Please dont see this as an attack on Amsoil product nor its company but is there a reason why they dont have factory fill in any vehicle, or its rare avaliability in dealerships?
I have no doubt that Amsoil is an excellent product, but the number of whackos that peddled the stuff in the past has to have hurt their reputation as a serious business.quote:
Originally posted by Pablo:
It's all about the $. I'm sure if Amsoil could see a return and had the huge megabux they would go factory fill as well. But it has zero to do with quality.
God don't I wish.quote:
Originally posted by XS650:
Did Amsoil tighten up their dealer standards over the past few years?
Thanks for making my point MS. It takes an inferior product to get into the bus....quote:
Since the Amsoil XL7500 came out you are seeing more Amsoil in dealerships
You nailed it, and that's the reason I suck at sales. Maybe the fact that my "real job" takes 12 hours a day helps tooquote:
Face to face is really the only way the product will sell.
You know, I always wondered why I have never seen a true retail outlet for Amosil products and actually have considered looking into the feasibility of it. However, you have got to sell one humungous amount of product just to pay the rent on a retail store front never mind ins. etc. to break even. If you have seen a store front Amsoil shop, not a part of a garage, independent mechanic, quick lube etc. where have you seen it???? I don't mean a NAPA store or AutoZOne etc but an Amsoil only retail store? Seems like setting up your own quick lube using Amosil as well as selling it to the do it your selfers as well as sining up as many independents, quick lubes etc. may be the ideal marketing plan?quote:
Originally posted by msparks:
I think it is catching on more and more, with the retail program where dealers set up retail establishments to sell the products for them, more and more people don't have to go to someones garage(BTW I have NO AMSOIL in my garage)Hope this answers some of the questions
Sorry if I confused you, I've never seen an Amsoil only retail establishment. By Retail, I'm mean the dealer sets up shops like the NAPA, quick lubes, and other stores to carry the product. This is what really ligitamizes the product. warehousing in your garage does not, I would never do this and if I had to I would not be a dealer.quote:
Originally posted by Spector:
You know, I always wondered why I have never seen a true retail outlet for Amosil products and actually have considered looking into the feasibility of it. However, you have got to sell one humungous amount of product just to pay the rent on a retail store front never mind ins. etc. to break even. If you have seen a store front Amsoil shop, not a part of a garage, independent mechanic, quick lube etc. where have you seen it???? [/QB]