Regarding the topic of engine failure and oil samples ...
I would think the obvious things they are looking for are gross negligence of required maintenance. We've all seen the videos from "Just Rolled In" (and other similar YT channels) where it's incredibly obvious that oil changes were simply ignored, or improper fluids were introduced (think of someone putting washer fluid in the engine, etc). These kinds of things are quite obvious and are going to be cause for a warranty denial. This is because the failures are quite glaringly atrocious; just an affront to any gear-head sensibilities.
But if an engine seizes under warranty, and the oil "appears" in good shape (it's dark in color, it's not milky, it's thin and not molasses-like and the filter isn't sludged up), then there's no real reason for a dealership to pay the money for a UOA. They're not going to suspect that a SN or SM was used where SP was "required", mainly because there are not outward tell-tale signs of horrific abuse. If the vehicle is a sports car, or a modded diesel truck, they are much more likely to pull the engine programming history and see if the engine has been "tuned"; that would be something they might well be interested in.
I have my serious doubts that any dealership would spend the time/money on worrying about oil brand/grade/spec used as long as there's no outward indication of lubrication problems ( such as sludge under valve cover; sludge on filter media; milkshake oil; coagulated oil; no oil present; etc ... ).