are ford escort motors sludge prone?

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Mar 27, 2005
i am working on my sisters 99 escort wih 157k miles on it. i pulled the valve cover today and it was about as sludged up as you can get. black goo everywhere. i ased her what oil she uses. she gave me a blank stare. that's all i got out of her before she went to the airport. i drove the car around. its got decent power but it runs awfully rough. almost stalls at stop lights in gear. (its an automatic) i will be going to the j-yard on monday and stripping a 97 escort for parts to give to her. anybody have any suggestions on what not to overlook?
I'm really only familiar with earlier Escorts that had the 1.9 engine. On those engines I would recommend regular maintenance / replacement of the valve cover breather foam element and the PVC valve. At this point the engine is probably going to consume some oil so check the dipstick now and again.

With that many miles I'd change out the fuel filter and try some fuel system cleaner. Do the spark plugs and wires need to be changed?

Are you going to AutoRx the engine?
Be careful about cleaning out an engine that you do nt own. ARX would probably improve things. However you have to be on top of monitoring certain things. On the clean phase You should not go over 1500 on that OCI. Even then if it loosens a lot of crud, the filter can go into bypass mode and it could consume oil quickly. You should ask yourself. Is she going to check the oil every fillup or give you another blank stare?
Twice is nice. My first hand advice is "Monitor the oil." If it starts using it. Change the oil filter and top off. Then finish the recommended OCI on ARX whether it's a clean or rinse cycle.
she had the timing belt break on her 2 years ago i the middle of nowhere. no engine damage. thanks for the escort owners group. it'll be handy.
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