Gas Prices Are Going Up

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Some of you electric car owners must be thinking "glad I don't have to care about gas prices anymore..."
They just going to drive everyone's electric rates companies are going to get our money one way or another...
Enjoy $2-something/gal while it lasts. OPEC cut production and it's in the current US administration's green agenda to push prices higher and cancel supply pipelines.

Isn't it funny how those who want supply pipelines canceled, are still fine with their own personal use, and/or benefit, from everything that oil makes and fuels? Meanwhile, China is building coal power plants faster than ever, making products to ship to us the dirtiest way possible. Heh, why use a pipe to deliver oil when you can just ship it further, right?
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Some of you electric car owners must be thinking "glad I don't have to care about gas prices anymore..."
At only $2-something a gallon ? Hardly. Many ICE owners are thinking, glad that my vehicle depreciation plus fuel cost, is lower than the yearly depreciation of a new EV (before even considering electricity for it, or interest the money could be earning if invested elsewhere).

Of all the things an EV is, cheaper is not one of them unless a very specific set of variables to get there including a lot of miles per year.
A few days ago at Sam’s the 93 was $1.97 a gallon now it’s $2.37 how ridiculous I only run mid grade and premium and they don’t have mid grade so I had to get premium and pay that price.
That's nothing: last month D2 was $1.89 in my neck of the woods.

Now it's $2.77 and counting.
Considering we had to work with $4/gal in 2008-2014 or so... Anything under $3/gal is still cheap to me.

I hardly ever really look at the price at the station I am at usually. It's a cost I have to pay, so it is what it is. Perhaps when gas breaks $5/gal I may reconsider taking the V8 out as much ;)
This is the time of the year where the industry tries to push prices upwards, and the planets are aligning in their favor right now...plant outages, speculators pushing up crude prices, summer blend around the corner, etc...and as the pandemic starts to taper off, there will be an increase in demand...I think most places nationwide could possibly see $3 by summer, with CA, the weirdo state, being considerably higher as long it will stay there will depend on crude production...

We had a brief dip to just below $3 for regular here but it has jumped the past couple of weeks. $3.39 at the Chevron near me.
Why would they need an excuse for legal business ? You could buy a Tesla and solar panels.
I think the oil industry wants to paint themselves in a good light so we will believe the industry's hand belongs in our pockets emptying our wallets...
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