6 Cops in Freddie Gray Death Now Facing Charges

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$100 Site Donor 2023
Nov 14, 2008
Apparently the arrest was illegal, they restrained his arms and legs then laid him face down on the floor of the van. They didn't administer any first aid or call for medical attention once discovering he was injured. The DA listed off a number of violated laws and policies committed by the police in this case.

I listened to the City Attorney on a live stream here at work. That timeline of events is pretty [censored] in my opinion.

It will be interesting to read of the other evidence as this goes to trial since they did not share that information, and rightfully so.

I just hope this doesn't lead to "celebratory" riots.
An absolute outrage that these officers were charged, let alone charged with murder. They will absolutely 100% get exonerated at trial and then the city can burn again.

Not buckling up a combative prisoner does not equate to being arrested for murder. These are policy violations at most. What a freaking joke.

I sincerely hope and pray that the entire Baltimore police force quits.
Originally Posted By: bubbatime
An absolute outrage that these officers were charged, let alone charged with murder. They will absolutely 100% get exonerated at trial and then the city can burn again.

Not buckling up a combative prisoner does not equate to being arrested for murder. These are policy violations at most. What a freaking joke.

I sincerely hope and pray that the entire Baltimore police force quits.

Curious question,

Where does the lack of providing medical attention when it was apparently necessary fall into this? This seems to be a very large point associated with this case.

I cannot comment on any of the actual charges as I don't know what specifically constitutes the basis for applying certain charges to a case.
To me the biggest issue seems to be they put him in handcuffs and leg shackles, then tossed him on the floor of the van unrestrained. If that results in someone's death, they shouldn't be charged?
Originally Posted By: racer12306
Curious question,

Where does the lack of providing medical attention when it was apparently necessary fall into this? This seems to be a very large point associated with this case.

If you were a cop for just one year and made 100 arrest, about 15 of those people would be screaming for medical attention and at least 5 of them would be faking that they were unconscious. Intoxicated criminals act irrationally and are often not cooperative. They probably thought that he was acting out, just like hundreds of other arrestees do every year. ONCE they realized that he was in actual distress and wasn't faking, they summonsed an ambulance.

The seat belt policy requiring all arrestees to be seat belted was ONLY 9 DAYS OLD. Most of the supervisors haven't even went over the new policy with their officers yet. Not to mention it is almost impossible to seat belt in an upright position a person who is non compliant and just laying there, as Freddy Gray was.

Even then, a seat belt policy violation does not equal arresting six officers and charging them with MURDER. It's absolutely absurd and makes a complete mockery of the criminal justice system.

It's unfortunate he dies, but Freddy Gray has to share some responsibility in his death (non-compliant, banging his dead repeatedly into the cage)
Alas, the common warpage of facts,
stultifying repetition of "news cycles" with their sensationalism,
the unavoidable overlay of racism,
the unavoidable outrage over property damage,
the chance of "case specific politicization" of the justice system and
solidification of the "city vs. country" mentality in this country will combine to make this another tragic episode which will just fade away with time.

Raise gas prices 5 cents and you'll forget all about it.

The dirty, dirty politics of distraction is really what we've come to live with and leaders the worldover know it.
This is the bigger part of what's wrong with America in my opinion.

Pick a side, root for it like a football team, forget it like last year's game. Kira
Fine with me let process happen. Hopefully a reasonable fair verdict comes out (doubt all 6 guilty just a few) that will pacify the city.

For the folks who post that lame arrest record, I don't really see anything violent in it but maybe I am missing something?
Sacrifice 6 cops to appease the thug anarchists and maybe keep Baltimore from burning? No problem.

All I'll say is.....

Listen, actually listen to ALL of what she has to say & how she says it. Oh my. Then comment.
Originally Posted By: Turk
All I'll say is.....

Listen, actually listen to ALL of what she has to say. Then comment.

Agreed. I listened to it live. You need to hear the ENTIRE timeline from her mouth, not one that is transcribed by a news outlet, to hear the true story. It sounds like there was a whole lot of wrong that occurred.

However, there is more evidence that will be presented at trial from both sides and true judgement cannot be made until it's all presented in the court of law.
racer12306: did you hear her say comments like: "and to the young people, this is our time."

It shouldn't be about "our time", or sound like a "witch hunt", it should be about
what actually happened and go from there.

There was A LOT of that in the speech........
I agree. I did not like that portion. If someone did wrong, then they did wrong. They should not be used as a scape goat for some other reason or be made example of on such a severe level if they did not do wrong.

At this point, it is for the jury to decide. Could be a difficult time selecting a jury.
Originally Posted By: racer12306
Agreed. I listened to it live. You need to hear the ENTIRE timeline from her mouth, not one that is transcribed by a news outlet, to hear the true story. It sounds like there was a whole lot of wrong that occurred.

Sure. Policy violations. Not murder. Not manslaughter. Not negligent homicide. Not even close.
Originally Posted By: Brigadier
Sacrifice 6 cops to appease the thug anarchists and maybe keep Baltimore from burning? No problem.


How many convictions did they get? Arrests don't mean a thing.

Cops everywhere must learn that they need to stop tuning people up.
Originally Posted By: bubbatime
Originally Posted By: racer12306
Agreed. I listened to it live. You need to hear the ENTIRE timeline from her mouth, not one that is transcribed by a news outlet, to hear the true story. It sounds like there was a whole lot of wrong that occurred.

Sure. Policy violations. Not murder. Not manslaughter. Not negligent homicide. Not even close.

And that is for the jury to decide. That's all that can really be said right now. The charges are there. There is more evidence. We all just have to wait.

I want them to be innocent, but the evidence and the jury will make that determination.
A big part of the problem is that we have contracted law enforcement to various police agencies. Victims can only resist crime in a defensive manner. Any resistance beyond that is subject to criminal prosecution.

In the community I live we have a large homeless problem because of our yearound Mediterranean climate. Aggressive panhandling is becoming more common where pedestrians are being blocked on sidewalks and cash demanded of them. An 18 woman store clerk was punched in the face for no reason while she was helping a homeless man who was seemingly interested in making a purchase. Just yesterday a homeless person punched a store owner in the face while he stood on the sidewalk. The homeless person demanded he get off the sidewalk because it was his property. About 6 months ago a homeless person was walking up to middle-aged women and punching them squarely on the face, knocking one of them completely unconscious.

What did the police do? After a short stay in jail they let each one of them back out in the community because the homeless in our liberal enclave are considered the real victims. It's not the police who want them freed, it's our local city council.

What do you think would happen if citizens were allowed to defend themselves rather than passively accept this kind fate? Take it a step further, suppose you return home and find your wife being assaulted. Would you call the police before taking your own action? I most certainly wouldn't and an already terrible situation would get worse. Much worse - for the perpetrator.

Originally Posted By: turtlevette

How many convictions did they get? Arrests don't mean a thing.

Cops everywhere must learn that they need to stop tuning people up.

Yea I get arrested several times a year. Would you trust this guy with your female significant other?
Expensive way to get rid of him, but I'm glad he is off the streets and off the planet.
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Cops can do wrong, happens all the time. They forget there are rules and protocol with their job, and they sometimes get derailed in the heat of the moment and their position of authority. Cops that fall into that trap are not professional law enforcement. That's how it seems to be these days ... and it seems to be getting worse with time. If there was wrong doing here, the trials and courts will hopefully find the truth and go from there accordingly.
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