Anyone Upgrade to Windows 11 Yet?


$100 site donor 2022
Jul 22, 2010
My Windows 10 computer says it's ready to upgrade to Windows 11 if I want to hit the "Upgrade" button. Not sure when I'll do it until I hear some feedback from some users.

Anyone here running Windiws 11 yet? If so, what do you think?
I did a while back on a PC that didn't check all the boxes for the Win 11 upgrade. Dell XPS 8920 with an I7 7th generation chip. It works well, I like it better than Win 10, although imo it wasn't what I consider a major upgrade. Win 10 on the PC I upgraded made me a Windows hater, it sucked! I'm liking it a little more now.
I did a while back on a PC that didn't check all the boxes for the Win 11 upgrade. Dell XPS 8920 with an I7 7th generation chip. It works well, I like it better than Win 10, although imo it wasn't what I consider a major upgrade. Win 10 on the PC I upgraded made me a Windows hater, it sucked! I'm liking it a little more now.
What part of the update makes you like it a little better now?
What part of the update makes you like it a little better now?
Long story short for me it's faster on my computer, and it isn't crashing, freezing up, or giving me problems like Win 10 did. I was very close to going to Linux Cinnamon on this machine and being done with Windows for good, however there are a few things I still needed Windows for so I stuck it out. I'm actually considering switching my wife's laptop from Cinnamon to Win 11. That will be a winter project because it is quite old and probably will be very time consuming if it can be done at all.
I don't like the default bottom centered placement of the start menu-taskbar in Windows 11. You can change the placement to the left easily.
For whatever reason, the colors and brightness in certain scenes when playing video's look better on Windows 11.
I been using Windows 11 for a few months in Parallels on my work Intel Mac. No issues at all. I like the center-location of the task bar since it's more Mac-like and it makes more sense.

I have also been messing around with the ARM version of Win11 in Parallels on my home M1 MacBook Pro - they seem equivalent in every way and no issues although this is part of the MS Insiders program and they have not committed to continued development of the ARM version of Win11. I hope they do as I'd love to get an M1 Mac for work too - my Intel Mac mini is only 3 years old but spends most of the day with the CPU at 200F and the fans blowing 100% - don't know that's going to go the distance.
I don't like the default bottom centered placement of the start menu-taskbar in Windows 11. You can change the placement to the left easily.
For whatever reason, the colors and brightness in certain scenes when playing video's look better on Windows 11.
I moved it to the left also, and did some tweaks. I'm quite pleased with it, it's a step in the right direction. I ran a command in Powershell and removed all of the what I consider garbage apps/programs packed with it and left only the Store. I'm using the computer I upgraded a lot more now.
Recently installed 11 of desktop and laptop. So far no issues. Add me to the not a fan of the center placement start menu items.
I installed Windows 11 on an Intel NUC and a new but bottom-end cheapo laptop and both went off without a hitch. My wife just bough a Surface Pro 8 with 11 so we'll see how she gets along with it.

It's certainly prettier but is, like always, basically just Windows in a new wrapper and is easy enough to get used to. Only real gripe is the new Start menu. Microsoft has been trying to kill it for years and I don't understand why. Moving it back to the left is easy enough to do but having pinned favorites and recent programs/items as the first thing that comes up is dumb. I'm apparently the only person on the planet wo doesn't mind clicking on what I want to run from a list of programs that's presented to me. If I wanted a quick way to run something I'd make a shortcut on the desktop or pin it to the task bar. It just doesn't make any sense to not have that option especially since that was the main reason why so many people hated Windows 8 and Microsoft begrudgingly fixed it with Windows 8.1. So here they go again changing to something new and not giving the end user the ability to change it back.

Hey Microsoft! There's nothing at all wrong with the traditional Start menu that's been around since the Windows NT/95 days. There's a reason why you get so much pushback when you change it: People like it! You haven't been able to improve it significantly in 25 years so please stop screwing with it!
My Windows 10 computer says it's ready to upgrade to Windows 11 if I want to hit the "Upgrade" button. Not sure when I'll do it until I hear some feedback from some users.

Anyone here running Windows 11 yet? If so, what do you think?
laptop yes, so far it is flawless and noticeably faster, BUT it is not compatible with my desktop because of the TPM 2.0 requirement

I'm a Microsoft beta tester and have been running W11 for almost a year. It's fast, stable, but annoying that MS has to change things (like the Start menu) for no reason other than to change things. A good build, but annoying that I have to learn the "in and outs" AGAIN.
If she's comfortable with Linux I wouldn't bother. I gave up on Windows when XP died a slow death.
.....sooooooo you really have no idea about recent windows builds....hard to give advice then.

I hate Windows and only use it at work because I have no choice but even I can say it has come a long way in the past few years. I really haven't had any issues in years.
I was a Windows only user up until Win 10 came out. I work in IT and worked in mainly Windows environments, but I have to say Win 10 really ruined it for me. My main everyday use computers including my work laptop are now Macbooks. Don't get me wrong, Apple has it's own problems, but I've never seen so many problems caused by updates like Windows 10. We have a few computers at work on Win 11, and it's okay, but too early to tell if it is an improvement.