Auto-Rx test

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Apr 17, 2005
I'm thinking of putting together a more formal Auto-Rx test. So far I have a shop to do the oil changes, a professional photographer, and some product. I'm looking for the right vehicle. I also have run out of money and would like to know if BITOG members would like to join a fund to do the test right and publish the results.

Things to include:

1. Shop to do work, oil changes, compression testing and other small mechanical tasks.
2. Product, 1 bottle of Auto-Rx
3. Before, during and after Dyson Analysis
4. Complete Calif smog test, before during and after.
5. Observations by licensed mechanic, licensed smog tech
6. Gas mileage, but this should be worth little or nothing, it's too variable.
7. Professional photos

Expenses, items marked with * are already covered
1. 3 smog tests ($89.85)*
2. Services by a mechanic for oil changes, service work, compression testing and disassembly for photos, $165.00, have covered $90.00 but need $75.00
3. 3 Dyson tests, need 3 * 60 = $90.00
4. Professional photos ($100.00 estimate)*
5. Product (covered by Auto-Rx, $22.67) 1 bottle*

The reason to ask for money is to get professional services that will give more consistent data for the test.

The total is $347.52 and $282.52 is covered. I need $165.00
The $90.00 for Dyson can be paid directly to him and the kits shipped to me. The $75.00 can be paid directly to the shop doing the work. This way we can be sure the money goes to the correct places.

Anyone interested in a more complete test dedicated to answering the question, is Auto-Rx a useful product and what results can I expect to see when the product is used per the directions?
I am willing to chip in for the test if it is based on either:

(1) a standard 3000 mile interval for clean and rinse - this would make the product more accessible to a wider audience as it using standard intervals and doesn't require anything beyond what a person would normally do for a normal (not long run) oil change.


(2) tests something new such as the 2 bottle test

My reasoning is if it is a test to move the technology forward, I am interested in helping out. If it is a test to confirm or reconfirm what we already know, then I am not willing to help out at this time.

Thanks for taking the initiative!

also I think the Dyson tests will cost $180, correct?
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The most definitive test ever done by anyone (this was done by Dyson Oil Analysis) can be found on side board of
home page by clicking on "Cycle-Rx"

Test 1- Is about Auto-Rx and Wet Cluch PERFORMANCE/


There is no more definitive test on the benefits & chemistry,s of Auto-Rx none.
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I was looking forward to your test. How about a "slimmed" down version? Maybe omit the Dyson analysis because of cost & lack of sponsorship, if I am understanding correctly... I like the smog & compression test ideas.
Instead of "going by the book," it would be nice to see a "Bitog advanced user" application of this product.
I wouldn't chip in on this because you won't learn anything new. It would be great if we knew nothing about Auto-RX, but that isn't really the case.
Originally Posted By: badtlc
I wouldn't chip in on this because you won't learn anything new. It would be great if we knew nothing about Auto-RX, but that isn't really the case.

Why wouldn't anything new be learned?
Originally Posted By: cosynthetics
Originally Posted By: badtlc
I wouldn't chip in on this because you won't learn anything new. It would be great if we knew nothing about Auto-RX, but that isn't really the case.

Why wouldn't anything new be learned?

What test listed hasn't already been done?
The test was canceled because the Auto-Rx site (motorcycles) supplied some extensive testing done by Terry Dyson and supplied our needs.

One thing we have discovered going through the data is that the maintenance dose was overlooked by us, meaning we did not pay attention to how well it works until we looked inside an engine with a boroscope that was on the dose for a year. We tried to get pictures but this instrument does not have an adapter that we could get hooked up. It requires an expensive setup that none of us have. From the looks of it all I would start a brand new car on the maintenance dose. Wear particles produced by an engine might be even higher during the first few thousand miles of use and Auto-Rx will get them into solution to be picked up by the filter. We just changed the oil on a brand new Ford Escape at 98 miles and added a maintenance dose. This Escape will be used for delivering documents for banks that have to go overnight around the greater Los Angles area. The last vehicle did 100k miles in 13 month in this kind of service, also an Escape running Motorcraft 5w-20. And the new one will do the same and we will have an unscientific comparison, this time with Auto-Rx.

By the way the test we were proposing might have been different from Spitty because we had a shop involved and would have had three oil analysis' done along with smog testing. I think that would have made the test data more acceptable to those that are new to the product. Sorry I stirred things up and pulled the test. I guess we are beyond needing any new info. Auto-Rx works and for what it does it's a bargain. I just wonder when Auto-Rx will go main stream. The market waters have been muddied up a bit by cheap-shot artists but maybe this gestation period with Auto-Rx will serve it well moving on to bigger and better things.
Has auto rx attempted to go mainstream? If that was their desire, why aren't they pushing to use "standard" 3000 mile intervals and why such limited marketing to a mainstream (not BITOG) audience?
By nature, BITOGERS are a captive, and willing, audience.

To go mainstream, it would take large capital investments in marketing strategies, research, and media. You'd have to use promotional absortion on shows like the Power Block on Spike, and Two Guys and Dream Car on the Speed Channel. And probably buy naming rights to a sports stadium or two, like the new Lucas Oil stadium in Indianapolis.
Originally Posted By: BarkerMan
The test was canceled because the Auto-Rx site (motorcycles) supplied some extensive testing done by Terry Dyson and supplied our needs.

One thing we have discovered going through the data is that the maintenance dose was overlooked by us, meaning we did not pay attention to how well it works until we looked inside an engine with a boroscope that was on the dose for a year. We tried to get pictures but this instrument does not have an adapter that we could get hooked up. It requires an expensive setup that none of us have. From the looks of it all I would start a brand new car on the maintenance dose. Wear particles produced by an engine might be even higher during the first few thousand miles of use and Auto-Rx will get them into solution to be picked up by the filter. We just changed the oil on a brand new Ford Escape at 98 miles and added a maintenance dose. This Escape will be used for delivering documents for banks that have to go overnight around the greater Los Angles area. The last vehicle did 100k miles in 13 month in this kind of service, also an Escape running Motorcraft 5w-20. And the new one will do the same and we will have an unscientific comparison, this time with Auto-Rx.

By the way the test we were proposing might have been different from Spitty because we had a shop involved and would have had three oil analysis' done along with smog testing. I think that would have made the test data more acceptable to those that are new to the product. Sorry I stirred things up and pulled the test. I guess we are beyond needing any new info. Auto-Rx works and for what it does it's a bargain. I just wonder when Auto-Rx will go main stream. The market waters have been muddied up a bit by cheap-shot artists but maybe this gestation period with Auto-Rx will serve it well moving on to bigger and better things.

Did you compare it to a engine using non-ARX with a boroscope?
In my eys ARX is not mainstream since I still wonder if it is needed. Case in point, millions of engines have run fine without it.
I was hoping Auto-Rx would back such a test as the one you were intending to run. I am aware of the motorcycle test, but 2 tests are better than 1, right? 3 tests are even better...
The more testing done, using a variety of vehicle types and mileage, the better. Must just be me...
Auto-Rx works and for what it does it's a bargain. I just wonder when Auto-Rx will go main stream. The market waters have been muddied up a bit by cheap-shot artists but maybe this gestation period with Auto-Rx will serve it well moving on to bigger and better things.

Would be great for Frank and all involved to reap the financial rewards that going mainstream might provide. But I strongly suspect the market would soon react with cheaper knock-off products, without the clean/rinse cycles, claiming as good as or better results. And almost certainly for less money.

Then its decision time. Would the market continue to support a premium product, or would ARX be forced to compete by reducing margins or even modifying the product? Who knows?

From my selfish, satisfied perspective, I lean toward them occupying the excellent niche market they have created with a solid, premium product.

Have you opened and read all of Dyson tests ? RMS 3-Brian C-dnewton3 and many more.These are tests by knowledgeable people.

There is no better test than on Cycle-Rx Test 2 there is nothing of substance left to r&d as far as cleaning & rinsing an engine, stopping a seal leak, heavy oil burning, sludge.

Everyone missed the Auto-Rx Maintenace Application no one tested it or documented the benefits.

Levi wish i could share what is going on. Thanks
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