Excited About Wife's New 4Runner

Also of interest is the Valvoline Advanced Synthetic, showing one of the lowest estimations of percentages of VM, at 2.28%, according to Gokhan’s chart. Also a nice HTHS at 3.2.

And readily available at WM.

I’d probably feel confident leaving that in for 10K also.

I ordered the MotivX socket. Thanks to all who recommended it!

Its first OCI will be M1-AP 5W-30 that I got during the AZ clearance @ $2/qt last year.

I‘m trying to decide how long to leave the FF in. Any opinions?

I left the Tacoma FF in until 3000 miles, but that was also 5W-30, whereas this is 0W-20. Not too concerning considering the cool ambient temps we‘re having.

Regardless of when I drain the FF, I’ll do the first OC @ 10K and then every 10K thereafter. And just rotate the tires every OCI. Makes it easy to remember.

Might try the Edge EP at some point. Going 10K on an OCI, I do feel better about oils that specifically allow long drain.

There’s also an Amsoil 10W-30 that is interesting because it has almost zero VM added. I saw it in Gokhan’s spreadsheet.
Since Toyota calls for 0W-20 and M1 EP 0W-20 is mostly PAO, I see no reason to use anything else unless you are looking for a lower-cost oil.

The cartridge filters are very easy to deal with if you do not overtighten the housing. If you torque the housing to 18 ft-lbs each time, it comes off like butter and there is no need to use any anti-seize.

All of the cartridge "issues" are causing by improper installation, IMO. The system is actually very clean and easy-to-service if done properly.
Wife ordered this and I put it on today. LOL.

I see a delivery driver around town with that sticker across the top of his windshield. Believe it or not he does not seem to tailgate. Maybe he has been brake checked because of it. Lol.
Congratulations, I think it’s a wise choice!

The 4-runner is a legend in automotive circles...I think there’s a doctor that posted a YouTube video of his with 400,000 trouble free miles on it. I have a friend that owns one and he swears by them.

Your Tacoma is also a legend in its own right. I have a coworker that owns the old supercharged version....over 300,000 miles, no major repairs. This thing is in rough shape now though...needs all new suspension, tires, paint is pretty much destroyed (he used it for commuting and construction). This thing is loaded up every single day, still after all these years. Great vehicles.
I always liked the 4-Runners but started driving Jeeps back in '98. Still have the first one (1998 Grand Cherokee 4.0 Six/Selectrac 4x4) and the second one I bought (2007 Grand Cherokee Hemi 5.7 Limited/Quadradrive-II). What kept me with the Jeeps was the availability of full time 4x4. This makes the 4x4 much more useful. I would have bought a 4-Runner back in '98 but they only offered part time 4x4 then, and for the most part full time 4x4 has been hard to find on them. However, with next to no one making a vehicle like this any longer, I hope they keep building the 4-Runner this way. I have no interest what so ever in the current crop of CUVs with a lame AWD system controlled by little rotary buttons. No thanks if that's all there is then I'll keep buying older Jeeps with the inline 6 and a real transfer case. I'll just take a trip out west and get a few non-rusted examples.
The best transfer case IMO: New Venture Gear NV 242, gives you 2wd, 4x4 part time (center diff locked) 4x4 full time (center diff open) neutral and 4x4 low range (center diff locked). Controlled by driver not microchips.
Next up: New Venture 245 full time auto engaging transfer case with 4-low, + Quadradrive II package. My 07 Grand has this, it adds front and rear electronically locking differentials. Constant traction all the time, no downside from traditional lockers or limited slips. It works great.


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I always liked them but started driving Jeeps back in '98. Still have the first one (1998 Grand Cherokee 4.0 Six/Selectrac 4x4) and the second one I bought (2007 Grand Cherokee Hemi 5.7 Limited/Quadradrive-II). What kept me with the Jeeps was the availability of full time 4x4. This makes the 4x4 much more useful. I would have bought a 4-Runner back in '98 but they only offered part time 4x4 then, and for the most part full time 4x4 has been hard to find on them. However, with next to no one making a vehicle like this any longer, I hope they keep building it this way. I have no interest what so ever in the current crop of CUV with a lame AWD system controlled by little rotary buttons. No thanks if that's all there is then I'll keep buying older Jeeps with the inline 6 and a real transfer case.
The best: New Venture Gear NV 242, gives you 2wd, 4x4 part time (center diff locked) 4x4 full time (center diff open) neutral and 4x4 low range (center diff locked). Controlled by driver not microchips.

It gets worse. Many new AWD systems don’t even have those buttons. The computer controls everything. 😁