Are you aging

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Pterostilbene has helped me with some issues but at best it is rather subtle.
Good but not great. I do take it with Grape Seed Extract.
Quality is more important than quantity with these supplements.
Dummy me thought it was our environment.
Yes many supplements are worthless or of low quality- that is a given.
But what you posted is not without spin.
Stress probably kills as many people as diet does and so on.
All the skinny vegans I knew are dead..... most died of heart problems.
More fad/junk science from the pill popping supplement and prescription crowd. No amount of pills or supplements are going to reverse decades of poor health because of fast/processed/junk foods and a lack of exercise. Here's a thought-put down the computer mouse or smart phone and go get some exercise. Then prepare a healthy meal full of nutrition and nutrients and devoid of processed or junk food. Start when you're young and do it on a daily basis; you'll really appreciate the benefits when you're in your 60's or 70's and you're watching people 20 or 30 years younger than you suffer from all sorts of maladies that could have been prevented. You'll be able to chuckle when people in your same age group are downing handfuls of pills every day, and extolling the virtues of garbage like statins or metformin.

Or you could just be like the undisciplined majority and wind up with all sorts of health problems as you age, as well as being a perpetual drag on the health care system. Sit around and read articles about the next "magic" elixir or pill that "science" claims will be the next big "blockbuster". The choice is yours.
None of what you preach beats heredity...........
Look up the story of Jim Corea- Nobody lived a better life than him. Sure he made it to 63 but he should have made it to a 100 going by your theory. He took care of himself because he knew heredity would get him. I knew him personally.
Like the men in my family, they all dropped in their 40-50's.
Just like what I went through. The docs all told me you weren't going to escape this with a special kind of lifestyle.
Hey it helps- but in the end when its your time no leafy greens are going to save you...... Jim Fixx anyone?

Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
More fad/junk science from the pill popping supplement and prescription crowd. No amount of pills or supplements are going to reverse decades of poor health because of fast/processed/junk foods and a lack of exercise. Here's a thought-put down the computer mouse or smart phone and go get some exercise. Then prepare a healthy meal full of nutrition and nutrients and devoid of processed or junk food. Start when you're young and do it on a daily basis; you'll really appreciate the benefits when you're in your 60's or 70's and you're watching people 20 or 30 years younger than you suffer from all sorts of maladies that could have been prevented. You'll be able to chuckle when people in your same age group are downing handfuls of pills every day, and extolling the virtues of garbage like statins or metformin.

Or you could just be like the undisciplined majority and wind up with all sorts of health problems as you age, as well as being a perpetual drag on the health care system. Sit around and read articles about the next "magic" elixir or pill that "science" claims will be the next big "blockbuster". The choice is yours.
I am quite a bit younger than most guys my age ...
Chuckle at others health misfortunes even if self inflicted? It seems a healthy diet/exercise/no junk food has no cure for.....

Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
More fad/junk science from the pill popping supplement and prescription crowd. No amount of pills or supplements are going to reverse decades of poor health because of fast/processed/junk foods and a lack of exercise. Here's a thought-put down the computer mouse or smart phone and go get some exercise. Then prepare a healthy meal full of nutrition and nutrients and devoid of processed or junk food. Start when you're young and do it on a daily basis; you'll really appreciate the benefits when you're in your 60's or 70's and you're watching people 20 or 30 years younger than you suffer from all sorts of maladies that could have been prevented. You'll be able to chuckle when people in your same age group are downing handfuls of pills every day, and extolling the virtues of garbage like statins or metformin.

Or you could just be like the undisciplined majority and wind up with all sorts of health problems as you age, as well as being a perpetual drag on the health care system. Sit around and read articles about the next "magic" elixir or pill that "science" claims will be the next big "blockbuster". The choice is yours.
Pop, not everyone with health conditions has a poor exercise/poor diet situation. There are people who exercise, and eat strict diets, and have hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes. These conditions must be treated medically.

Granted i'll give you that plenty of people do not exercise and do visit the drive through often. And i agree that we have a pill popping society.

It just silly to stereotype everyone on medication into your category.
Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
More fad/junk science from the pill popping supplement and prescription crowd.

Ummm, this article was in Scientific American
Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
More fad/junk science from the pill popping supplement and prescription crowd. No amount of pills or supplements are going to reverse decades of poor health because of fast/processed/junk foods and a lack of exercise. Here's a thought-put down the computer mouse or smart phone and go get some exercise. Then prepare a healthy meal full of nutrition and nutrients and devoid of processed or junk food. Start when you're young and do it on a daily basis; you'll really appreciate the benefits when you're in your 60's or 70's and you're watching people 20 or 30 years younger than you suffer from all sorts of maladies that could have been prevented. You'll be able to chuckle when people in your same age group are downing handfuls of pills every day, and extolling the virtues of garbage like statins or metformin.

Or you could just be like the undisciplined majority and wind up with all sorts of health problems as you age, as well as being a perpetual drag on the health care system. Sit around and read articles about the next "magic" elixir or pill that "science" claims will be the next big "blockbuster". The choice is yours.

Sure "expert". Keep doing what makes you happy the most influential factor in one's health is genetics. If you are half as healthy you claim to be you should be praising the Lord everyday because you are truly blessed. Because the majority of people no matter how strict they are with diet and exercise they will never be as fortunate as you. I am writing you this as I enjoy my chard, kale, spinach, and pineapple juice I blended myself.
Please, if there's spin in I'd love to know about it. Where is it exactly? Show me 1 example.

Why doesn't your doctor know about this? Because your doctor spent 10 years going to school to learn to treat disease with drugs, surgery, and chemo. You'r doctor doesn't want to have anything to do with preventing or curing diseases through lifestyle. If they ever even get wind of it, they walk the other way as quickly as possible.

Where's the spin? And where are all these vegans dropping dead of heart attacks? What about the abysmal and disgusting state of health of the average American? Since only 1% are vegan I guess it couldn't be due to a vegan diet. Could it have anything to do with the average American diet? Why does the peer review science say that 14 of the 15 leading killers , including cardio, are caused by diet? All my family died of cardio. Completely preventable and reversible.
Originally Posted By: Marco620
I gave up soda and cigarettes while back and feel better. Now I am eating better but the problem is that its costing more.

That is probably the biggest issue I have found with eating healthier. The high quality stuff just costs more. But when think back to the days of paying $1 for a bean burrito for lunch, you were just shifting the REAL cost of it to the future when a lifetime of eating dollar meals catches up to you.

I hope to see more people start gardening and grinding their own grains. This would be the most cost effective way to eat healthy since you can guarantee quality.
I just gave you two celebrities and personal family members.
Its okay if this is what you want to believe. So be it and God bless you.
I guess most doctors can't think for themselves.

Just like the people that believe solely in holistic cures and avoid life saving prescriptions because they have
been sold a bill of goods. For every paper you throw my way I can throw one back. Most of what you read on the net is agenda written slop. Why don't you visit a morgue and do some research and maybe its not full of fat obese slobs.
Just maybe hardcore drug use, cigarettes, and alcohol factor into the mix and in that case what would a vegan diet with exercise gain you? Just about nothing especially when its sprayed to the hilt with pesticides and horse c-rap
with handlers that have a nice Hepatitis infection.

Organic, yeah I seen first hand that scam. And I do agree everything in moderation- yeah I can't argue that. But if you are a product of bad genetics, you're pretty much screwed- fat or skinny.

Originally Posted By: NibbanaBanana
Please, if there's spin in I'd love to know about it. Where is it exactly? Show me 1 example.

Why doesn't your doctor know about this? Because your doctor spent 10 years going to school to learn to treat disease with drugs, surgery, and chemo. You'r doctor doesn't want to have anything to do with preventing or curing diseases through lifestyle. If they ever even get wind of it, they walk the other way as quickly as possible.

Where's the spin? And where are all these vegans dropping dead of heart attacks? What about the abysmal and disgusting state of health of the average American? Since only 1% are vegan I guess it couldn't be due to a vegan diet. Could it have anything to do with the average American diet? Why does the peer review science say that 14 of the 15 leading killers , including cardio, are caused by diet? All my family died of cardio. Completely preventable and reversible.
Now that I think about it, that write up sort of read like our tune in can products read.
Originally Posted By: dave1251
Keep doing what makes you happy the most influential factor in one's health is genetics.

Yep. We can improve our odds through nutrition and exercise, but unless we do something monumentally stupid (i.e. eating oneself to 500 lbs or taking way too many dangerous substances such as drugs), genetics will be the limiting factor. The problem we have today is that in the interest of public awareness and public service, things are demonized to the point that those peddling the information act as if we're guaranteed a short, painful life if we smoke tobacco or don't get proper exercise or ideal food. Yes, it helps to avoid those risk factors, but the real numbers get lost in the shuffle.
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