Cyber truck

The biggest issue I see is so many design flaws that are first year engineering class missteps. The Cybertruck doesn't have a drain trough on the frunk if it's open. If it's open and raining water just runs off into it. Tyler Hoover has had nothing but issues with his founders series. He kept seeing blue fluid under his Cybertruck. It was leaking washer fluid behind the frunk and onto the ground. The Tesla rep said "that was normal" I know there are a number of Tesla fanatics on this board but when a company treats customers like they are morons irks me and I don't even own a Tesla.
I saw that video. Not impressed. I don't know how something like this got overlooked. It makes me think they have a panel installed improperly on his truck, but even if that is the issue, I'm sure it's far from the only one.
You would have to have blinders on to buy one of these now. I expect prices to drop like a rock, can’t imagine how painful it would be to try to trade one in.

Well I guess you would have needed blinders on from the get go, has to be the most hideous looking vehicle I have ever seen.
You would have to have blinders on to buy one of these now. I expect prices to drop like a rock, can’t imagine how painful it would be to try to trade one in.

Well I guess you would have needed blinders on from the get go, has to be the most hideous looking vehicle I have ever seen.
John clay Wilfe who owns givemethevin and has a radio show has said wholesale prices have dropped off a cliff on these in the last month or so. The chances of flipping one for huge profit is gone. Supposedly auction prices have dropped $30,000 and falling on the Cybertruck. A guy tried to sell his Cybertruck with 10k miles on it to carvana in February and they offered him $76,000 and not a Penny more.
I see them around. They seem more like a prank than anything. There was a Hummer EV around that was traded in with something like 80 miles on it. I think the buyer thought he could sell it for a profit and it didn't work out. Everyone keeps talking about the acceleration. I guess they need to brag about something as it slowly falls apart.

I see them around. They seem more like a prank than anything. There was a Hummer EV around that was traded in with something like 80 miles on it. I think the buyer thought he could sell it for a profit and it didn't work out. Everyone keeps talking about the acceleration. I guess they need to brag about something as it slowly falls apart.

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But, but, but, they look sooo handmade 😵‍💫
The first one I saw did look handmade, in a garage with basic tools. Like one of those old Fiero or VW kit cars. I did a double take.
I wanted to think this was a whack game - but with an end game - targeting military use - and something palatable was coming …
Joe Rogan might need to share another bottle of whiskey with the man 👨
What a joke!

I was buying a Honda CR-V yesterday. Driving home a Tesla truck passed on the freeway. It's all perception and personal preference, so YMWV, but that is one of the ugliest things ever. It makes me think of a 7 year old who hasn't yet developed skills and techniques to be a fine artist but just cuts the most basic shapes and lines with scissors and paper. I don't want one even if it's free, unless I'm allowed to sell it and use the proceeds elsewhere.
I was buying a Honda CR-V yesterday. Driving home a Tesla truck passed on the freeway. It's all perception and personal preference, so YMWV, but that is one of the ugliest things ever. It makes me think of a 7 year old who hasn't yet developed skills and techniques to be a fine artist but just cuts the most basic shapes and lines with scissors and paper. I don't want one even if it's free, unless I'm allowed to sell it and use the proceeds elsewhere.
Exactly. As a kid I never knew I was drawing an accurate car of the future. I thought I just couldn't draw a decent front/rear and just went with a right angle.
What a joke!

On my newest vehicle, a motorcycle, I could seriously maim myself if I were dumb, too. I could run my fingers into the chain/sprocket junction. Give myself 3rd degree burns if I touched the mufflers which have catalytic converters in them, while they are hot, etc.

But I think I'll pass...
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On my newest vehicle, a motorcycle, I could seriously maim myself if I were dumb, too. I could run my fingers into the chain/sprocket junction. Give myself 3rd degree burns if I touched the mufflers which have catalytic converters in them, etc.

But I think I'll pass...

The difference is you have to try and hurt yourself on most vehicles. The CT has edges on the panels that you can grate a carrot on.