Does Caffeine bother you?

Rather like the stuff.

Four cups of coffee a day. Gave up soda years ago, but became a snob and really only like coffee brewed at home.

Will do some tea from time to time, but it tends to make me feel jittery. Regular full strength coffee barely impacts me, but tea sometimes gets to me. Odd.
I can easily do a pot of coffee a day and a 2 liter of pop.
2 cups coffee in the AM. If I drink it after 3pm or so, have trouble sleeping. More than about 3 cups produces an anxious feeling I don't like.
My coffee intake is 1 or 2 18 oz mugs a day. Never sure if the second mug will be drank, If I go to the lady friends house I take a mug along. Their idea of good coffee is Folger's. Haven't been there since about 1978 when I was introduced to Mocha Java.
I absolutely love coffee. The smell and, if it's good coffee, the taste. A nice chai tea or other black tea is great too. Not a huge fan of green tea but some of the blends are tasty. When it comes to soda and energy drinks I find most of them too sweet and/or gross.

Sadly caffeine makes me have to go to the bathroom, and I'm not talking about #1. So I try to avoid it.
Coffee makes you regular for sure
As others said, my issue is not getting enough. I usually have 3 cups a day. If I don't have two by noon, I'll have withdrawals. The worst headaches I've ever had was from lack of caffeine.
Had a caffeine headache this morning, only had one mug of coffee and no tea yesterday.
Coffee tastes pretty nasty to me since I first took a sip when I was probably 8 or 10, so I have absolutely no desire for it ever since. I does smell nice when someone is cooking it. I've cut down on soft drinks the last few years to only when having a combo meal at a fast food place. If it's not included I just ask for a cup of water. As a replacement, I've switched to Arizona diet ice tea, the peach and green tea versions. Not sure how much caffine it has but doesn't seem to bother me. Read somewhere that the sweeteners they used aren't as bad for you as what other brands or sodas have. A gallon lasts about 3 days which is still probably not enough fluid intake.
Caffeine can promote cardiac arrhythmias in certain people - though not in most people.

I am/was one of those people. I used to have bouts of very rapid heart beat and coffee was one of the main precipitants (along with stress, lack of sleep, chocolate, and alcohol). The technical term for these episodes is Supraventricular Tacchycardia (SVT). My pulse would easily top 150 beats/minute and go as high as 200 beats/minute. They aren't dangerous unless you fall down or crash your car because you're feeling weak, or something like that. I would feel weak but never felt faint. They did stop me from getting a pilot's license however. These bouts would last anywhere from a minute or two, up to many hours.

I was advised to stop drinking caffeinated coffee entirely at about age 40. By doing that these bouts of rapid heart beat almost entirely disappeared. So when someone asks for a decaf coffee they aren't being precious. When I stopped drinking real coffee I noticed an immediate drop in my energy level.

The rapid heart beat episodes came back again in the past few years and I had to get some work done on the wiring of my heart (not on the arteries, the actual wiring). I can drink caffeinated coffee now but I don't like the buzz so I stick to decaf. And I sleep better too.
No, the lack of caffeine bothers me. Been drinking coffee since I was 12… never really made me hyper/jittery unless I had a lot… though my “1 cup” is more like 4 according to the coffee maker.