driving, but not as loud or violent. Yes it is sluggish, jerking means when I move shift lever from P to R it jerks and makes a loud clonking noise, also when I go into D. Same noise is heard when shifting from 0-1-2 and downshifting. Before I did the fluid/filter change I heard some clonking on downshift sometimes but definitely not as loud and the sluggishness is about the same as before I did the fluid change.

Here's some options I have come up with:
1. Get dexron 3 1 or 2 quarts, take out some fluid, add it in, see what happens. Dexron 3 is supposed to be thicker. And if it does mix with D6/ML univeral, then I will do it.
2. get certified dexron 6 valvolene blue bottle, 1 quart. do the same thing
3. get bottle of platinum lubeguard and put that in there
4. get bottle of lucas and put that in there
5. suck the whole fluid out with a pump through the fill hole (or as much as I can 4-8 quarts) and replace with dexron 3

Ideally I just want to do one of those things. I wanted to know how lubeguard works to help guide my decision in doing those options. Ie: if lubeguard make it thicker, then I know that lucas or dexron 3 replacement will likely improve it. but if it makes it thinner, then I know that dexron 6 will likely be just as good and I dont' want to put anything thick in it?