Here's More Proof Tesla Faked Its Claims ...

4 points and a question in no particular order:
1) EVs attributes aren't parameterized at all to the consumer. Huge failures in communication all around.
They're portrayed as economical appliances or futuristic speed machines.
Where's the "advertising serves to educate the consumer" stuff we learned in college?

2) Very stupid, "silver bullet" characterizations of EVs (with concomitant demonization of ICE) dovetails with political extremism and upsets less-smart consumers. EV discussions quickly become arguments in my neck of the woods.

3) Why in Heaven's name was electrification linked to self-driving in the first place? I guess another example of "panacea marketing".

4) The most vocal promoter is a stinking serial liar. Why do people still lap up his words and announcements? His words and announcements are cold vomit on the floor, as far as I can tell. Too many "reporters" and outlets and not enough depth, I suppose.

Q: Why do people still discuss the stupid, near worthless CT? Like the New Beatle, call it what it was, a reskinned Jetta, and then forget about it and move on.
The CT is total garbage. I cannot fathom how anyone could possibly be interested in buying it.

To me it is nothing more than a new toy for a tiny segment of the buying public to own. Some will want it to play and show off with while a few will want it to put up in "climate control" storage to save for years so they can later unveil it to the rare collectors with the deep pockets who must have anything rare. It is testament to ego that such a thing has ever gone from the idea stage to the selling stage with absolutely zero hopes of selling many or enough to get close to ROI. What am I missing? How many even want that machine and can afford one?
The Cybertruck is the ultimate look-at-me, crew cab, virtual no bed showoff truck. Makes virtually no sense at all... A regular Tesla, preferably with an array big enough to at least partially charge it at home, I can somewhat understand. Not including the host of other EV vehicle issues (grid, battery life, right-to-repair/parts, battery fires, crap construction, etc., etc.).
Again when Motor Trend CarandDriver etc went out to see the Model S plaid do its 1.99* 0-60 Tesla did A) had a brand new level blacktop road put down B) Used wider wheels and tires with R compound Tires that aren't standard oem on the plaid and C) Used gallon upon gallon of track bite. In fact so much track bite that journalists had their shoes sticking to the road. So again Fraud.
I don’t like EVs one bit because of the B**** mandates, but you’re being ridiculous. Any real racer would know that:
A. New blacktop is literally the worst intact surface known to man for traction from all the oil in it;
B. I guess GMs in the same boat since they use Corvette, CTS-V, and COPO Camaro in ads on TV with modifications for LeMans and drag racing to shamelessly promote their sales;
C. If it’s not ripping your shoes off, what’s the point of spraying liquid money onto the road surface anyways?

So he’s using every advertising hack in the book… just like every other company selling stuff.
Here's More Proof Tesla Faked Its Cybertruck Vs. Porsche 911 Drag Race MotorTrend found a 911 Carrera T beats a Cybertruck.

Wow how the tides have turned. I've been saying for years that Tesla has fudged their numbers to pump their stock but when Motor Trend can repeat a test using the same vehicles and conditions and get different numbers it shows that Musk lied again to pump Tesla stock. I hope this ends up in court. At what point is it considered fraud?

Cybertruck finished 0.229 behind the 911 while towing another 911. And "wow the tides have turned" and "I hope this ends up in court"? And it's "appalling that Tesla owners aren't upset". LOL

Tell me you're an EV and/or Tesla naysayer, without telling me so.

Were you this offended when they had the Ford commercial with the stock looking truck ascending a mountain of cinderblocks carrying a Chevy and towing a Dodge?
Cybertruck finished 0.229 behind the 911 while towing another 911. And "wow the tides have turned" and "I hope this ends up in court"? And it's "appalling that Tesla owners aren't upset". LOL

Tell me you're an EV and/or Tesla naysayer, without telling me so.

Were you this offended when they had the Ford commercial with the stock looking truck ascending a mountain of cinderblocks carrying a Chevy and towing a Dodge?

I forgot about that commercial, classic!
It’s Matt Farah. I guess you either love or hate him. I listen to his podcast all the time.
The odd thing is roughly 15 years ago or so I emailed him about working for him while in one of my Journalism classes. He responded and told me sure he was working in new York and it wouldn't be paid. This was way before he became well know in the automotive world. I can't remember who he was working for at the time.
The fact that this doesn't upset Tesla owners is appalling.
If I owned a Tesla for its accelleration and made the purchasing decision purely on advertising and Musk's hype, maybe I'd be mad, especially if I felt like part of the "Tesla Family" (cult). I'd also be pretty dumb to have not independently verified marketing hype.

If I just owned a Tesla to use cheap electricity and solar power I think I could isolate myself from the other shenanigans in the operation. I wouldn't wrap my identidy around it.
The odd thing is roughly 15 years ago or so I emailed him about working for him while in one of my Journalism classes. He responded and told me sure he was working in new York and it wouldn't be paid. This was way before he became well know in the automotive world. I can't remember who he was working for at the time.
I'm pretty sure he was with Road & Track even back then. If I remember right that's where he got his start.
It's a stupid publicity stunt. You can design anything you want to and pick a test that would win over your opponent and grab attentions.

I don't think most people buying 911 or CT are into drag racing, let alone drag racing while towing. Most people I know who are into 911 are into track performance or handling, and if you want to drag race Model S would definitely be the way to go instead of CT.
I remember an ad on TV of a truck towing the space shuttle or something huge and another one a lot older of a Ford truck with a Chevy on the bed and towing another up a cement block mountain. Not defending Tesla but they ain't the first ones doing a little embellishing. It's advertising.
This far exceeds advertising. It's a whole different story if a manufacturer "sets up" a test. Porsche doesn't stock the 911T on dealership lots. Musk claims that they purchased a "regular Porsche " from a lot. NO they customed ordered it Additionally Tesla cut 150 lbs off of the trailer they towed with. Again fraud. Tesla then moved the Porsche 911T as far forward to improve tongue weight and grip. Back in the day (please Muskrats explain this." ) Ford did have a commercial with the "Longest lasting truck on the road, and the best in class towing. " Now Ford used current registration and rwd with the towing package. This was stipulated in ALL of their commercials.
Thank you the Teslarati are going to say it's all a conspiracy and it's just Hate towards the Muskrat. If Musk didn't open his mouth and make blatantly false statements he wouldn't be in this mess.
No, it’s just a dumb stunt. And as much as a fraction of a second may matter in a real race, for aok intents and purposes he was right. It’s too close matter, this isn’t a championship, or racing for “slips”.

I think the real funny part is that if he hadn’t bought Twitter, this wouldn’t be an issue, as most of the folks who want to hate on him would be singing the praises of a truck that is so fast yet electric, over guzzling bro-dozers. Instead we get what we have here today, because of other reasons that have nothing to do with the tech or company.
This far exceeds advertising. It's a whole different story if a manufacturer "sets up" a test. Porsche doesn't stock the 911T on dealership lots. Musk claims that they purchased a "regular Porsche " from a lot. NO they customed ordered it Additionally Tesla cut 150 lbs off of the trailer they towed with. Again fraud. Tesla then moved the Porsche 911T as far forward to improve tongue weight and grip. Back in the day (please Muskrats explain this." ) Ford did have a commercial with the "Longest lasting truck on the road, and the best in class towing. " Now Ford used current registration and rwd with the towing package. This was stipulated in ALL of their commercials.
Oh the humanity!! If I were you, I probably wouldn't buy one... Just thinking about one seems pretty hazardous to your health.

I suppose you may just be jaded...
That red bull didn't give you wings.
Dos Equis didn't make you the most interesting man in the world
No screams of euphoria after washing your hair with herbal essences
No hot women approaching you just because you were drinking the correct beer
You actually felt pretty normal after eating a snickers
You didn't actually taste a rainbow after a bag of skittles

Good commercials are the ones stick in your mind. Sounds like this one worked as intended, you just hate Tesla/Elon