Do I want a sealant or carnauba wax?

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Mar 8, 2010
I am looking for long lasting protection from the intense sunlight. Which would be better for UV protection and durability? Deep wet glossy paint is not my priority, but of course would be great too. Vehicle is a GM truck, greystone metallic color (dark silver).
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Over the years I have found that sealants last longer. Years past I have had to reapply carnuba wax once a month. With the sealant I put two coats of Adams Machine Super Wax, which is really a sealant, and it lasted all summer. I put on another coat before winter and it was still beading into early spring.
As I went began my Spring Detail I noticed that the surface was still protected. My truck is 5 years old and people think it's brand new. It's Radiant Silver.
I have used Zaino in the past and have nothing against them but prefer Adams products.
Hope this helps.
Typically a sealant has more durability than a wax. Collinite waxes, which sone people believe are a hybrid wax/sealant , are known for their longevity. I use Duragloss 501 as a sealant and then the next day top it off with Collinite. The Duragloss, on a well prepped surface, will last between 6 months to a year and Collinite should last between 3-6 months, unlike most carnaubas that last 1-2 months.
I use a polymer based sealant like NuFinish. Seems very good against UV deterioration. NuFinish is one of the most durable waxes availiable.
Get the best of both worlds with Collinite #845 Insulator Wax. Long term durability and the warm look of carnauba.
Like stated above, Collinite (#845) really is the bomb, very durable and great looks.
I'm currently using Ultima Paint Guard Plus which is a WOWA type sealant and I love this stuff. Super durable, easy to apply and looks good.
Zaino All-in-One every six months with an occasional 3-5 minute application of Zaino Clear Seal. Excellent results.
Thanks for the input. Im busy reading up on Collinite products. I like the durability of 476, but may go 845 for ease of use. I do like NuFinish, but I have a decent amount of black plastic which it has stained before.
Many of these new products such as Collinite, Wolfgang, zaino and the like, take the fun out of getting out there and making love to your vehicles by giving it a good coat of wax. Just can't do it as often any more with these state-of-the-art formulas.

I tried a sealant and Collinite's 845 last fall for the first time and still waiting for it to wear off, lol.
Going to strip these off and go back to a good old polish and wax.
Its nice to have a wide selection of products in the stores and on line.
Not sure about the other formulas, but I use collinite 476 and you can layer that as much as you want.
klasse sealant works well for me. it does not stain trim. a little goes a long way. very durable.
Originally Posted By: FastEddie
Like stated above, Collinite (#845) really is the bomb, very durable and great looks.
I'm currently using Ultima Paint Guard Plus which is a WOWA type sealant and I love this stuff. Super durable, easy to apply and looks good.

I love it too. After three applications paint has a "candy" finish no matter what color. It's awesome for white pearl.
Well I went ahead and ordered some Collinite online. Does either 476 or 845 stain black plastic trim?
They do not stain trim. Good choice! You've gone with the most durable wax and probably the best bang for the buck wax since it is so cheap and yet lasts so long.
Great choice on the 845. Just plug your nose while applying
Some things to be aware of with the 845:

Shake it until you see stars. Take off the cap and you will still see wax thick around the lid....push it in the bottle with something and shake it some more. Once the whole thing is runny, almost like water, it's ready to use.

Apply it so thin that you have to strain your eyes to see if you actually got the product on the surface. Follow the directions for hazing time and wipe down.
I haven't tried the 845, but I use the 476 and it's a great product. I still don't think it holds up as well as many claim, though. We get about 4-5 months out of it on our Honda, but it sits outside 24/7. On the truck, which is garaged a good amount, usually around 6-7 months.
Originally Posted By: RTexasF
Some things to be aware of with the 845:

Shake it until you see stars. Take off the cap and you will still see wax thick around the lid....push it in the bottle with something and shake it some more. Once the whole thing is runny, almost like water, it's ready to use.

Apply it so thin that you have to strain your eyes to see if you actually got the product on the surface. Follow the directions for hazing time and wipe down.

I wish I knew that when I tried 845. The stuff is so thick.
Originally Posted By: bigmike
I haven't tried the 845, but I use the 476 and it's a great product. I still don't think it holds up as well as many claim, though. We get about 4-5 months out of it on our Honda, but it sits outside 24/7. On the truck, which is garaged a good amount, usually around 6-7 months.

Collinite seems to be holding up very well for you. Most carnaubas last just 1-2 months. For an ungaraged car 4-5 months is fantastic protection---only the best sealants could match that.
I'll second the earlier suggestion to shake the 845 bottle as much as possible. I keep the bottles in my house and sometimes put it for a couple of minutes in a container with hot water to help the process.
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