Fake Honda 15400-PLM-A01? Or am I being paranoid?

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Originally Posted by DuckRyder
Just run whatever your Honda dealer has, It'll be fine.

I've currently got 2 Hamps in service (a long one and a short one) and had my choice of TG/XG/HAMP/A01/A02 for whatever that is worth.

Well I ordered a couple of Fram Ultras, so I'll roll with that for this oil change with the amsoil signature series, I don't think I'll be disappointed lol
Originally Posted by Metfanant
Originally Posted by DuckRyder
Just run whatever your Honda dealer has, It'll be fine.

I've currently got 2 Hamps in service (a long one and a short one) and had my choice of TG/XG/HAMP/A01/A02 for whatever that is worth.

Well I ordered a couple of Fram Ultras, so I'll roll with that for this oil change with the amsoil signature series, I don't think I'll be disappointed lol

Ultras are fine, all except for that sure grip nonsense.
Originally Posted by DuckRyder
Originally Posted by Metfanant
Originally Posted by DuckRyder
Just run whatever your Honda dealer has, It'll be fine.

I've currently got 2 Hamps in service (a long one and a short one) and had my choice of TG/XG/HAMP/A01/A02 for whatever that is worth.

Well I ordered a couple of Fram Ultras, so I'll roll with that for this oil change with the amsoil signature series, I don't think I'll be disappointed lol

Ultras are fine, all except for that sure grip nonsense.

I agree, the sure grip keeps the cup wrench from fitting nicely. But the sure grip is there so I live with it.
Originally Posted by Sayjac
I'd say if a major concern cutting open one that you suspect "fake" would give a better indication.

Yes, you would do the same though counterfeits are continuously improving. I would first look into central tube. First PLM-A01 counterfeits showed higher tube diameter, tons of hermetic and a very bad quality of soldering (two dots on each side of plate/cover that would have to fix spring). In reality these counterfeits were equipped with a classic type by-pass spring like many WIX filters.
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I'm of the opinion that this whole filter efficiency thing is blown way out of proportion on here.

I ran a particle count on an Ultra and it wasn't that impressive, the same car currently has a small HAMP on it and I suppose we will see if it does better, worse or the same. That'll just be one piece of data but... anyway.

I'm not saying that the ULTRA is a bad filter, to the contrary it is a very good filter particularly if you plan to follow the MM and run the filter 2 OCI. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with the Honda branded filters and most of what you read about the A02, PH and TG on the Honda forums is hogwash.

Don't over think it.
Originally Posted by DuckRyder
I'm of the opinion that this whole filter efficiency thing is blown way out of proportion on here.

I ran a particle count on an Ultra and it wasn't that impressive, the same car currently has a small HAMP on it and I suppose we will see if it does better, worse or the same.

What other PC are you comparing it to in order to come to that conclusion? Got a link to your PC data?
Originally Posted by ZeeOSix
Originally Posted by DuckRyder
I'm of the opinion that this whole filter efficiency thing is blown way out of proportion on here.

I ran a particle count on an Ultra and it wasn't that impressive, the same car currently has a small HAMP on it and I suppose we will see if it does better, worse or the same.

What other PC are you comparing it to in order to come to that conclusion? Got a link to your PC data?

So you want me to find the data for you too?
Like I think if you searched my post and looked for ones that have "w PC" in the subject you would probably find it...
Originally Posted by DuckRyder
Originally Posted by ZeeOSix
Originally Posted by DuckRyder
I'm of the opinion that this whole filter efficiency thing is blown way out of proportion on here.

I ran a particle count on an Ultra and it wasn't that impressive, the same car currently has a small HAMP on it and I suppose we will see if it does better, worse or the same.

What other PC are you comparing it to in order to come to that conclusion? Got a link to your PC data?

So you want me to find the data for you too?
Like I think if you searched my post and looked for ones that have "w PC" in the subject you would probably find it...

It's your data, figured you know exactly where it was. I'll go look for it later. Reason I asked is so I can compare the PC data to other filters I've plotted to see if it's better or worse, and see if it comes in were a 99% at 20μ filter should. Data you might even be interested in.
Originally Posted by ZeeOSix
Originally Posted by DuckRyder
Originally Posted by ZeeOSix
Originally Posted by DuckRyder
I'm of the opinion that this whole filter efficiency thing is blown way out of proportion on here.

I ran a particle count on an Ultra and it wasn't that impressive, the same car currently has a small HAMP on it and I suppose we will see if it does better, worse or the same.

What other PC are you comparing it to in order to come to that conclusion? Got a link to your PC data?

So you want me to find the data for you too?
Like I think if you searched my post and looked for ones that have "w PC" in the subject you would probably find it...

It's your data, figured you know exactly where it was. I'll go look for it later. Reason I asked is so I can compare the PC data to other filters I've plotted to see if it's better or worse, and see if it comes in were a 99% at 20μ filter should. Data you might even be interested in.

Good lord... you could have found it in the time it took you to type that.

Here: https://www.bobistheoilguy.com/foru...-2005-civic-1-7-w-pc-iso-tan#Post4865564

I'm still kinda miffed y'all got the filter thread locked, so you'll just have to excuse me if I seem [censored] toward you. LOL that is a censor word???
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Thanks. Sorry, on my cell phone so I can't do jack with the data right now anyway. What locked thread? If it's so upsetting then PM a Mod and ask to unlock it. Locking or not seems a bit fickle, and people hit the "Report" button just for spite.
OEMs are not that special. Don't know why people think OEM is always the best. Fram Ultra, Amsoil, Mobil 1, STP XL, K&N are much better filters than Honda's OEM.

BTW, Hondata > KTuner.
Just messing with you.
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Originally Posted by Matagonka
OEMs are not that special. Don't know why people think OEM is always the best. Fram Ultra, Amsoil, Mobil 1, STP XL, K&N are much better filters than Honda's OEM.

BTW, Hondata > KTuner.
Just messing with you.

how can i trust your opinion on oil filters after you said something like that?
Originally Posted by DuckRyder
I ran a particle count on an Ultra and it wasn't that impressive, the same car currently has a small HAMP on it and I suppose we will see if it does better, worse or the same.

Here: https://www.bobistheoilguy.com/foru...-2005-civic-1-7-w-pc-iso-tan#Post4865564

Follow up info. Yeah, that PC isn't great. Here's another Ultra PC that shows it came out much better than yours with similar use mileage. IMO, there is always room for errors in collecting and testing the UO samples. Only way to get good controlled test methods would be for the same people to collect samples exactly the same way, and to test the UO in the same lab on the same test equipment by the same people running the tests.

Ultra XG9972 with 10K (Filter B in plot below).

Also included a plot of the PCs for visual comparison.

DuckRyder Ultra.JPG
Other PC data from the UOA forum I've plotted. This is the family of IOS cleanliness curves I would expect based on the filter's ISO 4548-12 efficiency ratings.

Oil Filter Particle Count Comparision (Data From BITOG UOAs).JPG
Wanted to jump in here about the diamond stamping on the oil filter.. I have genuine Honda A01's that have that diamond with 1, 2 and 3 dots! I think it's either the shift or the line it was manufactured on. That does not mean they are counterfeit! As I know the dealer I bought my A01's from aren't selling fakes. Just had to say that..
Originally Posted by researcher
Wanted to jump in here about the diamond stamping on the oil filter.. I have genuine Honda A01's that have that diamond with 1, 2 and 3 dots! I think it's either the shift or the line it was manufactured on. That does not mean they are counterfeit! As I know the dealer I bought my A01's from aren't selling fakes. Just had to say that..

What about the picture of the crooked diamond, where the one "dot" is more of a line instead of a well defined dot as on the other? Do your filters with one dot look like that?
Originally Posted by Metfanant
Originally Posted by researcher
Wanted to jump in here about the diamond stamping on the oil filter.. I have genuine Honda A01's that have that diamond with 1, 2 and 3 dots! I think it's either the shift or the line it was manufactured on. That does not mean they are counterfeit! As I know the dealer I bought my A01's from aren't selling fakes. Just had to say that..

What about the picture of the crooked diamond, where the one "dot" is more of a line instead of a well defined dot as on the other? Do your filters with one dot look like that?


[Linked Image]

I would like to see your example cut open, I don't think it is real, not one of my A01 or HAMP exhibits such a lightly struck diamond.
Originally Posted by DuckRyder
Originally Posted by Metfanant
Originally Posted by researcher
Wanted to jump in here about the diamond stamping on the oil filter.. I have genuine Honda A01's that have that diamond with 1, 2 and 3 dots! I think it's either the shift or the line it was manufactured on. That does not mean they are counterfeit! As I know the dealer I bought my A01's from aren't selling fakes. Just had to say that..

What about the picture of the crooked diamond, where the one "dot" is more of a line instead of a well defined dot as on the other? Do your filters with one dot look like that?


[Linked Image]

I would like to see your example cut open, I don't think it is real, not one of my A01 or HAMP exhibits such a lightly struck diamond.

Two of my filters have a stamp just like yours, but with 3 dots...the other 3 filters have a crooked, lightly struck diamond, with a very poorly defined dot...

What is the best way to go about cutting the filter open cleanly? I know you guys have special tools to do it
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Originally Posted by Metfanant
Originally Posted by researcher
Wanted to jump in here about the diamond stamping on the oil filter.. I have genuine Honda A01's that have that diamond with 1, 2 and 3 dots! I think it's either the shift or the line it was manufactured on. That does not mean they are counterfeit! As I know the dealer I bought my A01's from aren't selling fakes. Just had to say that..

What about the picture of the crooked diamond, where the one "dot" is more of a line instead of a well defined dot as on the other? Do your filters with one dot look like that?

I had to zoom into the picture, no none of mine have that little line from the diamond to the dot. I have checked. I do apologize for missing that, I didn't see it on my cell phone when looking at the picture. Once I zoomed in on my much larger PC monitor then I could see it. That DOES look odd! Definitely cut that sucker open (if you don't return them). I thought the discussion was about blaming the number of dots around the diamond.

EDIT: One more thing.. What seller did you get these from on Amazon??
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