Being around people drinking alcohol

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Jan 13, 2016
Northeast Nebraska
Up until 16 years ago I drank a lot, beer mainly but also tequila once in a while. I completely quite for almost 6 years, not a drop, then I started having a beer/drink every now and then. Now I like to have a beer after work but never on the weekends unless we go out to eat I may have one. Very rarely do I have more than one at a time.

I felt I needed to give a little back ground before I made this statement because I can't explain why it bothers me so bad but, I can't stand to be around someone drinking when they start becoming noticeably intoxicated.

Does anyone else that doesn't drink a lot feel like this? I've never discussed this with anyone other than my wife because it makes me feel like a hypocrite.
You're not a hypocrite. Being around social drinkers doesn't bother me, in the face drunks bother me. I don't like crowded bars where there are different levels of intoxication either. Having drunks bump into me and apologizing gets old real fast, as does the occasional confrontational a-hole. I think the saying as you grow older you grow wiser applies here. Staying away from places like that is the key. I enjoy a drink every now and then, more so when I was younger.
I avoid places where people are likely to be intoxicated as basically you see what jerks people can become when intoxicated. I still go to restaurants where my wife will have a glass of wine with dinner, but we are not sitting at the bar section having shots.

So I avoid places not because I am concerned I might have too much to drink, but rather because those kind of places have nothing to offer that I am interested in. I have better things to do with my time than sit at a bar all night putting drink after drink back.
My wife and I enjoy a few drinks. We are both on our second marriage after being married to alcoholics the first times. Some people get annoying when drunk. We're not like that. We are both lightweights when it comes to drinking and aren't prone to picking fights. We drink a bit in Vegas but it's an early night if we don't pace ourselves. We both watch each other and can cut the other off if drinking too much with just a quick word or glance.

Like you, we can't stand loudmouths or drunken whoop it up or drama.
Not a hypocrite at all OP.

I love beer. I love anything from Budlight to micro brews. I love cooking various good foods on the grille and drinking beer, being with my girlfriend, family, friends, etc. and social drinking. I hope this goes without saying, but I am in for the day when this happens though.

I dislike being around drunk people too. Don't really care for going to bars either. Thankfully, she feels the same way.
Drunks get old real fast in crowded spaces. I get antsy if there are too many people in a space even if they are sober. I don't drink much anymore. I don't have the time for it.
All the "textures" seem to be represented in this thread.

As we age we set our own "trajectories" for having a good time.

Gone are the days when "everyone" zapped to a bar at the same time and got lit up at the same pace and had a good time doing it.

Opening night parties occur after the final curtain and are over in 90 minutes. Everyone is on the same page. That = good.

Football Sundays are 12 hours long so wandering into a bar avails one the opportunity to see scads of people at various levels of intoxication.
Decoding a disparate batch of drunks can be a minefield.
The older you get, the less you wanna do that.

I'm not a kid anymore. I drink, I party heartily on occasion.
There's nothin' worse than an accumulation of stagnant, old, slow, unoriginal, decaying, pig-headed drunks.
They all sit around watching TV in a bar agreeing with each other....right wing anger "news shows" preferred.
It's the only exercise they get.
That they wave the flag so much is an embarrassment to America. Kira
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
You're not a hypocrite. Being around social drinkers doesn't bother me, in the face drunks bother me. I don't like crowded bars where there are different levels of intoxication either. Having drunks bump into me and apologizing gets old real fast, as does the occasional confrontational a-hole. I think the saying as you grow older you grow wiser applies here. Staying away from places like that is the key. I enjoy a drink every now and then, more so when I was younger.

demar pulled those words out of my head. On point.
OP, I think your feelings are right on. You have grown up, and simply have a different view now. IMO, good on you.
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I agree with Andyd and DLundblad. I have a Genny cream ale bottle maybe 2 times a week. Some weekends I'll have seltzer and vodka with a lil' lime and that's all
JMO, but getting plastered at a bar at $3.75 a beer is stupid. One can blow $50-60 a night including wings, tip, and cover. If there's a "real" band or something to make it worth it, fine, but I just don't like witnessing a hemorrhage of money like that.

I'm more tolerant of a "pig roast" type scenario with a keg where if you're a jerk the owner of the property has the god-given right to lay you flat.
Kira said:
All the "textures" seem to be represented in this thread.

As we age we set our own "trajectories" for having a good time.

Gone are the days when "everyone" zapped to a bar at the same time and got lit up at the same pace and had a good time doing it.

Opening night parties occur after the final curtain and are over in 90 minutes. Everyone is on the same page. That = good.

Football Sundays are 12 hours long so wandering into a bar avails one the opportunity to see scads of people at various levels of intoxication.
Decoding a disparate batch of drunks can be a minefield.
The older you get, the less you wanna do that.

I'm not a kid anymore. I drink, I party heartily on occasion.
There's nothin' worse than an accumulation of stagnant, old, slow, unoriginal, decaying, pig-headed drunks.
They all sit around watching TV in a bar agreeing with each other....right wing anger "news shows" preferred.
It's the only exercise they get.
That they wave the flag so much is an embarrassment to America. Kir The leftists do dope instead.
I never liked the bar scene even when I was younger and dating. In fact, I really didn't drink until I was much older. Now I like to have a couple of glasses of wine in the evening or an occasional nice craft beer with lunch when out and about, but I too avoid places where people go to get drunk. Unfortunately, I live very close to the drinking district in town and get to see the ugliness there almost every night--just don't get the appeal.
I have been sober since 1997 and it does not bother me to be around social drinkers.(A little jealous maybe) But i cannot tolerate drunks and will leave ASAP
I've sometimes wondered what it would be like to go into a bar or tavern and have a drink but I've never done it. I've seen people stumble out or get thrown out and keeps me moving on.
I may drink a couple of beers a year.don't like the taste but I may stop off at the bar across the river if I'm out on my quad and play keno while there.other than that I stay away from alcohol.
I drank 4 beers last night, more than I've had in years.

I have no tolerance for a bunch of drunken obnoxious people.

or groups of people in general.
I'd say it makes you someone who learned and changed their behavior. That is pretty hard for most folks, and something you should be proud of.

Don't feel bad about it.
Alcohol makes me feel worst than I already feel. I don't care for the taste or feeling I get if I drink it. Women usually are more fun to be around after they had a couple of drinks though. I don't mean using alcohol to get lucky, just on a social level
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