Fram vs Advanced Auto Parts

Wow do tell!

Discount codes, coupons, and looking for pricing errors is how I like to shop and save money at AAP. For example yesterday I found a bottle of Red Line SL-1 fuel system treatment listed in-store for $9.99. That is normally $14.99 and I pointed out $9.99 price tag to the staff at checkout and they honored the $9.99 price without questioning anything. With a $5 off coupon I paid $5.49 after tax, the funny thing is I went in to get a bottle of Royal Purple Max Clean for $18 but could not pass up this opportunity to get this bottle of SL-1.

Also if you turn in a used battery at AAP they give you a $10 gift card. I have gotten several of those and put them to good use.
....I don't see the value of $14.99 over an $8.99 (or less) Ultra.
Agreed. Using the XG7317, (the filter app I use most) quoted Titan.. AAP current price accurate. Listed XG Ultra price currently ~$8.50 everyday (online price for pickup) WM/Amazon price. Last two XG7317 I purchased from the latter with S&S.
Also over the years, with very few exceptions I've found I can do better buying the oil and filter separately than any AP store oil/filter change "specials". Examples, recent OCs include RGT free after rebate jugs. And RGT $10/jug AAP closeout, M1AFE, $10/jug AR. Not to mention using the oil and filter combo of 'my' choosing.

That said, nothing whatsoever against AAP. Bought many items including many batteries and rotors using codes. But the days of 40%+ off codes are long gone. Generally when I've contacted AAP customer service through the toll free number, I've been treated well.

Again, just not seeing value in the topic AAP Titan, over the readily available Ultra XG.
LoL ... better go back to Motorcraft. ;)
I still use motorcraft FL500s , FL1A . Just not FL820s until they fix the tear . When it come to Ford I always use motorcraft oil filter . Just for fl820s is when I pick other brand like fram or mobil 1 since I ONLY shop my oils and filter at Walmart

next oil change on my cobra or my 5.4l 3v imma change with fl820s just for the hell out off it since I put 50 miles a years . It should be ok

really at this point of my life and what going on with the world . I really don’t care any more . Anything can do the job . Come down to what easy available that day when I come look at the oil filter . If it don’t have fram part number I need . I get motorcraft . If it don’t have motorcraft I get Mobil 1 . If it don’t have Mobil 1 I get K&N . Whatever available that day.

same with oil . What ever oil as long it’s the weight I need . Keep life simple . I don’t want think too much any more , I’m tired of it .
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Never ever saw them in my AAP stores... Not once.
As a former AAP employee, both DIY and Commercial Parts Pro, I am not surprised that your AAP is different. We were a HUB store for the entire district. We sold about $58k per week combined, 4 trucks just for Commercial deliveries. 2 Customers that had both bought over 1 million of parts
Fram: The media is the same, the differences in the 2 are the improved oil flow in the force over the Tough Guard, and the titanium has improved oil flow and the new perfect seal gasket also over the Ultra synthetic.
Fram also told me the media is the same on their 3980 between the Ultra and the Titanium, I replied that that is clearly not the case. They’ve not responded to me yet …
Fram also told me the media is the same on their 3980 between the Ultra and the Titanium
Maybe they meant the old wire-backed Ultra? ... or more likely he was comparing the new non wire-backed Ultra and non wire-backed Titanium, which are the same media now. 🤷‍♂️ You just happen to have a Titanium with the OG wire backed media.

The more you talk or chat with Fram, the more you will realize that their tech support people need some more training on the technical details of the Fram oil filters. They would have to have some pretty detailed and up to date tech info on every single filter model (which I doubt they have to reference) to know what's going on. Also, that on-line chat I had with Fram was 3+ years ago.
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It's a shame they couldn't have kept the original ultra/Titanium with whatever price adjustment needed and made the new Ultra/Titanium under a different name. Come to think of it, given how the Ultra did better in the tests, why not keep that line running and have RP and Amsoil rebadge those?
Out of curiosity, I did an on-line chat with Fram just now to see what they said are the differences between the Fram TG and XG vs the AAP Force and Titanium.


Me: Hello, I have a few questions about the new Force and Titanium oil filters sold through Advanced Auto Parts stores.

Fram: I would be happy to assist you with this. What questions do you have?

Me: Looking at the build construction and the efficiency specs between the Fram TG and AAP Force, and the Fram XG and the AAP Titanium, they look basically the same. Do you know if the same exact filtering media is used between the two (Fram vs AAP)?

Fram: Tough Guard is a 15,000 mile oil change interval with synthetic oil. 98.5% efficient @ 20 microns.
Fram Force is an upgrade to Tough Guard. 15,000 mile oil change interval with synthetic oil. 99% efficient @ 20 microns. For more aggressive driving, towing, high performance applications. Has improved oil flow.
Ultra Synthetic: is a 20,000 mile oil change interval with synthetic oil. 99% efficient @ 20 microns, media has a reinforced media screen with media and filters out double the particles.
Fram Titanium: is a 20,000 mile oil change interval with synthetic oil. 99% efficient @ 20 microns, media has a reinforced media screen with media and filters out double the particles. Has improved oil flow due to tear drop design holes. the last main difference is that the Titanium has our new Perfect Seal gasket that provides superior durability as well as heat protection.

Me: Thanks, I knew about the inlet holes and base gasket changes on the Titanium. Since the efficiency rating and use mileage ratings are the same, is the actual media material the same between the Fram line and the AAP line? That's what I'm interested in knowing. Or is the AAP filters using a different media design, but happen to have the same efficiency rating?

Fram: The media is the same, the differences in the 2 are the improved oil flow in the force over the Tough Guard, and the titanium has improved oil flow and the new perfect seal gasket also over the Ultra synthetic.

Me: What gave the Force better oil flow over the TG if it wasn't the media itself. Is it because of more media area?

Fram: The proprietary design we used in this filter. Is there anything else that I can help you with today?

Me: Does Fram plan on using these improvements in their own line?

Fram: These filters were designed exclusively for Advanced auto parts.

Me: Thanks ... Yes, I figured that would be the case.

Fram: Is there anything else that I can help you with today?

Me: No, nothing else. Thanks for the help.

Fram: Thank you for using Fram filters. Have a great day!
Nice job with the Q&A with Fram!