Here's More Proof Tesla Faked Its Claims ...

If you read the article Motor Trend went back and used the same type of Cybertruck the same trailer that Tesla used and the exact same type of Porsche Carrera T. If Musk didn't make up so much when he spoke I'd respect him alot better. He's a petulant child. Next time you buy a product see if the ceo had a huge unveiling only for that product to not meet expectations, or to make product spec comments when gaming the system. The fact that this doesn't upset Tesla owners is appalling.
Expectations? If you think that a race of a pickup truck against a Porsche with another in a trailer is relevant to anything, it’s not even worth discussing.

Entirely irrelevant, and maybe more so, unsafe and stupid. It’s a stunt. Not a serious thing.

Talk about claims on ranges or cycle life. This thing is dumb to scrutinize a fraction of a second on an unsafe stunt.

Volvo used to have tv commercials about their station wagons rolling off the roof of a building. If someone crashed and died in a Volvo wagon that falls off a structure, are they lying? Or is it a stunt?
I am really not sure what is the point of this. My gas pressure washer, snow blower, they don’t immediately spin to max torque. My hair dryer does. So, EV will always have abundant torque immediately available.
What is really ridiculous is that people fall on this marketing of 0-60mph in a vehicle whose focus should be toughness, towing, work purpose etc. Maybe I missed somewhere, but I can’t remember GM, Ford etc. ever advertising 0-60 even when their trucks were really fast compared to majority of vehicles as they do have pretty quick acceleration empty due to power, gearing. Focus was always on utility.
Which tells a lot what cybertruck is and what is not. This 0-60 is aimed at two kind of folks: 1. Total car agnostics, 2. People whose skill goes as far as holding steering wheel straight and compensate other deficiencies by being faster than some WRX with 18yrs old behind the wheel (who will obliterate any Tesla in the first curve).
That is only selling point this truck has: 0-60. Some of Musk’s sycophants compared recently towing capability to RAM, and after in one sentence mentioning how towing decreases already pathetic range, he only talked how fast cybertruck is towing uphill. Because, people who tow always want to be fastest uphill with something that can get vehicle out of control and kill them.
Anyone follow Jason/Engineering Explained? I love his channel, he always "does the math" behind a lot of interesting questions or scenarios.

Tesla claimed in a marketing stunt that they could tow a 911 faster behind the cybertruck in the 1/4 mile, than the 911 could drive itself. First Jason does an entirely theoretical video saying that would be false, then he gets together with motortrend to prove it on the track.

It's a fascinating video!

It's bonkers that the CT is that fast, but we all know that's the only real thing its going for it too. And I'm not sure I want to scrape the mustard off the back of my fridge everytime I tow my RV anyway.

Anyone follow Jason/Engineering Explained? I love his channel, he always "does the math" behind a lot of interesting questions or scenarios.

Tesla claimed in a marketing stunt that they could tow a 911 faster behind the cybertruck in the 1/4 mile, than the 911 could drive itself. First Jason does an entirely theoretical video saying that would be false, then he gets together with motortrend to prove it on the track.

It's a fascinating video!

It's bonkers that the CT is that fast, but we all know that's the only real thing its going for it too. And I'm not sure I want to scrape the mustard off the back of my fridge everytime I tow my RV anyway.

Thank you the Teslarati are going to say it's all a conspiracy and it's just Hate towards the Muskrat. If Musk didn't open his mouth and make blatantly false statements he wouldn't be in this mess.
Years ago Ford aired a commercial with their sedan getting great mileage on a particular trip. Turns out the 200(?) mile trip was slightly downhill most of the way.

Were they lying? No. It's just marketing. All good.
I remember an ad on TV of a truck towing the space shuttle or something huge and another one a lot older of a Ford truck with a Chevy on the bed and towing another up a cement block mountain. Not defending Tesla but they ain't the first ones doing a little embellishing. It's advertising.

The difference here is that Tesla made a factually incorrect claim. The Toyota did pull the shuttle, it's a useless fact but its a fact that it did it.

Here Tesla is making an objective claim which is not true. It goes beyond silly marketing into "false marketing", there is a difference.
My father was a corporate lawyer for the NBC TV network. He specialized in advertisement.

In any case, the Ford "cinderblock (or boulder) mountain" commercial was a stunt, supposedly to show how good the 4x4 was (in reality, not different from the competition). Decades later, people still remember these wild claims and visual stunts.

It matters not whether they are true. What matters is the attention.

The bottom line remains the same. The CT is powerful, and this stunt gets that across.

Those of us (myself) who may or may not be on the spectrum,,, love to point out the inaccuracies in gory detail. Took me a long time to stop saying "Well, Actually,,,"

I am really not sure what is the point of this. My gas pressure washer, snow blower, they don’t immediately spin to max torque. My hair dryer does. So, EV will always have abundant torque immediately available.
What is really ridiculous is that people fall on this marketing of 0-60mph in a vehicle whose focus should be toughness, towing, work purpose etc. Maybe I missed somewhere, but I can’t remember GM, Ford etc. ever advertising 0-60 even when their trucks were really fast compared to majority of vehicles as they do have pretty quick acceleration empty due to power, gearing. Focus was always on utility.
Which tells a lot what cybertruck is and what is not. This 0-60 is aimed at two kind of folks: 1. Total car agnostics, 2. People whose skill goes as far as holding steering wheel straight and compensate other deficiencies by being faster than some WRX with 18yrs old behind the wheel (who will obliterate any Tesla in the first curve).
That is only selling point this truck has: 0-60. Some of Musk’s sycophants compared recently towing capability to RAM, and after in one sentence mentioning how towing decreases already pathetic range, he only talked how fast cybertruck is towing uphill. Because, people who tow always want to be fastest uphill with something that can get vehicle out of control and kill them.
I think it’s simpler than that. Acceleration a strong suit of the tech and easily measured. There’s not a bigger spec arguing segment of the vehicle market than the full size truck. I’ve never seen a vehicle that caused more hurt feelings than a pickup truck. Whether it’s actually needed or not, you’ll never find a segment more determined to say what their vehicle is capable of.

Truck owners do what you’re accusing the “sycophants” of proving this. The constant you-know-what measuring contest. The marketing of deep voice slowmo truck smashing through mud while pulling a house to boost egos to sell vehicles. You may disagree with those that want an EV truck for what you see as viable reasons, but it’s the same thing in the other direction. Both are ridiculous.
Again when Motor Trend CarandDriver etc went out to see the Model S plaid do its 1.99* 0-60 Tesla did A) had a brand new level blacktop road put down B) Used wider wheels and tires with R compound Tires that aren't standard oem on the plaid and C) Used gallon upon gallon of track bite. In fact so much track bite that journalists had their shoes sticking to the road. So again Fraud.
In case those who didn't know the " * " (aka asterisk) notates a rolling start where the timer started after, I believe, was 1ft in distance traveled.
Maybe a mod can merge the thread I started into this one, my bad, did not see this thread before I created mine.

I think it’s simpler than that. Acceleration a strong suit of the tech and easily measured. There’s not a bigger spec arguing segment of the vehicle market than the full size truck. I’ve never seen a vehicle that caused more hurt feelings than a pickup truck. Whether it’s actually needed or not, you’ll never find a segment more determined to say what their vehicle is capable of.

Truck owners do what you’re accusing the “sycophants” of proving this. The constant you-know-what measuring contest. The marketing of deep voice slowmo truck smashing through mud while pulling a house to boost egos to sell vehicles. You may disagree with those that want an EV truck for what you see as viable reasons, but it’s the same thing in the other direction. Both are ridiculous.
I agree with you on truck owners. However, generally these “tests” try to sell utility when it comes to original purpose of the vehicle. This “test” is nothing but Tesla advertising for intended audience that is trying to make up for other perceived deficiencies.
I agree with you on truck owners. However, generally these “tests” try to sell utility when it comes to original purpose of the vehicle. This “test” is nothing but Tesla advertising for intended audience that is trying to make up for other perceived deficiencies.
Intended audience was the purpose of my comment. It’s just to sell a vehicle and the sales pitch doesn’t speak to you. The Cybertruck isn’t for me either.
I remember a Ford ad where a couple of guys in a Ford pickup are watching a Chevy pickup try to pull a boat on a trailer out of the water at a boatramp. The Chevy suddenly goes backwards into the water. The one Ford guy says to the other. "Yep, like a rock!"
I’m sorry, but this is still nuts. Does it matter that it actually lost? For the claim yes, but this is still a crazy sight.
