Dollar Tree Yesterday

I hear what your saying, and I know you help a lot of people. I commend you for it. Like I said I didn't always think this way.

I actually grew up very, very poor. My mother told me fate helps those that help themselves. So I did. I realize not everyone has these skills, but everyone has a gift, and everyone should try to do the best that they can.

As for SS, I look at a broken system, that has been manipulated and stolen from for decades, and I look at my children's generation who will be expected to pay into it their entire lifetime and most likely get zero out. I will be lucky to get anything out, it will likely be long bust before I turn 62.

Charity should be those who need it, not those who only need it due to their own choices. At some point bad choices are supposed to hurt.
That's why education is the best gift of all. I owe everything to the promise of low cost, high quality CA Pubic Education and Silicon Valley companies who paid my way. Actually it was part of my compensation; I paid taxes on it, but just the same...

If I may, you have a great Mother. A wise lady. Best. Advice. Ever.
Reminds me of my wife; who helped a young man who was lost get introduced to IT Help Desk work. It changed his life and made this dropout go back to school. Sue looked him in the eye and told him, "Now don't you ever let anyone tell you you can't do that."

Oh yeah, I was the one who kept making the wrong decisions.
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Go to your nearest food shelf, and see the # of high end vehicles that utilize their services.....
Man this reply hit home for me. Last November our MC club did another food drop, at our supporting church run food pantry. As we were lined up carrying the goods into the church basement, I couldn't help but notice the parking lot was pretty much full of cars waiting to pick up their box of food being distributed. And pretty much everyone was on their cell phone,killing time until it was their turn. It was chilly that day ,so everyone had their car running to keep the heat on. Now at that time I didn't own a car as my trans went out on it. But there was alot of nice expensive cars idling, while they waited.My experience is that cell phones are a few hundred dollars at least, and gas was about $3.49 a gallon. So .if these people are so hard up for food they need to go to a food pantry for a meal, why wouldn't they cut back on those luxuries, and set an example for the kids in their cars. The only message I can see being sent is, you can be wasteful with your money and buy everything you want, and some sucker will pay for your food. There was nobody there that walked to the pantry, they all had nice cars.,,