Havoline Smart Box or Supertech 5w30 FS

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Mar 18, 2018
The Havoline Smart Box FS 5w30 for $19.97 has an extra quart and is a name brand. However, that extra quart will cost you $5 and change. Supertech FS 5w30 is $14.88 for 5 quarts but you can buy an extra quart for a little under $5, but you have a store brand. Which would you choose and why?
I have used both and both are fine oils, you can't go wrong with either. But if I had to choose I would choose the Havoline simply because I believe it has a slightly more robust additive pack in it.
I would depend on weather my car took 4 or 6 quarts for an oil change. But right now WM has the Havoline on special for $18.47 each a Jug on a two Jug special.
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The 6 qt box is a no brainer if you need more than 5 qts...

I also prefer the box for recycling reasons, and Chevron is a vertically integrated company that has always made quality products.

Nothing wrong with Warren, they seem to make a perfectly adequate oil.
I'd just do havoline. You can look at VOAS for both. I think havoline was slightly better IMO. If anything I like the move they are doing with their packaging.
Originally Posted by TheLawnRanger
The Havoline Smart Box FS 5w30 for $19.97 has an extra quart and is a name brand. However, that extra quart will cost you $5 and change. Supertech FS 5w30 is $14.88 for 5 quarts but you can buy an extra quart for a little under $5, but you have a store brand. Which would you choose and why?

Do you need seven quarts or six?
Buying an extra Havoline = 7
Buying an extra quart of Supertech = 6

In either case, I would just buy an extra box or extra five quart jug. I haven't purchased single quarts in 2-3 decades.

Either oil brand will work. I choose Supertech because I dislike the big box concept.
In my opinion, the best store brand oil in five quart jugs is NAPA oil. I think they have a sale going on also....$16.99 for five
Both oils are superb. If you don't need more than 5qts it's a no brainer get the super tech 5qt jug. Why buy more than you need.
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