Feeling Underwhelmed and Disappointed with Apples 2024/25 Product Launch

(First full disclosure though most know. I am fully in the Apple world now and have been for a few years, Long ago I was an Android and Windows person. Now, we (my wife and I) have 2 iPhone 13's, 1 MacBook Air, 2 Mac mini desktops with 27 inch monitors, wife has an Apple Watch 7 and I have an Apple Watch 9. We also have my wife's maybe last Windows device which is a Lenovo Yoga EVO laptop and her company provided Dell workstation.)

Am I the only one? I combed and searched but no one posted anything.
Apple held their annual new product launch yesterday Sept 9th and I am disappointed, was really hoping for something new, something exciting, something that I could have an excuse to go out and buy, yet, completely underwhelmed.
I am not specifically talking about AI which I think is a farce at the present time. AI is in its infancy and the new Apple models will be more like (hopefully) a better Siri that works properly.

I honestly feel their stock price will be affected by this lame product launch but maybe I am not a typical consumer. I want something new, not the same old phone design, same old ear buds, same old stuff but just updated = BORING!

I cant think of anything in the new product launch that wants me to go out and get one. HECK I would even settle for maybe an excuse to get a iPhone 16 Pro for a change but the same old boring colors of the Pro makes me like the cheaper iPhone 16 non pro model. So I guess I will just stay with my iPhone 13 because the 16 isnt giving me any kind of thrill right now.

Anyway, Im annoyed and let down. Meanwhile Samsung has a less capable but BEAUTIFUL folding screen smart phone, google has theirs, other companies, mostly all Chinese like Motorola offering folding screens and top rated, Xiaomi has best in the world camera phone and also folding phones, HUAWEI is another, but world class Apple?!?!?!? NO, same old boring design, nothing wrong with that but give us options. Actually HUAWEI just announced the world first TRI-FOLDING phone 3 days before Apples launch. 3.7 million preorders in China.

Im sure Apple with survive and be fine? Sometimes I get these "feelings" about companies, my wife almost laughs about it. Let's say we go to a restaurant that we like all the time and then one day I will say to her, this place is going to close down and sometimes even large corporate ones goes for retail stores too. She tells me "oh no" *LOL* "stop it"
.... and .... well sooner or later it happens.

Anyway, all I know is it is fantastic that Apple products work so well and integrate like no other system in the world but sometimes walking on the wild side can be more fun (if you know what I mean) and Im getting to the point that I am getting bored with the perfect little Apple system and might be tempted to give some of that up for more fun! COME ON APPLE!!!

(Im still about a year out from that thinking but I keep thinking about it and once that starts I dont know how long I will last*LOL*)

If I do it will be a big project as I will never live without a Smart Watch so would have to move the watch and phone into the Android world together which both will no seamlessly integrate with my Apple Desktop and Laptop... but I am getting bored so might be worth the risk one day. Im just plain bored and Apple better get their act together because I cannot be the only one.

I figured expenses were moved from R&D to fight the DOJ's anti-trust suit.
I figured expenses were moved from R&D to fight the DOJ's anti-trust suit.
Na, fighting lawsuits, from the government and public involving big corporations, the cost is a drop in the bucket compared to their profits🙃
Every corporation has dozens of lawsuits every day of the year that they’re fighting. That’s why they have full-time legal staffs.
If I didn't need a phone for my business, I would likely still be owning whatever device would yield nothing more than phone calls and text messages.

To me, it's all the exact opposite when it comes to technology. I find it wonderful to not be participating in a never-ending cavalcade of consumer driven gibberish.

Once upon a time I even took pictures of my vehicles at the dealership and went to a nearby library to post the ads. I would download it onto one of those disc drives, I think they were called zip drives back then. Since I didn't have internet, I would just use the free internet at the library. This was way back around the mid-2000s.
I don’t actually find the $1099 I spent on iPhone pro 14 a few years back that much money. I usually get 1/3 - 1/2 back on trading them after a few years or hand down to kids.

They seem to last 4-5 years.

I am happy with iPhone 14 Pro not sure what my use case needs to get better. I get the gradual improvements. I love my $79 AirPods generation 1, fit my ears perfectly and hand off well with work Mac and phone!

Not Apple fanboy just like consistency. I get Android stuff is cheaper if you like it go for it.
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THIS. I cannot believe they sell an $800 phone with 60hz. It’s insulting on many levels. I have a 13 Pro, still works great. The only reason I got the Pro is because of the 120hz display. It’s a night and day difference. It was absolutely worth the extra cost, especially since I keep my phones for 3+ years. However, one shouldn’t have to pay such a premium for a feature that most phones much cheaper have. Holding out hope that next year the base iPhone 17 will have a higher refresh rate, but I’m sure it won’t. They’ll probably further insult us and give it 90hz 😄
What are the benefits of the 120hz displays? Smoother? I have an iPhone 13 but the battery is getting weak so I may upgrade and am open to the Pro if it’s better.
I have an iphone 14. Work pays. I like it fine. I tend to keep my phone a long time.

Bought the wife a 15 back in December. Its supposed to have a better camera but seems to take worse pictures than mine for some reason?

Bought the kid a pixel (what she wanted). Was like half the price. She likes it but the camera literally broke the day past warranty whatever that was. So they get no more of my money. I will say iphone's do seem to last a very long time.
Smart phones are a mature product category; not much space left to "innovate" unless chasing spec sheet sales, or doing stupid stuff just to stand out, but still stupid.

Might as well ask an automotive OEM why their 2025 FitzMobile doesn't have six wheels, and AWD for "moar" traction.
I don’t actually find the $1099 I spent on iPhone pro 14 a few years back that much money. I usually get 1/3 - 1/2 back on trading them after a few years or hand down to kids.
I have an iphone 14. Work pays. I like it fine. I tend to keep my phone a long time.

Bought the wife a 15 back in December. Its supposed to have a better camera but seems to take worse pictures than mine for some reason?

Bought the kid a pixel (what she wanted). Was like half the price. She likes it but the camera literally broke the day past warranty whatever that was. So they get no more of my money. I will say iphone's do seem to last a very long time.

They seem to last 4-5 years.

I am happy with iPhone 14 Pro not sure what my use case needs to get better. I get the gradual improvements. I love my $79 AirPods generation 1, fit my ears perfectly and hand off well with work Mac and phone!

Not Apple fanboy just like consistency. I get Android stuff is cheaper if you like it go for it.
An internet search on the camera between the 14 pro and 15 pro might be interesting.
I wasn’t paying much attention but have seen online comments/reviews about the 14pro camera is better. Don’t know the details except in my mind if I was to replace my phone I would look into it further.
Right now I really have to go back to sleep, hopefully 😂
Update, I found an interesting story. Supposedly Apple folding phone is now out of the concept stage and into working with suppliers stage.
Code named V68 the Apple crystal ball predictors say it will be available in 2026

That is a long time to hang in there with an iPhone 13, we will see
What are the benefits of the 120hz displays? Smoother? I have an iPhone 13 but the battery is getting weak so I may upgrade and am open to the Pro if it’s better.

Smooth as butter scrolling and animations. Once you go 120Hz there's no going back.

WiFi 7, USB-C and that capacitive camera button made me make the jump from iPhone 14 to 16.
I’m a big fan of the iPhone 16 colors! But that’s just me, the biggest problem is the pro versions which if I ever did would be the first for me and I would really like except for the boring colors.

By the way, an iPhone flip phone is out of the design stage and consultation with the manufacturers taking place.maybe next year who knows if not the following?
We’ll see it’s so hard to know, project is coded V68
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How can you have an iPhone 16 already?
Everything that I see is pre-order?

I meant I pre-ordered once the online store opened up for pre-orders. I usually wait until next year (when in-store stock is available).
I purchased the 15 Pro at the preorder last year and love it. I still have my 12 Pro as well because they wouldn’t give me what I wanted for trade in on it. I’ve decided I’ll never trade in the 15 Pro because it’s the first phone I bought for myself and the first one I paid in full up front for. I think the 16 models are pretty much the same it seems maybe slightly better camera and better chips. I don’t like the regular 16 though it’s ugly by looking like the base 11 and 12 with the bigger cameras though. But I’m also so far in the Apple eco system that I’d never switch. I don’t want to switch anyways as Apple is the only thing I’d use. I also used to be an Android user but not by choice. Apple disappointed me this year by not bringing a blue phone in the lineup too. I wasn’t going to upgrade anyway but I think blue should be a color every year. I do like the gold though and think the white and natural also looks very nice. I’m currently saving up for a iMac and an Apple Watch. I have a MacBook Pro, iPhone, iPad, AirTags, AirPods, Apple TV and all those goodies. I have almost every iPhone too up to the 6 because I collect them lol. I’m trying to get my parents on the Apple train maybe this year I’ll be successful lol. My dad and mom have both hated their S21 Ultras since day one so being the good son I am trying to get them to switch to fruit phones for the better lol. I still have not and will not forgive Apple for switching to USB-C. Apple is supposed to be the superior product and by using the same charger as everyone else they aren’t showing their superiority. You could of made a special adapter for Europe or whoever it was that wanted USB-C.
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Smart phones are a mature product category; not much space left to "innovate" unless chasing spec sheet sales, or doing stupid stuff just to stand out, but still stupid.

Might as well ask an automotive OEM why their 2025 FitzMobile doesn't have six wheels, and AWD for "moar" traction.
Not so sure... Remember the tiny phones people had before Jobs changed the world (again) with the iPhone?
But yes you are right, we have come a long way.
I purchased the 15 Pro at the preorder last year and love it. I still have my 12 Pro as well because they wouldn’t give me what I wanted for trade in on it. I’ve decided I’ll never trade in the 15 Pro because it’s the first phone I bought for myself and the first one I paid in full up front for. I think the 16 models are pretty much the same it seems maybe slightly better camera and better chips. I don’t like the regular 16 though it’s ugly by looking like the base 11 and 12 with the bigger cameras though. But I’m also so far in the Apple eco system that I’d never switch. I don’t want to switch anyways as Apple is the only thing I’d use. I also used to be an Android user but not by choice. Apple disappointed me this year by not bringing a blue phone in the lineup too. I wasn’t going to upgrade anyway but I think blue should be a color every year. I do like the gold though and think the white and natural also looks very nice. I’m currently saving up for a iMac and an Apple Watch. I have a MacBook Pro, iPhone, iPad, AirTags, AirPods, Apple TV and all those goodies. I have almost every iPhone too up to the 6 because I collect them lol. I’m trying to get my parents on the Apple train maybe this year I’ll be successful lol. My dad and mom have both hated their S21 Ultras since day one so being the good son I am trying to get them to switch to fruit phones for the better lol. I still have not and will not forgive Apple for switching to USB-C. Apple is supposed to be the superior product and by using the same charger as everyone else they aren’t showing their superiority. You could of made a special adapter for Europe or whoever it was that wanted USB-C.
I read from some that they weren’t happy with the camera in the 15 Pro compared to the 14 pro. I haven’t looked into it too much. Is there any truth to it?
Do you still have a three times optical zoom?

One thing about Apple and the pro line series of phones I see as soon as the new model comes out Apple instantly stops selling all the previous versions.
Meaning you can no longer buy an iPhone 15 Pro directly from Apple. You have to go to a third-party seller as you can’t buy a 14 pro.
Yet on the Apple site, you can buy iPhone 15s and 14s in the non-pro versions

I guess this maintains the price integrity of the pro models. For those without interest in a pro model, I prefer to buy direct from Apple previous versions of the standard iPhone at a discount.
However, I would love to have a promodel
Because I’m bored, but maybe I’ll hang in there hoping for a flip version🙃
Not so sure... Remember the tiny phones people had before Jobs changed the world (again) with the iPhone?
But yes you are right, we have come a long way.

The iPhone is now 17 years old. Almost old enough to vote, and be considered a legal adult.

Fundamentally, the iPhone 16 introduced last week is still a slab of glass, like the OG iPhone in 2007.

It might be faster, have a larger, brighter screen, and better camera, or still even make phone calls, but the intrinsic functions and utility are the same as the OG iPhone.

Adding larger camera warts, having foldable screens, and pumping enough watts into it possible make it a mini mug warmer is not innovating, nor represent a paradigm shift, as when mobile devices proved they could replace desktops as users' primary computing devices. Or with the iPhone, change the basic UX and how users interact with the device, though taps and gestures, not pressing physical buttons.

Better intelligence in the software, as promised by iOS 18, may improve how people read/send email, take/edit pictures, etc., but they're still reading email and taking pictures, or sending more highly customized avatars in texts. Better tools. Not new tools.

The market has spoken, at least in the U.S., where people are no longer motivated to buy new phones for their new features. They buy new phones when their current phones break, or become unsupported and obsolete.

Other markets still might, or have competitiors that chase buyers with fancy spec sheets.

But any seasoned Apple user, or observer knows, that's never been Apple's primary MO. They keep their products specs competitive, but tout the practical aspects of performance first. You will not find things like clock speed, DRAM capacity, battery size, etc. in Apple's marketing, like the others that lead with those things. They do not add a new feature for the sake of a new feature fanfare, or be first to be first. They add new features based on when they think it can be done in a way to provide a practical benefit to their users. Despite the reputation the company has, it is really quite conservative in many ways. And it works. That success has enabled your friends and neighbors to buy those multi-million dollar houses, drive their fancy cars and pay for special schooling for their spawn.