Staff member
General & Off Topic Use and Post Quality POLICY
Recent issues with posting that has been low quality, not meaningful or insightful, and required excessive moderation or review has resulted in the need to provide specific guidance associated with use of this section.
The General & Off-Tooic (G&OT) section is intended to be a family-friendly location to discuss topics of interest to the BITOG community that do not cleanly align to the other sub-forums on the site. Users are reminded that by posting in G&OT, they accept and will adhere to the forum rules (link), and the site standards of conduct (link). Because of the broad range of topics that can be discussed here, and the site’s interest in retaining a family-friendly forum with topics of interest and value, the following policy is applied to the G&OT section:
1. The G&OT section is intended to provide an opportunity for users of the BITOG forums, who generally have similar interests (e.g., lubrication, maintenance, vehicles, etc.) to discuss other topics. Posts are still expected to have quality and substance fitting to the BITOG forums, and be consistent with discussions that would be held in one’s own home or garage with family and children present.
2. Users are reminded that they will not post religion/sex/politics on this or any other BITOG forum. This also includes the expectation of no obscenities, foul, demeaning, or otherwise inappropriate content or language.
3. Users are responsible for the quality and content of their linked material. This includes an assurance that multimedia links posted here are free of objectionable content, including but not limited to: objectification of women, embedded political narratives, foul or profane language, images and graphics that violate the site standards, etc.
4. The quality of posts is expected to provide substance and value of discussion. The G&OT forum does not replace social media, photo sharing, or other social apps, and is not intended for streams of consciousness or worthless posts. Off topic posts/threads will be deleted if they have no redeeming value.
5. Users will identify the sub-forum where posts ideally fit (e.g., humor, photos, etc), and will verify that their thread Is not duplicative with others already in existence. Duplicate threads may be merged or moved.
6. The existence of G&OT is contingent upon users abiding by the rules and regulations described throughout the site. Because of the broader range of topics, and increased difficulty in moderating these topics to the level of quality and cleanliness that the site is held to, there will be no tolerance for lack of adherence to the rules. Failure to comply will result in removal of posting privilege, or banning from the site at the sole discretion of the staff.
Recent issues with posting that has been low quality, not meaningful or insightful, and required excessive moderation or review has resulted in the need to provide specific guidance associated with use of this section.
The General & Off-Tooic (G&OT) section is intended to be a family-friendly location to discuss topics of interest to the BITOG community that do not cleanly align to the other sub-forums on the site. Users are reminded that by posting in G&OT, they accept and will adhere to the forum rules (link), and the site standards of conduct (link). Because of the broad range of topics that can be discussed here, and the site’s interest in retaining a family-friendly forum with topics of interest and value, the following policy is applied to the G&OT section:
1. The G&OT section is intended to provide an opportunity for users of the BITOG forums, who generally have similar interests (e.g., lubrication, maintenance, vehicles, etc.) to discuss other topics. Posts are still expected to have quality and substance fitting to the BITOG forums, and be consistent with discussions that would be held in one’s own home or garage with family and children present.
2. Users are reminded that they will not post religion/sex/politics on this or any other BITOG forum. This also includes the expectation of no obscenities, foul, demeaning, or otherwise inappropriate content or language.
3. Users are responsible for the quality and content of their linked material. This includes an assurance that multimedia links posted here are free of objectionable content, including but not limited to: objectification of women, embedded political narratives, foul or profane language, images and graphics that violate the site standards, etc.
4. The quality of posts is expected to provide substance and value of discussion. The G&OT forum does not replace social media, photo sharing, or other social apps, and is not intended for streams of consciousness or worthless posts. Off topic posts/threads will be deleted if they have no redeeming value.
5. Users will identify the sub-forum where posts ideally fit (e.g., humor, photos, etc), and will verify that their thread Is not duplicative with others already in existence. Duplicate threads may be merged or moved.
6. The existence of G&OT is contingent upon users abiding by the rules and regulations described throughout the site. Because of the broader range of topics, and increased difficulty in moderating these topics to the level of quality and cleanliness that the site is held to, there will be no tolerance for lack of adherence to the rules. Failure to comply will result in removal of posting privilege, or banning from the site at the sole discretion of the staff.