Well, this was the first day out on the boat, yesterday, Sunday. Been occupied with the new home so boating has taken a back seat for the last 2 years.
Anyway, as the photos in the OP show, got it all cleaned up, fresh charge on the battery and started the engine at home.
Got to the ramp yesterday, engine started most likely after just one rotation. (now if I just remembered to put the outdrive down! *LOL*)
Down the intracoastal to Shallotte Inlet for a quick run out into the ocean, I love it out there, so peaceful and this inlet can be a bear for those not familiar with boating. There are no buoys or poles marking the entrance to the inlet from the intracoastal and there are no buoys or poles inside of the inlet, you really are on your own. Sandbars line each side and everything in-between.
I guess they dont mark it because of constant shifting sand or just the fact there arent a lot of boats here. There are buoys on the ocean side so once out in the ocean the buoys will lead you to the inlet, but once at the inlet you are on your own.
Last year at the end of the year was my first attempt after watching other boats (there arent a lot) and using the depth finder. It was uncomfortable and I am very experienced. But we did it without hitting sand. This past Sunday was the second time and felt a lot more confident but I still had to use the depth finder to find the entrance to the inlet to get to the ocean. Now I got it and know exactly where to go in the future.
Amazingly my wife loves it, as I do, it's so peaceful it must be over (or up to a mile) on the ocean side of running next to the sandbars on each side. It's really beautiful watching the rolling swells break up on the sandbars and following white water. Was hoping to see a dolphin but no good.
Anyway, in the photos you can see the water towers for Ocean Isle Beach (closest one) and Sunset Beach (furthest one)
It was just a quick run and then back to the intracoastal side to anchor near the sandy beach and go swimming. In Photo number #8 you can see the nice blue/green water. It's not like that right now, hoping in a couple weeks.
I tired to post the photos in order as we left the inlet. Maybe some day I can figure out how to link video. The photo that looks calm was trying to show the size of the swells but without moving video it's not possible and it actually looks calm but is NOT.
(this are screen shots from my video)