April 8th 2024 total solar eclipse

I have to take my 3-yr-old son to a checkup at the pediatrician tomorrow.

Thinking about taking him and driving a couple of hrs up into KY to watch the eclipse.
My area in Texas is gonna be crazy - but I can see it great from my back horse pasture so I will be home when this occurs!
We will have totality where we live, so we'll be looking on from our driveway. We're going into town tomorrow to listen to astronaut Mike Massimino speak, enjoy a little of the festivities, and then head home before it starts. We went yesterday to listen to a presentation from NASA.
Hopefully, the cloud cover stays away until it's over. It's predicted to start coming in with rain/storm chances tomorrow night into Tuesday. (Unless the forecast has changed since I last looked.)
I'm excited to see it, we went to Missouri in 2017 and had a great time. It truly is something to witness!
A local school district near me in central Ohio, Upper Arlington Schools, has staffing issues because of today's eclipse and closed all schools. I'm waiting on my younger sis to come over around 8 and we'll head up to our parents.

We're in a spot with 99.8% totality...but that's not going to cut it.
16 miles away is Port Henry, NY. where the state roads, Rts. 9N/22 rise above Lake Champlain.

LOCATION NOTE: An interesting visual reference can be seen in the movie, "What Lies Beneath". Harrison Ford is shown sailing a small boat beneath the old Chimney Point Bridge. The Depression era classic was replaced in 2011.
Port Henry is visible high on the hill in the background.
The ruinous Fort St. Frederick, on the NY side, is extremely nifty to see especially when compared to the faithfully restored Fort Ticonderoga just a dozen miles to the south.
Go here:
So glad I have to drive south to get to work, I93 had a 6 mile backup. I'm sure everyone commuting north just loved that...
We're in a spot with 99.8% totality...but that's not going to cut it.
16 miles away is Port Henry, NY. where the state roads, Rts. 9N/22 rise above Lake Champlain.

We are neighbors, cheers!

I reside very close to that area.
A local school district near me in central Ohio, Upper Arlington Schools, has staffing issues because of today's eclipse and closed all schools. I'm waiting on my younger sis to come over around 8 and we'll head up to our parents.
My son's school board was proactive, schools are open for educator professional development only; classes are cancelled. Furthermore, the volume of cars heading to the Niagara region was astounding at 7:30am.
I feel kind of bad for the people who have driven long distances, or flown into Dallas to watch this phenomenon. It's very cloudy and borderline foggy here. Hope it clears up by noon. I'm afraid there's going to be something stupid like a riot if these people Don't see the eclipse happen.
We are supposed to get 80% here I think. Every district in this area canceled school except my county so my mom was beyond mad she had to work today lol. But they are taking the kids outside to see it. At work they told us we won’t be allowed to waste time looking at it but I’m still going out there I didn’t buy the glasses for nothing. I brought in extra glasses at my work and got laughed at cause everyone thinks it’s childish to care about an eclipse so at least I’ve got some for the next one lol.
I saw it, we had 100% coverage. I spotted Venus and Jupiter. The frogs started making noise during totality but quickly stopped when the sun started to reappear.