Cyber truck

When they are comparable in price it is. Which is what I was comparing...
Sure, but with that metric we should include a base 911. A Limited F series isn’t expected to do more than an XLT just because it costs more.

The Cybertruck is a Tesla before it’s anything else. Expecting a gimmick to do something or put it in situations to intentionally overwhelm it to negate its usefulness is kind of missing the point. I know people that own F350s that never tow. It doesn’t make sense to me. I think you’ll be hard pressed to find a Cybertruck owner that is concerning themselves with towing much of anything. Of course Elon says Elon things of it’s capabilities which is the stuff that prompts these tests.

I’d only consider an EV truck for the bed. I really wouldn’t want to deal with towing that would require public charging. It would be a pain to remove the trailer every time to charge. I haven’t seen a pull through charger here that would allow it to stay connected.
Sure, but with that metric we should include a base 911. A Limited F series isn’t expected to do more than an XLT just because it costs more.

The Cybertruck is a Tesla before it’s anything else. Expecting a gimmick to do something or put it in situations to intentionally overwhelm it to negate its usefulness is kind of missing the point. I know people that own F350s that never tow. It doesn’t make sense to me. I think you’ll be hard pressed to find a Cybertruck owner that is concerning themselves with towing much of anything. Of course Elon says Elon things of it’s capabilities which is the stuff that prompts these tests.

I’d only consider an EV truck for the bed. I really wouldn’t want to deal with towing that would require public charging. It would be a pain to remove the trailer every time to charge. I haven’t seen a pull through charger here that would allow it to stay connected.

They are both pickup trucks. Neither one is a sportscar. However, the Cybertruck is competitive with the 911 Turbo S in acceleration...
It’s much larger in person than in photos.

I’ve seen a few on the road and people buy them for attention, not Tacoma functionality and reliability.
The Cybertruck was originally going to be larger than it currently is.
Even the Tesla fans on Twitter are now saying Cybertrucks are piling up at delivery centers with no buyers. No $100,000+ vehicle will sell in huge numbers, including this.

They'll sell, there's an a** for every seat. It just might a little longer to fill those seats.
The guy in my neighborhood that bought one a couple of months ago has already traded it in on a GMC Truck. LOL. They are so ugly and plagued with problems. I don't know why anyone would purchase this vehicle. Huge mistake on Tesla's part.
Just saw one today on I40 westbound in Knoxville. It certainly caught my eye. 4 younger guys in it blending in with middle lane traffic. Very bright and silvery. Body looked straight, no odd gaps.
It’s definitely a head turner in real life. I don’t want one but when I see one in the wild I have to look, it’s like nothing on the road (maybe a reason for that).
They remind me of 70's dystopian sci-fi movies, maybe that is why I kind of like them. Something I could imagine the Corporation giving Jonathan in Rollerball:)
Look up the Urba Centurion, a few folks on ecomodder updated and restored the engine and transmission tweaking it to get 70-90mpg with a few reports past 100mpg

These things were the basis of the cybertruck and used as visual models in total recall

Even the Tesla fans on Twitter are now saying Cybertrucks are piling up at delivery centers with no buyers. No $100,000+ vehicle will sell in huge numbers, including this.

Considering both a base Cyber and F150 electric were supposed to start around $35,000….
The question is, can a washing machine that is still boxed be hauled away in CT. That is a simple test of real world utility of a CT.
The question is, can a washing machine that is still boxed be hauled away in CT. That is a simple test of real world utility of a CT.
I’m curious to hear why that might be an issue. The tonneau doesn’t have to be closed to drive.
It’s much larger in person than in photos.

I’ve seen a few on the road and people buy them for attention, not Tacoma functionality and reliability.
True - but it is better looking than a solid color Taco - cement with blue tones - and some twinkle - (and ARB lockers) … 😵‍💫
According to a few sources at Tesla service centers Tesla may be pulling the plug on the foundation series as Cybertrucks are starting to pile up at overflow lots. So much for Elon telling everyone how "off the hook" demand is for these things.
According to a few sources at Tesla service centers Tesla may be pulling the plug on the foundation series as Cybertrucks are starting to pile up at overflow lots. So much for Elon telling everyone how "off the hook" demand is for these things.
That’s what happens when you take deposits and then make a vehicle that costs twice what was promised. They’ll probably scrape off the Foundation decal and lower the price $20k and sell them as the midrange model they actually are.
The biggest issue I see is so many design flaws that are first year engineering class missteps. The Cybertruck doesn't have a drain trough on the frunk if it's open. If it's open and raining water just runs off into it. Tyler Hoover has had nothing but issues with his founders series. He kept seeing blue fluid under his Cybertruck. It was leaking washer fluid behind the frunk and onto the ground. The Tesla rep said "that was normal" I know there are a number of Tesla fanatics on this board but when a company treats customers like they are morons irks me and I don't even own a Tesla.