Bought another BMW: 2000 328i

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$100 Site Donor 2021
Apr 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Blue/Black w/sport trim package.

Picked it up cheap from a Mazda dealership.

Has higher miles (250,000Km on it), and isn't perfect. But for the price ($4K) I think it will make a nice driver for the wife so I can have my bloody truck back! LOL!

We've been sharing the Expedition since I sold the Focus and it hasn't been going well.

Pics and stuff tomorrow when I pick it up.
Very nice! Me thinks you may have caught BMW fever??
Yeah, a little.... LOL. They are really nice driving cars. My wife was in my sister's 330i a few times and started lusting after one.
I like those models. One of the best IMOO.. (In my OLD opinion)

Much better looking than most of the newer models.

Waiting for the pics!


PS: Why did you sell the Focus? Missed that thread.
Wow, nice!

Weird, I was just looking at the cheap prices on them & Mercedes on CL yesterday evening!

Have fun!
Originally Posted By: Bill in Utah
I like those models. One of the best IMOO.. (In my OLD opinion)

Much better looking than most of the newer models.

Waiting for the pics!


PS: Why did you sell the Focus? Missed that thread.

We sold the Focus ages ago because we were short on driveway space. It was a good car, but a bit rough, high miles, no ABS.... And I didn't enjoy driving it, which meant that we couldn't "swap vehicles" readily without one of us being unhappy with what we were driving.

It was basically purchased as a beater for my wife to learn to drive on with the understanding that once she was OK with that, that she would "graduate" to the Expedition and we'd share it.

However, once the M5 went away for the winter, we discovered sharing the vehicle wasn't as simple as we'd initially assumed it would be and so that then got us into shopping for a vehicle to fill the void the sale of the Focus left.

We were initially looking at Escapes, Explorers and stuff, but then the 330i happened for my sister, and the focus (no pun intended) shifted to include some smaller cars as well, most notably the 3-series of course. And ultimately that is where we ended up.
Congrat's on the purchase, be sure to post pics when you get a chance.
Don't forgot to add it to your signature.
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Good purchase. Hows the maintenance history? Those things will run forever if you invest a little into them. Common issues and estimated repair off the top of my head
Valve cover gasket= 225-250
Oil filter housing gasket=could be over 400, we usually do 375 w/new belts since you take them off anyway
Lower control arms-Pricey, full list is 258/side and 2 hrs labor.
Control arm bushings-Get them with brackets, and honest places will charge about 1.5 hrs, book is 2.5. We usually start here if unsure about the quality of the lower control arm balljoints. Youll probably need to replace them anyway. Commonly felt as the steering wheel jerking with a quick stab of the brakes.
Major service runs about 550 with plugs all filters, oil and diff flush, trans flush if 5spd.
If youre a DIY'er the oil leaks and service isnt a major job to tackle. The suspension stuff sucks on your back. Hope it helps, feel free to PM if youve got any questions.
I'm a DIY'er for the most part, but somewhat new to BMW's. LOTS of experience with Ford stuff, but that isn't helping me here in terms of familiarity.

I'll know better once I have it home.
Lots of little tricks, they still keep the technician in mind when assembling cars for the most part. 10,13,15,17 mm is your friend haha.
If she goes easy on it, it will easily return 28+ on the highway. Some long term averages are about 23-25 with people who commute in them.
Originally Posted By: addyguy
....will it get M1 0W-40 when it comes to oil-change time?

I think the answer to that one is pretty obvious
My coworker bought a 2002 325 with 100,000 miles on it for $15,000 I think. It had all maintenance records bone by BMW. He just got rid of it because in the year and half he owned it constantly broke down. He put over $15,000 it it for repairs. Everday something broke. I felt really bad for the guy and he does not like to talk about it. He blew the doors of my Volvo S40 for the most problematic car made.
After owning two Volvos and seeing his BMW I don't think I would ever buy another euro car again.
Drove it 250Km's home tonight, I paid $3,400 for the car + taxes, so I don't expect it to be perfect.

It got excellent gas mileage on the way home, transmission shifts "OK", no slipping or anything at WOT, though I think I'll change the fluid once I find out what it takes as it wasn't as "precise" feeling in its shifting as my sister's 330i feels.

The steering feels a touch "loose" on the highway (a little bit of wander), so I'm thinking it needs a front end part or two. I expected that with the mileage.

The interior is good for the most part save the drivers seat which has a few cracks in the leather. I'm probably just going to replace the seat.

Current issues with the car (I purchased it as-is):

1. The gear selector handle is loose. This is going to require a replacement of the shift lever. I'll be ordering a new one, probably with the chrome strip, as it is less expensive than the all-leather one.

2. The rear passenger window regulator is broken. I've put in an order for a new one, this is a simple DIY and a common issue.

3. It needs a turn signal bulb.

4. It needs a valve cover gasket (Audios called this one!
) as this one is leaking and giving you the "oil burning smell".

5. It should probably get tires. These will pass a safety but they are "triangle" brand, which is something I've never heard of and that does not instill confidence in their quality.

The positives:

1. Oil looks clean and was at a proper level when checked.

2. Engine is dead silent and runs like a Swiss watch.

3. It has zero aftermarket mods on it; looks completely stock.

4. No accidents.

5. Brakes looks great from what I could see and they felt excellent on the drive home.

I'll post up more once it has had its once-over for safety.
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