2nd Fram Ultra in a row with holes in the crimp

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Staff member
Aug 20, 2003
This is the previous thread where I found holes in the crimp:

These defective filters were bought at different times, about 6 months apart, one from Amazon and one from a local Walmart. This helps to demonstrate that this is not a small or isolated problem.

Because of this pattern of defective filters, I will permanently switch to another brand. I do have one Fram Ultra left, which I will cut and inspect.

This filter was in service in the Durango for almost exactly 5,000 miles, from August 27th, 2023 to November 11, 2023. It makes me cringe to know that this is the second defective filter in a row. So very disappointing.

I will attempt to contact Fram again, but the first time my inquiry fell into a black hole.


Well, You might have seen my tune lately... Get a Boss & the spec sheet 😀 Or perhaps a Premium Guard/Microgard Select from Oreilly's? And thanks for bringing this issue to the forum. To have it happen twice 6 months apart from two different sources is a problem.
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The area of the crimp is not supposed to flow oil, well because it's folded over on itself. In the operation of the filter in order for anything to flow through the holes, these would have to exist on each side of the crimp and be perfectly lined up. So when you split the crimped area, and it shows holes, you are opening up something that was closed when installed in the filter?

Or did you find the crimped area split open by itself when the filter was opened up?
Well, You might have seen my tune lately... Get a Boss & the spec sheet 😀. And thanks for bringing this issue to the forum. To have it happen twice 6 months apart from two different sources is a problem.
Those CHAMP PH 2835’s I’m using are looking better and better every day 😱

Luckily I don’t have any ULTRA’s just a Wndurance I’ll put on Focus soon.
I don’t think this is good news for Fram. I have been wrong. I hope the OP hears a honest explanation from a person at Fram also.
Because of the lack of reports of defective Champion filters. They might not have the best Beta ratios, but they at least don't seem to be defective in any great number.
I’m definitely not disputing Wayne’s evidence, nor his choice to switch manufacturers. But 2 is hardly a “great number”. Certainly doesn’t hurt to be cautious, but remember even “world class” manufacturing has somewhere around 3.4 defects per million opportunities.

In my mind, this kind of showcases the brilliance of the HPL fleet method of 5k filter changes on 15 or 20k OCIs. Even if you had one of those filters be defective, the chance of two in a row being defective as well becomes quite astronomical, and therefore overall risk to the engine falls when compared to a single 20k rated filter for the entire OCI.

But yes, it’s not good press for Fram, and now with the board kicking into high alert, we may see some more failures. Time will tell 👍🏻
Did the assembled seam unfold and come apart easily? Was there any glue at all holding it together, or was it just "pressed" together without any glue? I've never seen a seam that doesn't use a metal crimp not have any glue on the seam.
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