Cleaning deceased MIL condo and found $15K cash

My recently departed Mother was a real piece of work when it came to money . She got a settlement from one of those class action lawsuits against a drug company and received about 80k over a period of 3 yrs . She spent money like a drunken sailor on shore leave . We were worried that she would need money to pay for long term care , etc. and there would be nothing left . We convinced her to stash some money in a savings account and NOT TOUCH IT . She spent most of the money she had in her other accounts and was starting to hint that she needed some of stash . By that time she was getting up in age and Nursing Home care was starting to enter the picture so her spending slowed a bit . We were convinced she wanted to spend it all so my sister and I wouldn't get any of it . Yeah , she was like that .
My parents have money hidden away. Most of it I know about. Also most of it I will never spend because it’s mint condition and old style bills so I plan to add them to my collection as they have already been promised to me. Me and my dad have some extra money hidden away too from my mom too because it’s kind of like our Christmas fund and emergency fund and stuff and truck and project fund. I have already searched all the money we get for the extra valuable ones anyway so I know what I will find when I get it but still good to have.